Chapie 33: Apparently

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Harry's POV

@Em_Green Silly string x @camerondallas

For the past three hours, I had been stalking Emily's twitter. So far, she had only sent one tweet and It was, unfortunately a picture with a guy named Cameron. It didn't really bothered me at first, but seeing that a lot of people were saying that they ship them makes me quite upset. Some fans are even tweeting to me if I know this. Fans still don't know that we broke up and I'm hoping that I'm not gonna be the one who will address the split up.

It's been quite a hand full for me because I still have loads of people asking me if we are still together and I know it's the same for her, heck maybe even a tad bit more of a handful for her because I apparently was the one who cheated on her. I don't get why people didn't believe me when I said that I was sorry about it. I was really sorry about it and I still am but they keep saying that I don't mean it. It doesn't piss me off but it does irritate me just a tad bit.

@Harry_Styles I wish that I could wake up with Amnesia

Aria/Emilys POV

"Okay, that's great. Now, Cameron and Emily it's your turn." The Director said. I quickly went to the spot where we where gonna place the photo shoot, as well as Cameron.

"Cameron, sit down on that stool and Emily, sit on his lap and both of you, look at each other. Your eyes must be filled with love and happiness." The photographer said.

Me and Cameron smiled at each other and did what the Photographer said. Once I was sat In Cameron's lap, I looked at him as if I was completely in love with him.

"Great, now Cameron. Put your left hand on her shoulder and on your right hand, try and act as if You are pointing at the sky while looking at her with love." He said. "Now you, Emily. Look to where he is pointing and laugh like you saw something funny at where he was pointing."

We did what we were told to do then we went on to the last position. It's weird saying position but yeah.

"Okay now for the last one. I'll explain it simply as I can and you just have to act what you feel like acting, alright?"

Me and Cameron nodded our head.

"Act like you two are couples."

I then turned my head to face Cameron and he was already looking at me. I nodded at him and he was quick to do what he asked. He kissed me on the lips. I closed my eyes trying to act as In love as I can be whilst smiling through the kiss. As soon as we heard "Okay!", we pulled away and looked at each other, laughing.

We could here people wolf whistled including our Co-Stars, Marcus Johns, Matt Shively and Andrea Russett, hence we laughed. Soon, I was out of Cameron's lap and was about to go to where Charlie and Andrea is.

"Hey guys." I said smiling. Andrea nugged me in the hips. "So, you and Cameron huh?"

"Me and Cameron?" I said slightly laughing then took a glance at Cameron who was looking at me aswell. We smiled and each other then I was quick to turn my head back to Charlie and Andrea's.

"Oh yeah, you're with Harry." Andrea said. Charlie looked at me frowning.

"Oh, about that. We actually just broke up Yesterday." I sheepishly smiled, reasuring them that I'm fine.

"Oh." Andrea nodded. "Well I guess I ship You and Cameron now." She smiled.

I just laughed and shook my head. Soon enough, there was a pat on my back and when I looked on my side, I saw Cameron smiling.

"So anyone wanna hang out in my place?" Cameron asked looking at us. I was quick to look at my phone and into my scheduler.

"Can I bring Jenn?" Andrea asked referring to her roommate/bestfriend JennXPenn.

"Of course. Are you coming, Charlie?"

"Yep, are you coming?" Charlie answered.

I closed my phone and looked at them, seeing that they are, aswell, looking at me. "Oh me? Yeah, sure. Why not?" I smiled, shrugging.

"Well then, let's go." Cameron smiled.


"This is Brilliant. I love thy" Cameron said in a Posh British accent. "How was my British accent?"

"Your British Accent was Impeccable." I said acting in. We laughed and made our way back to his Living Room.

We are watching Hunger Games: Catching Fire and Me and Cameron made popcorn,took some bag of chips from their pantry and took 4 liters of Ice Cream from the fridge.

*Ding Motha Fucking Dong*

Oh yeah, and we ordered some pizza.

"I'll get it." Charlie said, standing up and walked to the door.

Me and Cameron sat down on the floor because apparently, we were too fat to sit on the couches. There were 2 couches and There is only 8 of them on two couches and I'm pretty sure that 5 people could fit in only one of those couches, but I just ignored it.

"Pass that bag of chips!" Jc  yelled. I passed him the chips. I took the spoon from Cameron's hands and took a spoonfull of Icecream, putting it in my mouth.

"Here's the Pizza!" Charlie exclaimed coming back, holding 2 box of Pizza's.

"Say cheese!" I hear Jenn yell causing me to look at him wide eyed with a spoon in my mouth as she took the photo. I quickly swallowed the Icecream and put the spoon down.

"Hey! I wasn't ready!" I complained, as well as the rest of us. Jenn just laughed.

Not a second after, I felt my phone vibrate from my pocket and I was quick to see what it was. I saw that it was an Instagram notification from, of course, Jenn.

@JennMcAllister took a photo of you.

I clicked it and I saw the picture that she took. I looked horrible, but i double clicked the picture and commented on it.

@Em_Green I h9 you for not warning me.


We finished the movie about twenty minutes ago and everyone is literally on their phones right now, including me.

@Harry_Styles You moved too fast and I couldn't grab a hold of you.

I glared at the screen, until someone tapped my shoulders. "You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." I smiled at him.

"Doesn't look like it. You were glaring at your phone screen. Are you and Harry fighting or something?" Cameron asked looking pretty concerned.

"Well actually.. I broke up with him yesterday. Well not really me. It was a mutual breakup." I sighed.

"It's alright. You're are gonna be alright." He reassures. "C'mon. I want to show you something."


    I'm so happy right now ♡
   So first and for most, I told you guys that I was planning on changing Aria/Emily's Portray-er. For about a week now, I've been thinking on changing it to Emma Watson. And then just earlier (12-01-14) Harry Styles was the one to give Emma Watson an award at The British Fashion Awards and I'm like hypervelating because I have the perfect photo of them ♡ Like Holy fucking shit you guys ♡♡

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