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I walked down the street with Mia. Well, I'm skating, cruising slowly on the sidewalk with Mia and AJ a few feet behind me. We're walking around the downtown area of this little town before we go to the only park here.

"What do you think of this?" I asked as I stopped and looked into a small café.

"Lame," Mia said, AJ looked into the Café and shrugged.

"Looks comfortable," she said. Mia rolled her eyes and continued walking.

"You know I should be the one skateboarding, you can walk," Mia said taking the skateboard from me. She walked forward with a slight push and put the skateboard down. She was on it a second and on the ground the next.

"Son of a bitch," she groaned as she was on her back.

"Are you okay?" I asked as AJ and I went up to her.

"Yeah, just leave me here for a second," she said.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry I didn't see you," a woman with blonde hair said

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"Oh my god, I'm sorry I didn't see you," a woman with blonde hair said.

"She's not as smart as she looks and she likes to break rules," AJ said, "We're fine." She then looked at Mia, "we're okay, right?"

"Yeah," Mia said getting up and limping a bit, but put her foot on the ground. She then looked at us, "Mom does not find out about this, at all." She stated, "I don't need her going all Editor, CEO, Lindsay Strauss on my ass," she muttered.

"Lindsay Strauss," the woman said. I nodded. "She's your mom."

"Oh my god is everything okay. I saw from inside," some brunette woman said. She looked at us and then at Mia. "Evelyn."

"Fuck a duck," Mia stated. "We need to go, like now." AJ looked at Mia as Mia walked past the two woman. The brunette woman grabbed her hand.

"Evelyn," the brunette said.

"I think you should let go before I scream bloody murder," Mia said.

"Woah kid, calm down," the blonde said.

"Mia," I whispered. Mia looked at me and AJ.

"How long have you been here?" The brunette asked.

"That's none of your business. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to leave," Mia said and took her arm back. She looked at AJ and I and we followed.

We got into the jeep and closed the doors. Mia didn't say much. Instead she just drove. I noticed us going on the freeway. I looked at AJ who was in the passenger seat.

"Where are we going?" AJ asked as I looked out the window seeing the ocean.

"Carolina Beach Skate Park," Mia said as she got off the freeway and then drove through a neighborhood. She stopped at a park and parked the jeep. We got out and we followed her. She was quiet. "Here we are."

"This is awesome," I said and began to skate around. Every now and then AJ would tell me to be careful or Mia would tell me how to do something correctly. Mia was the one who got me my first skateboard. She saved her money and bought it for me when mom didn't want me to have one.

I skated around and went on some of the small dips, but nothing big. I'm still scared to go into the pool. I did once and fell hard.

"So how does that woman know your name?" I asked as I skated by.

"She was at the debate competition," Mia said and I nodded as I skated past her and AJ again.

"Why did she grab your arm?" AJ asked.

"Cause she's crazy," I stated as I skated past them again facing them.

"She's friends with my father," Mia said. I stopped skating when I heard that.

"What?" AJ said a bit surprised.

"Yeah, she checked me in and did the math and told him. The blonde that knocked me down...I think that's his wife," Mia explained.

"Holy shit," I said softly. Mia nodded her head as AJ looked at me as if to scold me for my language.

After talking and walking around we left. We ended up closer to the beach. We walked around before going into a restaurant called SeaWitch Café and Tiki bar. It was colorful and awesome. I got the chicken sandwich, AJ got the Original Witch burger, and Mia got the Black Bean Burger. We ate, we talked, and then Mia paid. Mia drove home and we talked with Mom. We talked about school and then she brought up the author and his family. Mia rolled her eyes. I just listened and Mia, well I'm sure she ignored everything mom said. I then had to get ready for bed.

I turned to my right and looked at the clock. It says ten. I sighed, I'm supposed to be sleeping. I got up and slowly walked out. I slowly walked down the hall and peeked into Mia's bedroom. She was lying down, but she was breathing hard.

"Mia," I whispered. I walked closer to her bed. "Mia," I whispered again. I looked at the bed and Mia was sweating.

"Laury," Mia said. "Hold on." She kept breathing hard and gasping for air. I took a step back and turned around. I ran down the stairs.

"MOM!" I yelled. "MOM." I ran into my mom, as she opened the door. She put her hands on my shoulders.

"What? What baby, what's wrong? " she asked.

"Mia's dying," I stated. My mom rushed out of the hall and up the stairs. I followed her and we entered Mia's bedroom. My mom sat down on the edge of Mia's bed and slowly woke her up.

"Hey," mom said as Mia slowly sat up. "Hey, you're okay." Mom hugged Mia and kissed her head. "I've got you, you're okay."

"Mom," I said.

"Lena, why don't you come to my room," I turned my head and saw AJ. She was in her BB8 pajamas.

"Nice jammies," I said.

"Lena," mom said and I nodded. I walked out the door and followed AJ.

"You look like a baby with your cotton pajamas," AJ said and I hit her as we got in her bed.

"No, I don't, liar," I stated. She pushed me away.

"Go to sleep," she stated. I sighed and closed my eyes. 

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