7. 8 AM - Tree Hill High School, North Carolina - Mia POV

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Were so fucked. Looking around at the school, I can see that AJ and I are probably the smartest here. We're probably also the most democratic and knowledgeable people here.

"This is going to suck," AJ said. I nodded.

We looked at our schedules. Sadly, we both have P.E. However, unlike AJ, I don't have to participate because of my bum leg. What high school has four years of P.E as a graduation requirement anyway. We walked into the halls with people staring at us.

"I wonder if they've ever seen someone with strawberry blonde hair before?" AJ asked looking at me.

"I'm just hot," I said and she smiled a bit. I dropped her off at her classroom and walked to my first class. Mathematics. The bell hasn't even rung, but we both want to know where the class is and if were behind or ahead.

I entered he classroom. I introduced myself to the teacher and showed him my schedule. He nodded and I sat down at the front seat closest to the window and it also happened to be by his desk. He told me what the class was learning and asked questions about what I was last learning. I told him, and he was surprised. I heard the bell ring and he explained to me that I was far ahead. I was doing Algebra 2 trigonometry work; this class is just Algebra 2. I nodded as students walked in, many of them looked at me.

Class started. I took some notes, but not a lot. I just took them to seem like I was actually doing something. I already learned this stuff. When the bell rang, I went to history, then after that class was a fifteen-minute break then music. After Music class it was chemistry. Lunch was an exciting affair. AJ was already working on homework. I did most of it in class. I spoke with her about her classes and if she liked them. She admitted many of them were easy and she is going to speak with her counselor to take AS classes. When the bell rang I dropped her off at her history class and I made my way to English. I walked in and huffed a little laugh out. Of all the people in the world I get her.

"Can I... Evelyn," she said and I nodded. I handed her my schedule and she looked at me. "You can sit right here." I nodded and sat down. I looked around and saw the book the class was reading. Angela's Ashes by Francis McCourt. I sighed knowing this was going to be a long class period.

I took very little notes and listened. I didn't really bother to borrow anyone's book at all or even open the teachers when she handed me an extra. When the bell rang, I sighed in relief and left ignoring Mrs. Scott's calls. I walked to the gym and showed my schedule to the P.E teacher. I also showed her my doctors note. She looked at my leg and had me sit on the bench. I took my brace off and rubbed my leg. I grabbed ointment from my backpack and rubbed some on it. I wrapped new gauze around it and threw the old one out.

"What happened?" I heard.

"Car accident," I said and looked up. It was him, the author.

"That looks like it hurts," he said and I nodded. "Haley and my wife Peyton told me they saw you in the town. Then, I saw you today at lunch. You were with another girl, blonde."

"My sister, AJ," I said. He looked surprised, but nodded. He turned around and spoke to some kids.

The teacher told everyone to go to the showers and change. I slowly put my brace back on and stood up. I walked down the bleacher steps and left. I could tell he was keeping an eye on me as I walked out of the gym.

The rest of the week ended up mostly like this. The author would come and try to talk to me. AJ was put in AS English and AP Biology. She's staying in her regular Modern Euro History class and Geometry class. I have a meeting with my counselor today during my P.E class. I've gotten a signature from my Algebra 2 teacher, U.S History, and Chemistry teacher. I just need one from Mrs. Scott, my AP English teacher.

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