19. 10 am - Tree Hill, North Carolina- December 25th

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I looked at the book that Mia had given me yesterday before she went to sleep. Before we all left. I opened it, looking at the inscription again. Some words where a bit blurred, from what I can only think are tear stains.

"Dear Dad, I hope you get this one day and when you do, I hope you realize what a monumental fuck up you are. But I guess so am I. I just realized I'm secretly an idiot," I read aloud. I paused for a second before going on, " I'm secretly an idiot for thinking that you would want anything to do with me because I'm an author like you. Writing a book won't change anything, you don't want me." Peyton looked at me.

"Let me introduce myself," I read, "My name is Evelyn Mia Strauss and today is my 14th birthday. I should be sharing my birthday with my brother Paul, but he died a few days after we were born. Maybe if you had been their he'd be alive. Maybe none of what has been happening at home would be if you were here, but you're not because you're living the high life with a family of your own. I googled you. A wife, a kid, and no room for a bastard from a failed relationship, like myself.

I used all my birthday candles wishing that you would appear. Miraculously walking through the front door as if you'd just come from a long expedition in Antarctica or an Adventure where you saved a bunch of people. I wasted all those wishes on you to come, for as long as I can remember. But today, I'm not wishing for you, because you won't come and you never will. I'm done wishing for a father, I'm done wishing for my father.

From the daughter you left behind,

Evelyn Mia Strauss."

Peyton and I were silent for a long time.

"There's a lot of teen angst and anger in there. But we already know that because it's still how she feels now," Peyton said.

"Yeah, but I did this. I knew about the her, I just chose to turn away," I said.

We stayed in bed for a while before going to make breakfast and opening presents. Sawyer smiled and hugged us. She gave me a "the book was better" t-shirt and got Peyton a necklace with all our names on it. When done, we watched some TV before getting ready to go to the Cafe for family brunch. I know that Barry is bringing the girls over.

 I know that Barry is bringing the girls over

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Zebulon opened the door of the cafe for AJ, Lena, and I. Uncle Barry let me drive since he and Audrey stayed at the hospital with mom. I carried in the cast iron pan. Zeb closed the door and Haley smiled as she saw all of us.

"You didn't have to bring anything," Haley said.

"Mom, told us you never come in empty handed," Lena said. Haley smiled taking the Quiche Lorraine.

"It's a bacon, ham, spinach, and cheese Quiche Lorraine," I explained. She put on the table and motioned for us to sit down.

"Did you see your mom?" Nate asked. I nodded.

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