chapter 13

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I stood there still processing what i just heard.


"So you're brother don't mind if i take my fiancee away right?" He asked with a grin plastered in his face. He looked so damn happy.. but WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING??!!

"huh?" I stared at him like an idiot still debating within myself if this is real life or a dream.

"Huh? Huh? Come on stop acting like a dumbass" he mocked me as he rubs my head making my hair go messy.

"Stop rubbing my hair idiot!!" I yanked his hands off my head, this guys is just so clingy and flirty right now. Im feeling flustered all of a sudden, how can he just appear infront of me after being gone for a long time.

"Don't just appear infront of me after being gone for a long time you idiot. And for your information i already have a lover so being your fiancee is impossible." Obviously i lied, i just want to see how he would react, i mean i want to tease this guy he just teased me earlier.

"Oh yeah?" His face turned bitter, i gulped as i felt a murderous aura around garou. I trembled in terror.

"Uhh.. " i couldn't speak, its like the words are not coming out. My throat also had run dry.

"Who is he?" He smiled at me but i could feel the malice behind his smile which made me gulp and tremble even more, he even noticed and his face softened as he realizes that he's scaring me.

"Just joking" he patted my shoulders while laughing. Is he trying to make me feel better?

"So who's the lucky bastard?" Its obvious that he faked a smile. Man i don't know what to do now, its been a long time since i realized i'm catching feelings with this jerk.

"Are you calling yourself lucky? Don't be too cocky Garou" i turned around immidietly and covered my mouth. What the hell did i just say? Garou's germs have been transferred to me.

"Hey, i never said that i'm lucky" i heard him, i turned around and saw him slightly tilting his head like an idiot that he is. How can this jerk be so freaking dense?

"You're the lucky bastard, you
jerk!!!" I shouted in frustration, i looked up to garou and saw him completely red he even covered his agaped mouth.


"Are you calling yourself lucky? Don't be too cocky Garou" she said as she turned around, what is this woman upset about? And what does she mean lucky? Is this woman still sick... did she hit her head at home?

"Hey i never said that i'm lucky" she turned around with an are-you-serious? Look in her face. I just tilted my head in response as i tried to examine her face. Im confused as to what this woman is actually saying right now.

"You're the lucky bastard,you jerk!!"she shouted in frustration. As her words keep repeating in my head i can't help but be flustered. I just can't help but be shocked i covered my mouth as i realized that my mouth is wide open.

Then that means..

Your POV

I just waited for this guy to speak but he remained silent while covering his mouth.

"Uh hello?" I waved my hands infront of me but he did'nt even budge, i tried tapping his shoulders but it did'nt work.

i heard him mumble

"What did you say?" I asked. What is this guy talking about?

Before i could even react Garou lifted me and put me over his shoulders.

"Hey what are you doing?" I tried punching the guy as i demanded to be put back to my feet, but the guy would'nt even budge.

"Just relax, its not like im trying to abduct you are anything" he spoke with a teasing tone which made me more annoyed.

"Put me down jerk, i hate being carried around" i said in a demanding tone, hoping Garou would put me down but i was not successful.

"Aww.. come on, the last time i carried you, you would'nt even let me put you down but now?" He continued teasing me and i was getting even more flustered by the second. This jerk is seriously toying with me.

"I can't marry a guy who's not serious with me." I mumbled under my breath making sure the guy won't hear me.

All of a sudden he lifted me off from his shoulders and carried me bridal style, he even stared dead into my e/c eyes. Eh? What's up with this guy?

"If you think i'm playing with your feelings.. think again woman" he said slightly upset, i just turned pale trying to avert the gaze of the now angry garou.

Oops, it looks like he heard me after all.

"I've never been serious with a woman before."he said in a serious tone, i just slowly turned my gaze to his.

"I'm just messing with you" i smiled as i tried to comfort the guy, but he remained serious.

"Then..." he starts


"Lets go and have a honeymoon" he said witha serious face, i just felt like slapping my forehead for a second.

"The honeymoon comes after the wedding garou" i explained.

"It does'nt matter, we can change the order if we want to" he started running.

"What WE?" garou paid no attention to what i said as he continues to carry me while running, i had no choice but to slap him real hard in the face.



Garou stopped making me slightly regret what i just did.

"Sorry, its just that.. we need to be wed first" i said while trying to hide my tomato red face.

"Pffft.. HAHAHAHAHA" suddenly the guy bursted out laughing.

"Yeah yeah keep laughing, let's see if you can still marry me" that was a weak ass retort yukino, just admit it.. you're happy that garou wants to have a family with you.

Garou stopped laughing  as soon as he heard what i said, i can't believe he really obeyed me, is that how badly he wants me to marry him.

My heart started beting fast yet again as i imagined myself walking down the aisle as garou waits for me at the altar. Wait, isn't this going too fast? We're not even official yet.

"Can you be my girlfriend?" Garoi suddenly asked making me flinch and cough in shock, its too unexpected. But..

"I would love to" i smiled at him, he slowly puts me down making me stand on my feet.

He then slowly reached His hands on my cheeks our faces were now inchies apart, i closed my eyes waiting for the sensation of his lips pressing on my own.

Garou and i shared a sweet but passionat kiss, neither of us wanting to let go. I've always yearned for this man, to the point where he always pops out of my dreams.

I've never been so happy my whole life.

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