Chapie 31: It's over

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Aria/Emily's POV

"I'm gonna miss you." Ashley says, as she hugged me.

"Us too." Jennifer and Amy then added, making mine and Ash's hug a group hug.

"Ugh, don't start crying. I'm just gonna be gone for 5 months, no biggie." I said ending the hug.

"Yeah, but I'll be alone." Ashley pouted.

"Yeah but you have Niall." I stick my tongue out.

She just smiled and looked away.

"Hey, I'm upset too. I'll be loosing my side bitch for 5 months and I'm not happy 'bout that." Amy piped in with a pout.

"Me three. I'm gonna loose my Bae." Jennifer piped in aswell.

"Awee. I'll miss you all." I grinned putting us into a group hug again.

"Flight 143 to Los Angeles"

"Well, that's my cue. I love you guys. See you soon!" I waved at them as I walk away. They all waved back and I turned around.

I'm gonna miss them so much.


Harry's POV

Sigh. Another day with no one but myself. It's been about 2 days since I saw Emily and I plan on going to her house later. I miss her so much. It feels like I haven't seen her, talked to her in a decade when the truth is it's only been about two days. I hate me. So much.

I sighed again, then picked up my phone, opening twitter.

I decided to look at her twitter account. Seeing her beautiful picture makes me want to slice myself. As I scroll down, I read her latest tweets.

I'm on an airplane right now to LA! It still hasn't take off yet but I'm very excited

I looked at the tweet with wide eyes and open mouth. Bloody hell.

In no time, I was dressed up and In my car ready to go to the airport. I started the engine and quickly drive away heading to the airport.

As I was driving, I took my phone, dialed Ashley's number and called her, putting her in speaker mode.

"Hey, uh, Harry." She says not sure.

"Yeah, Hey. I need you to tell me what flight Emily is at." I answered in a hurry.


"Just please tell me!" I begged.

"Okay, okay. Flight 143. Happy?"

"Thanks. Bye."

"Don-" She says but I hang up quickly.


"Where's flight 143?" I quickly asked.

"Over there, sir." She answers pointing to flight 143. I quickly thanked the lady and run too flight 143. Before I could enter, the lady stopped me and I did so.

"I'm sorry, Sir but the plane has already took off a minute ago." The lady says.

I looked at the glass walls and sure enough, the plane has already took off.

I sighed and put my hands on my face, trying not to cry. Then, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Like any of the movies I watched where this happens, I assumed that it was the girl I was chasing after. So I turned around, but sadly it's not Emily.

"Ohmygod, You're Harry Styles!" The teenager screamed.

I fake smiled. "Yeah but would you please keep it down, love?"

"Sure. Ohmygod, I just can't believe you're standing right in front of me." She grinned. I smiled a real smile to her because of her enthusiasm.

"Not to sound rude or anything but why are you here?"

"Uhm-" Before I could answer, she cut me off.

"Oh, Emily Green." She said. "I know you didn't meant to cheat on her. She just needs space right now. Girls are like that. Don't worry, You'll see her soon."

"Thank you, love. I have to get going now. What's your twitter?" I asked

"No problem and uh, @1Duh"

"I'll be sure to follow you. " I smiled.

"Thank you so much and uh, can I have a picture with you?"

"Sure." I said with a nod.


Me: So you're just gonna run away from me?

Em♡: Don't you get it?

Me: Get what?

Em♡: Harry, we need to cool off for a bit

Me: Why don't we just talk it out then? So we don't have to cool off

Em♡: Because I can't Harry

Em♡: I can't seem to forget what you did

Em♡: I can't seem to just look at you and say I'm fine even though I'm not

Em♡: I can't seem to trust you right now

Me: Then just break up with me because if we 'cool off' I feel like you're slowly killing me

Em♡: I can't Harry. I love you too much to just let you go

Me: If you love me then you would forgive me

Em: That's easy for you to say because you weren't the one who got cheated on

Me: How many times do I have to say sorry?! I love you Emily but you believe others more than me

Em: You don't have to appologize Harry! All I want you to do is give me some more time!

Em: But if you can't do that. Then I agree with you. We should just break up

Me: I thought you love me too much to let me go?

Em: I do. But if I'm gonna be the only one fighting for us, then no. I don't want to force you to be with me

Me: I'm fighting for us too

Em: Fighting for us?! How are you fighting for us when you clearly was the one who suggested for us to break up

Me: Because I thought you don't love me anymore.

Me: Because I thought that you hate me

Me: Because I thought that you don't want to be with me anymore!

Em: Just stop, Harry. Stop making everything even more worst.

Me: Even more worst?! Clearly, you are the one who's making it worst


Em: Let's just end this because this is going nowhere.

Me: So you're giving up on us? That easily?

Em: It was hard, Harry. You're just making it seem easy for me

Me: So it's over?

Em: It's over.

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