chapter 4

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I started limping away from the playground, and i know for sure my brother's worried like sick.

Suddenly i felt like someone carried me in their arms.. bridal style.

I looked at the man who carried me.. it was the silver jerk.

"Stop staring you're creeping me out" he opened his mouth, what a jerk.

"Hmph!" I turned away from him, i can't believe it... im being carried by this silver jerk.

But for some reason, he looked cool earlier. And he's not that bad looking either... waaaitt???  What am i thinking?? Get a hold of yourself yukino. It's this silver jerk you're talking about.

I snapped out when i felt like i was being put back gently to my feet, i looked at the silver jerk.

He just stared infront of us, and i saw from  afar.. a figure of my brother. Oh he's looking for me.

I turned to the silver guy.. i whispered thank you, he flinched. He didn't expect me to say that.

"Your welcome I guess?" He said.

"Whats your name?" I asked. He paused for a minute before turning his back on me. Is he just gonna leave without telling me his name?


"It's Garou" he said before jumping up to a building. Okay? So garou it is huh.

"Yukino!!!" Somebody called out for me, and there i saw my brother sprinting towards my direction.

"Onii-chan" i waved my hands at him.

"Where were you?" He asked with a worried tone.

"I ended up facing a monster, luckily i ran away as fast as i can but because he was too fast he attacked me and almost punched me."

"Luckily i was fast enough to kick him in the torso... though it ended up to me limping because my leg was sore." I said.

He sighed..

"I should've just bought the cup noodles instead." He said.

"It's fine brother, someone helped anyway" i said, atleast to make him feel better.

"Really? Thats nice" he said, he smiled and hugged me.

"Let's go home and let Genos treat your leg" my brother said, he carried me bridal style. He sprinted so fast, he was so so fast..

When we arrived Genos was sitting in the dining room, he had this look in his eyes like he were very worried of me.

"Where have you been yukino?" He asked, i told him about the whole story. My brother just stayed in the room still reminiscing about his mistakes of leaving me out there in this dreadful place.

"So someone helped you?" Genos looked at me, i dont know what he's thinking.

"I know you're tired, why don't you sleep" Genos noticed i was feeling unwell.. he did treat my bruises after all.

And the thing was i broke my legs, just a little crack.. Genos did scan me. He said it'll be fine as long as i don't push myself.

I just nodded at his reminders and went to my brother's room where I saw him sleeping so well.

I fell asleep too after a second.

I was having a very nice dream when i suddenly heard a faint knock on my window. I tried to brush it off, thinking it might be just a bird pecking something on the window.. but something was off, it continued knocking.

Out of annoyance, i opened my eyes and rushed to the window. There i saw Garou waving at me with his usual jerk face.

"What do you want?" I asked as if I hated him being around. He just smirked.

"Well you see, my apartment is kinda busted and... i dont have anywhere to sleep "

Oh no.. don't tell me he wants to sleep here?? But my brother is just on the bed

"Can you lend me some cash?" He asked using his puppy dog eyes. I sighed in defeat coz i know that if i refuse to give this man some cash, he'll just keep coming and its gonna be pretty annoying by then.

"Though i wanted to sleep in your apartment.. but it seems that there's no room anymore huh" Garou said while staring at my sleeping brother. I looked at him again and he had this 'i-dont-care-bout-shit' face.

"You mean my brother?" I said, and his eyes widened.. he looked at me and my brother who's drooling.

"You mean to say that.. that bald fuck.." he pointed at my brother with such exaggeration.

"Is your brother?" He said not to loud to keep my brother asleep.

"Yeah" i said.

And he laughed silently..  what's so funny silver jerk?

"Man! I thought you two were together hahaha" he laughed at his own stupidity which made me wonder.. why does he care if I'm in a relationship.

"Why do you care?" I asked with a bit of sass..

"Okay too much sassiness lady, i was just asking damn" he said.

"Why did i care though" i heard him ask himself..

So he's the oblivious type.

"So what? Are you gonna lend me some money?" He asked again and yeah i almost forgot about he's real motive.

I reached for my small purse and took some cash in it and handed it to the man outside my window.

"Thanks" he said while winking at me.. what a total weirdo.

I jumped in my brother's bed.

"Who was that?" I fell down the bed, I didn't know my brother was awake the whole time... i thought he was a heavy sleeper.

"Oh just a friend" i smiled nervously..

"Well, whatever im going to sleep.. DONT BE NOISY"  he stated his last words with emphasis, ok ok my brother can be real hot headed sometimes.

I finally went back to sleep.

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