28. Around 2 pm -Tree Hill, North Carolina - Wednesday- Hospital Emergency Room

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"What do we got?" a doctor asked loudly.

"Male approximately sixteen years of age, GSW to the left side of the abdomen," The EMT stated as they brought in the gurney out.

"What do we got?" another doctor stated as another ambulance opened its door.

"Female approximately sixteen years of age, GSW to the left shoulder. GSW to right abdomen, she's lost a lot of blood. AB positive," the EMT stated. The boy looked and saw the blonde hair with hardly any tint of the strawberry blonde that she used to be.

"Mia, Mia, is she going to be okay?" he asked

"What the hell did you too do, play with a gun," one of their doctors said.

"No," Zeb stated, "We were shot at school! Is she going to be okay?"

"She's going to be checked on immediately. You're her boyfriend?" Zeb looked around the hospital, before looking at the voice.

"Ex," he answered.

Mia was taken straight to a trauma room. Her shirt cut open. Her bra was going to be cut.

"Wh-what are you doing?" she mumbled.

"We are going to help you," the nurse stated.

"AJ, AJ, is she okay? She was there, did she...did she make it out?" Mia asked tiredly.

"Yes, she's okay," the nurse said not even knowing who AJ was.

An anesthesiologist put a mask over her mouth and nose. Mia was breathing and soon fell asleep. The nurse continued cutting the bra off and then the pants. They kept mid-thigh to her feet covered. They put a cover on her neck as well. They had blood on stand bye for a transfusion. The surgeon looked at everyone. She nodded. She proceeded to create a generous midline incision from xiphoid to below the umbilicus. Immediately blood started to come out. She started to pack the right upper quadrant with lap pads. She with the help of another doctor started to pack other areas of the quadrant.

"Found the bullet. I'm going to clamp the porta hepatis," the doctor stated. The doctor nodded. "Blood flow has slowed." They looked at the heart monitor. She felt around before grabbing the forceps. She kept her fingers where the bullet was. Slowly and carefully she took it out. More blood began to pour out. "Okay, we've got a laceration." She started to pack the liver. The bleeding slowed a bit, but continued. "Sutures," She stated. "Start transfusion, she's losing to much blood."

She began to suture the laceration. The blood flow slowed than stopped. She looked at everyone. She along with the other doctor began to take out the lap pads that wear near the region. The other doctor slowly started to unclamp the porta hepatis. They looked at the sutures. The main doctor began to create more sutures when there was bleeding. They looked again before the two doctors nodded. They took out the lap pad. Nurses counting them.

"Okay, its stopped bleeding," the other doctor stated. She started to check around the liver, gall bladder, and pancreas. "Lucky kid. This could have been much worse. Let's close her up and get started with the shoulder."

They did just that. They sutured up the incision after making sure they took out all lap pads and gauze. With new gloves and instruments, they began on the shoulder. The bullet wounded the supraspinatus tendon. The male doctor was an orthopedic surgeon. He took lead on the surgery. He looked at the muscle. There was a large gap between the edge of the rotator cuff tendon and the humeral head. The surgeon started to do his work only asking for his tools and sutures. He re-attached the tendon to the greater tuberosity of the humeral head with sutures. It wasn't a gaping whole anymore.

"Done," he said. He looked at the other doctor. He took out the gauze and lap pads counting the as well before closing the incision.

"You did good Dr. Cabrera," the woman said. He nodded with a smile.

"You too Dr. Churchill," the man stated. "She's a lucky kid. A lot of things could have gone wrong."

"She's not out of the woods yet, so don't go ruining it," Dr. Churchill said. They covered the girl and left the room.

Outside in the washroom they took the covers off of their shoes. They washed their hands. They exited going towards the waiting room. Dr. Churchill made a quick stop to the locker room. Dr. Churchill changed her scrub shirt. When she walked out Dr. Cabrera was still there. They walked together. Dr. Churchill looked at the patients file.

"Evelyn Mia Strauss," she said. Dr. Cabrera nodded. They entered the waited room.

"Family of Evelyn Strauss," Dr. Churchill stated. Many people stood up. The doctors looked at each other and walked over.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Emma Churchill," Dr. Churchill stated. "I'm the general surgeon that worked on Evelyn."

"I'm her mother, is she okay? Is Mia...is she..."

"She's fine. The bullet wound to her abdomen hit her liver. She did lose a lot of blood, but I was able to stop the bleeding and suture the laceration the bullet caused." Lindsay Strauss took a deep breath in relief.

"I'm Dr. Isaac Cabrera," Dr. Cabrera introduced himself. "She had a bullet wound to her left shoulder. It wounded her supraspinatus tendon which forms a part of the rotator cuff. I reattached the tendon to the humeral head with sutures. She is fine. We did perform a blood transfusion during the surgery, but she is going to be okay. She has a long recovery ahead, but she should be just fine."

"Thank you, thank you," Lindsay Strauss said. Hugging both of them. Lucas shook their hands.

"She is being moved to room on the pediatric floor. We'll have a nurse come down. In the meantime, if you need anything feel free to speak with one of the receptionists. They'll be happy to help and can page me if you have any questions."

They all nodded and sat back down.

"What about the Zebulon? The boy?" Lindsay asked.

"A boy?" Dr. Churchill asked.

"Yes, he was with my daughter. He had a wound near his abdomen as well. Do you know if he's okay?" Lindsay asked.

"Can I get a name?" Dr. Churchill asked.

"Zebulon Rafe Allen," Lindsay stated.

"I'll check on him," Dr. Churchill stated. She and Dr. Cabrera left.

The family waited. Nathan left with Haley taking Sawyer with them. Joseph arrived shortly after. It was just the five of them. Lindsay stood up.

"I need to call Donny and Barry and..."

"I already called them," Joseph stated. Lindsay looked at him. "I called them while I was driving here...They're on their way."

"All of them?" Lindsay asked. Joseph nodded.

"They're taking the company jet," Joseph said.

"Family of Evelyn Strauss," nurse said.

They all stood up. She motioned for them to follow. They got into the elevator to the third floor. The nurse led them to a room. She opened the door and motioned for them to go inside. Lindsay walked in and gasped. There her daughter lay unconscious in the hospital bed. 

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