17. 9 pm - Tree Hill, North Carolina- December 23rd - Mia POV

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Mom's asleep she's been a little tired lately. I blame that crazy author she's working with. It's a great story, but they don't want to split the book into two. No one in their right mind publishes there first book with like two hundred thousand words. Most books are barely a hundred thousand words. Unless you're J.K. Rowling

"Mia," I heard AJ say as I concentrated on putting the final touches to my Christmas village. "Jesus Mia."

"Hold on," I stated and put the tweezers for the tree away

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"Hold on," I stated and put the tweezers for the tree away. "Yeah."

"Ohh, uhh, shit I forgot."

"Don't let mom hear you swear. You're still an angel," I said sarcastically as I lay on my bed.

"I see Harry potter didn't make the bookshelf," AJ said.

"Hogwarts doesn't fit on the shelf," I explained. I heard some feet dragging and rolled my eyes at Lena's antics. I then heard a big thud and some more thuds, like something had fallen down the stairs.

"Lena," I mumbled quickly and got up. I looked over the railing. "MOM!"

"Mom," I heard AJ question. I went down the stairs and too my mom.

"Mom, Mom," I said as I grabbed her face. "Mom, AJ call 911! Mom!" I tilted her head to the side and took her pulse. She's breathing at least. "Mom, mom please. Mom."

"Mia," AJ said. She handed me the phone and I spoke to the paramedic.

"Yes, she has a pulse, she's breathing...I- I don't know...I don't have a father, just please get here," I stated. The 911 operator stayed on the line with me.

"Whats wrong with Mom?" I looked up the stairs.

"Get your shoes on and a jacket..." I said. Lena just looked at me. I heard AJ run up the stairs.

I ran to the door when there was a knock. The paramedics came in and they asked me some questions. I answered and they took mom. I offered to drive my sisters and I to the hospital, but the police wouldn't let us. I ran upstairs and grabbed my backpack. I emptied the contents on the bed and grabbed a few books, laptop, phone, and chargers. I went downstairs to make sure everything was off. I locked the backdoor before following Lena and AJ out. I locked the door behind me. We got in the Police SUV.

At the hospital a lady spoke to us. She asked for our names and ages and what not. I got up and looked through my phone ignoring her.

"Hello," I heard.

"Hey, Uncle Barry...are...are you home?" I asked feeling the tears in my eyes. I walked down a hall away from everyone.

"Yeah, what's...what's wrong?" he asked.

"Mom," I cried out with a crack in my voice. "She...She fell down the stairs and, and I should have. I should have known something was wrong and, and she's in the hospital, but she wouldn't wake up at home after she fell."

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