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If I said I hated babysitting you would probably believe me. The only thing is, I don't. I like being around my sisters. I mean sure they're both brats, but I love them. I actually miss Mia being at school with me. She's a Junior and I'm a Freshman, but now she's in that college program so she doesn't go to school, she drops me off and picks me up. There's this kid girl named Sawyer who's a sophomore. She's mean, she's a bully and she does her best to pick on me. I stand up for myself, but she always gets the final word and the last laugh.

"Why are you reading?" I looked up at Lena.

"Why is Mia sunbathing?" I asked in return and we both looked at Mia who was laying down on a table Airpods in her ears, facing the sky, eyes closed with a smile on her face.

"Because she's meditating," Lena said. I laughed a bit. Lena continued trying to do tricks on her board.

We continued talking about school and what we will do for Halloween.

"I think we should be Marvel Heroes. Mia can be Jean Grey from X-Men, I'll be the Black Widow, and you can be Captain Marvel or Invisible Woman from fantastic Four," Lena said. I heard laughing and turned my head. "You can also be Supergirl, but she's DC."

"Wow, the kid even wants you to be invisible." It was Sawyer and a few of her friends.

" It was Sawyer and a few of her friends

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"You can be a bag of trash," Lena said as she walked next to me. I glared at her.

"What did you say?" Sawyer stated angrily. I saw Mia slowly sit up from the corner of my eye.

"I said, you can be a bag of trash," Lena stated. Sawyer raised her hand I stood up and blocked Lena. Before the hand could hit me, it was stopped. I looked to my right to see Mia.

"I don't think you want to do that," Mia said coolly. She shoved Sawyer back and let go.

"Apologize then," Sawyer stated. Mia looked at Lena.

"Not her, Her," Sawyer stated looking at me. Mia looked at us confused.

"She hasn't done anything. I know she hasn't done anything, my sister doesn't name call or resort to violence," Mia said looking at her. Mia sized Sawyer up.

"She exists," one of Sawyers friends said.

"So do you three and I'm not asking you to apologize for that sad mistake. By bringing you three into the world it just proved that god has a sense of humor," Mia said. Sawyer was pist. "Look, you should just go. You can come back in like an hour or so and we'll be gone by then. I have an exam to study for and obviously it's starting to get a little cold." Mia turned to walk away.

"Why don't you leave," Sawyer stated, "raggedy anned tampon top." Mia stopped and turned around. I saw Sawyer stumble back. Her hands covering her face.

"You hit me," Sawyer yelled.

"No, I punched you," Mia corrected and walked right up to Mia. "Leave."

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