30. 1pm- Wednesday- Pediatrics Floor- Room 3

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Lindsay was with her mother in the hospital room. Mia was asleep. Still. 14 days now. Two weeks since the school shooting, two weeks since she had bullets removed from her body and she still wasn't awake.

"Barry said that the longer she's asleep the more complications there might be," Lindsay said softly rubbing Mia's arm.

"More," Freda said, "Mia's already complicated."

"Mom," Lindsay said a bit surprised.

"What. She's so stubborn and head strong. She's going to need physical therapy again and she hated it the first time around," Freda said and Lindsay smiled. "She's going to try and walk right out here as if nothing's wrong."

"How do you know?" Lindsay asked.

"Because you're the same way," Freda said.

"I am not," Lindsay said.

"We all are. It's the Strauss gene." Lindsay and her mom both turned their heads to see Mia who was awake and blinking. She turned her head slowly to see her mom. "What's up?" she asked tiredly.

Lindsay's eye pooled with tears and hugged her daughter. She kissed Mia on the head and cheek and just looked at her.

"What's going on? Why are you crying so much?" Mia questioned.

"Baby," Lindsay said and looked at her, "You've been in a coma for 2 weeks."

"Jesus," Mia muttered. She looked around as her grandmother smiled at her before leaving to get a nurse.

A nurse came in to check her vitals. A neurosurgeon then came to look at Mia. Mia had to wiggle her toes, move her hands, and follow the light. To be safe he scheduled a CT for her. Mi got out of the bed slowly to use the bathroom. She yelled her mom's name when she was in the bathroom. She looked embarrassed and angry when she came out.

"What was that?" She stated. Her grandmother started to laugh and shook her head.

"There called briefs," Lindsay stated. "And no one else changed you except for two nurses and me."

"Mom," Mia said fully embarrassed. "You couldn't just have them shove a catheter or something."

"That's painful," Lindsay said.

"For a man, not a woman," Freda and Mia said at the same time. Lindsay rolled her eyes and sat down.

"Grandma, we need to have everyone who has come in to see me, sign NDA's. They can never speak of this. Ever. They can't speak about it, sing about it, or write about it."

"Mia," Lindsay said at her daughters over dramatics. Mia shook her head ignoring her mother. She sat down at the bed and looked at her mom.

"How bad was it?" Mia asked.

"You'll survive," Lindsay said.

"I'm not talking about me, the school? Is AJ okay? Oh god Lena, she's okay right? What about Zeb?"

"Hey calm down. They're okay. They are all okay," Lindsay assured.

"Zeb was bleeding? Oh god and Sawyer was there too. Jesus, is she okay?" Mia asked.

"I can assure you Sawyer is okay," Freda said. Mia looked at her. "She came to visit you. She's a bit shaken up, but she's okay."

"Okay, cool. Cool, yeah," Mia said and laid back trying to relax.

"Mia," Lindsay said taking Mia's hand. Mia took deep breaths. "Hey Mia, you're okay. You're safe. Everyone is safe and okay. No one else got hurt."

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