11. 3:30 PM - Red Bedroom Records - Lindsay POV

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Something is wrong with Mia. She hasn't been the same, since she came home late that day. She won't tell me what happened, but I got a little information from Zeb, a kid in the neighborhood who gets along with the girls. I knew it had something to do with Lucas, but I wasn't so sure until he told me that Mia had informed him that Lucas was basically lying to everyone.

I sighed for a second. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I opened the door and walked in.

"Hi, can I help you with anything?" a receptionist said.

"Yes, where is the main office? I know Lucas Scott is here and I need to speak with him," I stated. She looked at sliding door, but then back at me.

"He's in a meeting," she said and I nodded though I started walking towards it. "You can't go in." I knocked on the door, well more pounded on it.

"Mr. Scott, we need to talk," I stated loudly. I slid open the door and saw that it wasn't just him and Peyton, no Brooke, Nathan, and Haley were in there as well. "Well, look at this. Nice family affair." I walked straight to Lucas and slapped him.

"What the hell, Lindsay," Haley yelled.

"What the hell, I'll tell you what the hell," I stated and looked at Lucas. "You don't get to pretend you're some god damn angel Lucas Scott because you're not. You are a manipulative, Whiny, Selfish, Self-righteous jerk. You are a brooding little asshole who always plays the victim!" I looked at him and laughed for a second, "What am I saying? That's the only role you've ever known to play, The Victim. With me, with your dad, hell, even in high school when you dated Brooke and Peyton. The Victim is the only role you know to play, but don't you dare act like the victim when it comes to my daughter."

"Lindsay," Peyton said and I put my hand up.

"That girl, the one you claim to have never known about is the victim now. Because you told everyone that I never told you, that I never informed you that I was pregnant, that I kept her from you, when you Lucas...You chose not to be in her life, just like Dan chose not to be in yours and now just like Dan you want to know her...I'm sorry if us moving here interrupted your perfect fantasy, but its time you grow up."

"Lindsay, he didn't know," Brooke said. I held up a folder and slammed it on the table.

"Yes, he did. And he chose not to be a father," I said. I saw Nathan grab the folder from the corner of my eye.

"Are these pictures, copies?" Nathan questioned.

"Of the emails, of the letters I sent, of a still frame from a security camera that shows Lucas in my New York Office looking at Mia when she was about 5. Yes," I stated. "Lucas has always known about Mia."

"Lucas told me the truth a few days ago," Peyton said.

"Lindsay," Lucas said.

"No, I'm done taking everyone's shit because you chose to lie. Because you played the victim at our failed wedding. Which must've not hurt you because you moved on pretty quick... You can hate me all you want, but if you ever hurt my daughter again, I will destroy you. I will ruin you Lucas."

"I know, I messed up. I just want to get to know her," he stated.

"Well, I guess now you know what it feels like to be Dan. He just wanted to get to know the child he abandoned too," I said. I turned around to leave.

"Lindsay, you're better than this," Brooke said blocking my exit.

"You're right. But my daughter is in pain right now because of him and his lies. Mr. Scott will only get to know his daughter when she tells me she is ready and it will be when she wants and under our terms, but it won't be right now."

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