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I was looking out the window as my mom drove. Honestly, this is all a sense of Déjà vu. The only thing different is that we are not moving somewhere and that I got to prank a few people in the hospital this time. Like Lucas. It was great.

I turned my head as I heard a knock. "Hello, I heard someone woke up." I smiled at my mom and she shook her head. I then looked towards the people coming in. My smile gone from my face. "Hey Mia," Lucas said coming up to me and kissing my head. "You scared us a bit."

"I-I'm sorry, do I know you?" I asked. Peyton and Sawyer were near the entry way and just looked shocked.

"Kiddo, its Lucas," Uncle Barry said playing along. I looked at him and Lucas confused. Uncle Barry stood up and had me follow his finger.

"Mia, it's me. Your dad," Lucas said. "You almost beat up Sawyer. You come to the diner and take food without paying. You make your very own chocolaty shake that I don't think you should have because it's going definitely going to give you diabetes. I'm an author."

"You're the author," I stated. He nodded with a smile. I looked at my mom, "Why did you contact him? I thought I was okay? Do I need like a transplant or something and he was the only match?"

"Mia," My mom said admonishingly at the same time Lucas said it worriedly. He then looked at me and my mom.

"Seriously," he said and paced back and forth while I started to laugh.

"That's not nice," Sawyer stated and hit my foot.

"Don't hit me I'm in a hospital. I'm injured," I stated sarcastically.

"Your foot isn't," Sawyer said.

"That, that wasn't cool or fun," Lucas said. "God don't do that me, please." He kissed my head and looked at me. "Don't do that to me again, got it."

"Yeah, no fake memory loss," I said. He shook his head.

"No... yes, but no. Don't go getting shot again. I don't think my heart can handle it," he said. I looked at him and nodded.

"I don't plan on getting myself in the hospital again anytime soon. I'm sure my mom's had enough of seeing me lying in a hospital bed unconscious," I said. "And I'm over hospitals."

"What's that?" I asked as I leaned forward a bit. My mom put her hand put stopping me from going forward.

I smiled as I saw a Welcome Home sign on the front yard tilted towards the driveway. Everyone was there. My grandma, Uncle Barry, Audrey, Brooke, Julian, the twins, Lucas, Peyton, Sawyer, Nate, Haley, Lydia, AJ, Lena, and My dad. Zara, Jack, and Zeb were there too. I smiled as my mom parked the car. Before I could even grab the handle, the door was opened. Lena hugged me. I winced a bit. My dad was going to pull her away and probably tell her to be careful. I shook my head and hugged Lena back. AJ then hugged me. Literally everyone hugged me, everyone else was also very careful.

We managed to get inside the house and to the backyard were my dad had the grill going. My mom and Lucas kept asking me if I was okay. Lena came up to me with a squared paper. There was a mosaic style design and in the middle was a heart. Inside the heart was written, "I missed you. I'm happy your home". I hugged Lena again. Some part of me wants to ask her if she's okay, but the other half of me also says not too. She might not even have any idea who the shooter was at school.

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