chapter 5

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Me and my brother saitama is out for a walk right now, he happened to ask for my assistance in buying some groceries cos Genos had to go to Dr. Kuseno yet again.

Me and my brother had some small talks, he asks me about my life in china and in return i ask him about being a hero, but he would just respond with: "it's pretty boring actually".

I don't know if he's being cocky or honest, but for some reason i would just leave it be. I don't wanna argue with him coz he's frustrating to fight with.

"So who was that guy in our window last night?" My brother asked, i started sweating. I don't know what to say, i just can't tell him that the guy who helped me yesterday asked for some cash. He would be pissed ofcourse.

"He was the one who helped me yesterday, he's just asking if I'm fine." I lied, and fortunately my brother actually believed it.

"Well whatever, your business is none of my business" he replied.

We arrived home, my brother actually cooked our meal this time, which is actually rare to see.. cos he's cooking a decent meal not just egg and bacon or some ramen.

"Wow, you're actually cooking?!" I Exclaimed and he just stared at me.

"Did you forget that I'm always the one who cooks for you?" He replied while focusing his attention to the frying pan.

"As long as I remember, Mom was the one who always cooks my meals" i said while tapping my chin, trying to remember if he actually cooked for me but nothing really comes in mind.

When i looked back at him he had this are-you-serious look in his face.

"Well look, if you really did cook for me.. I'm sorry i cant remember anything" i apologized.

"Well it's fine" he said with he's generic bored voice.

I finally decided to watch TV..

"To all the residence of the city please be careful of the man named Hero Hunter, he had beaten several heroes.. so we suggest that you avoid this man
The TV showed a vague picture of a familiar man.. "

"The hero hunter huh" my brother spoke from the kitchen, i looked at him.

"I've heard that he has beaten an S class hero and several A, and B heroes too" my brother added, i can't shake this feeling that i know the man in the pucture which was shown earlier in the news.

There's no way I know someone like that.

I returned to watching the TV as i wait for ny brother's cooking to be done.. well we still need to wait for Genos to come home though.


Damn that watchdog man, i didn't know he could be a tough opponent. I underestimated him, well he's stronger than he looks.

I walked down the empty street with injuries covering my entire, my bodies kinda feeling hot too. I'm sick, i need to rest.

As i walked and walked, i passed by the playground. I stared at it for a couple of seconds before remembering the girl who caused me trouble yesterday..

"What's her name again?  Yukina? no no.. yukiwo!!!.. hmmm still not right, YUKINO! THATS IT! YUKINO!" i exclaimed with glee, i did not why i was that happy.

"You know yukino?" I flinched when somebody spoke from behind me. I turned around.

My eyes widened.. its a cyborg but not just any cyborg. Its the S class hero DEMON CYBORG.

Shit, I'm in no shape to hunt this guy coz if i do, I'd be dead meat.

The cyborg scanned me from head to toe.

"Why do you have so many injuries, your temperature is high too" the cyborg asked, I didn't know that this piece of metallic junk could be so kind.

"Uhh i fought some bad guys while walking my way here" i nervously laughed trying to make him believe me.

"Why don't you come with me, i'll help you tend with your injuries and don't worry i have a nursing student with me" he suggested, i have no choice but to agree or else he'll suspecting me.

I followed the cyborg until were aparently infront of his apartment.

He tried to twist the knob but it seems to be locked.

"Is someone home?" The cyborg called out to somebody on the other side.

After a couple seconds, I heard some light footsteps walking towards the door.

The door opened, and revealed familiar bald guy... i know i've seen this guys somewhere. I desperately tried to remember where i've seen this guy.

"Oh sensei, i have someone with me, he's badly injured i want to ask if me and yukino could treat him, she's a nursing student after all" the bald guy looked at me and scanned me from head to toe, he turned to the cyborg with such bored eyes.

"Genos you shouldn't be bringing some random stranger into our house" exactly..

"I'm sorry sensei, i was just worried about his state and he doesn't look harmful instead he looks pitiful" i gritted my teeth.. pitiful my ass..

"Well whatever you say.. come in" finally the bald guy welcomed us. The apartment is not that big.

"Sit on the couch first, I'll scan your body" after hearing the cyborg, i was kinda creeped out..NO HOMO!

"Is someone with you Genos?" A familiar voice spoke out of the blue from one of the rooms..

"Yeah, an injured man... and i want your help, you're a nursing stundent right?"

"Well yeah" the girl replied... i have this feeling that it could be HER.

"You're taking too long in your room" the cyborg said.

"I'm juust changing so chill out Genos." There's no way it could be her .

One of the doors creaked open and revealed the person which was on my mind this whole time. Act natural.

"Yo" i greeted her but she seemed surprise.

"What happened to you?" Her voice was  calming and i know for sure she was worried for me.

What a kind girl.. do i even deserve to know this kind of person? Probably no but I'm still thankful though.. 

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