15. 1 pm - Wilmington, North Carolina - AJ POV

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I'm not entirely sure what's been going on lately. Mom seems to be on the phone with Mia's real dad at least three times a week. Mia doesn't really talk to him, just says what's up when moms on the phone with him. Mia finished her finals and is on winter break. She's been helping me study and Lena too. Mom seems calmer and so does Mia actually. I know it has something to do with our grandmother. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I know something happened after Mia exploded at the table yelling at her. Mom had to talk with the three of us, explain Mia's outburst, and what she said. I was angry, how could I have been blind to that. Mia explained that she made sure to do her best to make sure Lena and I were blind to it. How could I have not seen it?

"Hey, what's wrong?" I turned my head to Mia. I looked out the window and sighed.

"I'm not sure about this," I said. Mia laughed as she got out of the car.

"I am, let's go," she said. I got out of the car following her into the building.

"Welcome to The Rage Cage," an employee said.

"I don't have rage and we have to be with someone who is over the age of 18," I stated quickly.

"Yeah, that's why I'm here," I heard and saw Uncle Barry.

"Yeah. That's why Uncle Barry is here," Mia stated. She high fived him and I hugged him.

"All right, I need that room for two rager's," Uncle Barry said. The man nodded and Uncle Barry paid.

I looked at Mia as we put on the gear and helmets. Mia grabbed a gold club and I looked around. I grabbed some sort of metal pipe bar. Mia looked around the room and swung the club. She hit a glass bottle. I laughed. She looked at me and I did the same with another. Soon we were both breaking glass bottles, smashing paintings, and electronics. I felt relieved almost. Mia looked at me and we both smashed the tv and printers. When our time was up, I took deep breathes as we left the room. We got out and looked around. We laughed as Uncle Barry was in a room of his own and was playing golf with the bottles. When he was done, we left. Mia followed, driving behind Uncle Barry. We ended up at Crossfire Paintball and Nerf.

We got out and Uncle Barry signed us in. We got our gear and saw that mom and Lena were here already. We each got paintball guns with different colors. We went into the room and the alarm sounded. We each went to different places to hide.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I turned my head to Lena.

"Shut up and stay down," Lena said. We looked around and I heard a paintball hit something.

Soon we were all shooting at each other.

"Oww, damn it Lena," I said.

"Sorry, I was aiming for Mia," she said.

"Yeah, next time just stand in front of the me," I said.

We continued running and playing until our time was up. When done I relaxed outside. Mom handed me water and I sighed.

"Ohh, whoever got you here is good. This is going to hurt tomorrow," Mom said touching my shoulder.

"Yeah, it was Lena while she was aiming for Mia," I said. Mom laughed a bit and hugged me.

"Who's hungry because I'm famished and I have a flight to catch tonight at 8," Uncle Barry announced.

"You're leaving already?" Lena and I questioned.

"Well, I can't have you being found, plus I chose this location as a lay-over before I go to England," he stated. We nodded and we got in the cars.

We entered the café that Mia's father's sister owns. We walked in and people looked at us.

"Paint balling people," Uncle Barry said. We took a huge table and sat down. We ordered. None of us ordered a salad, Mia didn't even order a black bean burger, nope she ordered meat. I mean she's not vegetarian or anything, she just usually orders them because she loves them.

"What happened? Were you in a war or something?" I heard. Mom and I looked behind us.

"Paintball Mr. Scott," Uncle Barry said. I laughed a bit and continued eating.

"And a rage room," Mia said. "It was fun."

"Seriously Barry," mom said.

"It was all good fun," Uncle Barry said and winked at us.

"Can I go next time?" Lena asked.

"Of course," Uncle Barry said as mom said absolutely not.

"I meant of course not. I am a responsible adult," he said. Mom turned to look at Lucas and Uncle Barry nodded to Lena with a thumbs up.

"Can I help you with anything?" mom asked.

"Ugh, no. Sorry, enjoy your dinner," he said.

"Thanks," we all said.

"What is it with people staring at us all the time, here?" Uncle Barry asked. We just shrugged.

When we got home. We took turns taking a shower. After, Uncle Barry helped us decorate the Christmas Tree. We all took step back when we were done.

"I think, this is one of the best yet," he said as my mom brought out Hot Chocolate and Coffee

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"I think, this is one of the best yet," he said as my mom brought out Hot Chocolate and Coffee.

We sat down and played games like Connect Four, 4-Bidden Words, and Uno. When it was six thirty, Uncle Barry got up and hugged us all. We watched him and I sighed.

"Uncle Barry's the best," Lena said. I nodded in agreement.

We continued playing the games and then went our separate ways going to bed. I peeked in Mia's room and I noticed that she was setting up her Harry Potter village. Nerd. I smiled and shook my head as I walked to my room. 

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