25. 3:15 pm - Tree Hill, North Carolina - AJ POV

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I walked out of school to see my dad leaning against his car. Red hair popped out of the window and waived at me. I shook my head with a smile.

"How was school?" my dad asked as he opened the passenger side door. He got in and started the car.

"It was fine," I said. He nodded and looked at me as he began to drive.

"Just fine?" he asked. I nodded.

"Just fine. Nothing special," I said.

"You know your sister got to make some soap toothpaste thing at school. She said it was cool," he said.

"It's called elephant toothpaste it was so cool," Lena stated leaning forward. "And I have a field trip on Friday this week is the best so far."

"That's cool," I said. "I have to dissect a frog on Friday."

"That's animal cruelty," Lena deadpanned.

"It's science," I stated.

"You looking forward to that?" my dad asked.

"I don't really care about it. I just need to get it done in order to pass the class. Physics and Chemistry will be more fun," I explained.

"Have you thought of doing the same thing Mia is. The whole college high school thing, you're smart enough," he said. I looked at him, then at the road.

"How would you know?" I muttered.

"Your mom told me and showed me your grades and everything," he explained.

"Mom had to tell you," I noted, before just looked out the passenger window. "Mom has to tell you everything."

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked.

"Nothing, its fine. Everything is fine," I reassured.

"No, it's not," he stated as he stopped at a red light. He looked at me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine," I stated a bit annoyed.

"Stop, ruining everything," Lena yelled at me and kicked the back of my seat. "We were having a good day."

"And how good of day are we going to have when he leaves again," I snapped while looking out the window.

"He's not leaving," Lena stated. I rolled my eyes.

"The lights green," I muttered. He started to drive again and once we got home Lena got out quickly. I went to open my door, but it was locked.

"Lay it on me," he said. I looked at him and unlocked the door. He grabbed my arm and looked at me. "Go on. I know you're angry. I know I haven't been there all the time."

"That's the thing," I said looking at him, "you don't know. You think you do, but you don't. You weren't there for everything. You weren't there when mom got married to Callum, you weren't there when I broke my arm, or when we had to stay at his stupid mother's house for a week when mom had a miscarriage. You weren't there. Do you know what it's like to feel suffocated? To feel like you live in a museum? To be able to cut the tension with a knife almost every day? You don't! You left us! You left me! You left Mia and Lena! You left mom! And I don't understand why! You were happy together! Then you just left and you came back with Lena and then you left again! You choose your stupid job over your kids all the time! And I'm tired of you playing like you're actually going to stay this time. So just do us a favor and stop lying. Stop acting like we're such a great close-knit family because you're just a stranger."  I opened the door and walked towards the house.

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