Chapter 14

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Both garou and i have been silent after we kissed, he's not even looking at me right now.

"Uhh.. i should go back" i said while combing my hair, i'm acting like a woman in the 80's

"Yeah.. yeah you should" he said still not looking at me, i pouted in disappointment. Atleast look at me jerk, you're making me awkward.

"Bye" i said as i slowly walked away while my gaze is still on the man who is currently waving his hands while still not looking at me.

"Hmph" i grumpily turned around and stomped my feet as i walk back to my brother's apartment.

I arrived infront of my brother's apartment. That jerk, he could've atleast stopped me from leaving earlier, like those from romantic  movies but its garou we're talking about here. I doubt he'll take initiative, but... he's my first boyfriend and i've never even thought of having a relationship so ofcourse i'm inexperienced about this stuff. WE'RE STUCK!

I Slammed open the door, making my brother jump from the ground where he's been laying.

"What the hell yukino! You'll break the door!" He scolded me but i just give him a glare making him shut up for a second.

"Fine fine" he said as he returns to watching the tv, i even noticed genos glancing at me. I just ignored the cyborg as i entered the room while slamming the door behind.

"DAMMIT YUKINO!" I heard my brother shout but i just ignored the man, i'm still furious about what happened earlier.

I tried to calm myself down, but then i heard a tapping on my window and saw garou smiling.

I walked my towards the window and opened it and the moment i opened it garou quickly kissed me, making me froze in my position.

This guy is just so freaking unpredictable..

He finally ended the kiss and smiled at me, i just pouted in response.

"What the hell do you want garou?" I asked while still being pissed at the guy but he just keeps smiling at me.

"Lets go on a date tomorrow" he said making me brighten up my mood, this guy is thoughtful afterall.

"But you see..."

I just stared at the man while he's being shy or whatever, i just giggled at how cute the guy is.

"Can i borrow money for the date?" He said while giving me his puppy dog eyes.

I just stood there still frozen.. this guy is so IMPOSSIBLE.

I became furious and immidietly closed the window and ended up slamming garous hands as i close the window. I could see him wince in pain, immidietly opened the door again and quickly grabbed garou's hands examining it.

"Pffft HAHAHAHAHAH" he started laughing. Im gonna kill this guy!!


"Fuck you garou" i said as i pushed him a little and slamming the window close afterwards. He kept banging on the window but i just ignored him and headed towards the living room.

"Whats up with you today? Why so grumpy?" My brother asked while picking his nose. Gross.

I continued my way to the kitchen to make some tea for my self, while eyeing the cup in the shelves.

"Nothing" i said as i tried to reach for the cup but it was too far from my reach. Curse this short stature of mine

Genos walked slowly towards my direction and reached for the cup while pressing his body on mine.

I can't help but be embarrassed, i averted my gaze from genos and accidentally looked at the corner of the window of the living room and saw garou peeking with his eyes widened.

I panicked and pushed genos in the process, luckily genos was easy to push but he just grabbed my shoulder and leaned closer as he seems to examine my face.

"Uh.. genos?" I asked as i tried to act normal, i slowly looked at the window of the living room again and saw garou really furious its like he's about to kill someone now.

Oh shoot!

"Genos is something wrong?" I asked as i smiled at the cyborg sweetly, he backed away making me sigh in relief.

"Are you ok?" He asked and i just smiled in response trying to convince him that i'm okay.

"Oh i'm fine" i said as i pat the side of his arms,he gently gave me the cup and finally returned to what he was doing.

I returned my gaze to the window of the living room and saw nothing. Did he leave already?

I spaced out and did'nt grip my cup making it slip off my hands and shatter on the floor.


"Yukino!" I jumped as i heard my brother yell at me, i turned at him and gave him an apologetic smile.

"Stop breaking things yukino, for god's sake" he said as he stands and walks towards my direction, bending down as he slowly picks the broken pieces.

The two guys helped me pick the shattered cup.

After that little accident i decided to stay in my brother's room, still thinking of where Garou is right now, especially after he saw what happened earlier with genos and me.

I sighed.

I heard a creak from the door and saw him entering with his usual idiotic face, i just eyed him as he jumps right into my body. Making me groan in slight pain, this brother of mine is heavy.

"Ouch! Get off of me idiot!" I said as i tried to get this idiot off of me but he's just like a boulder, he wont even budge.

"Oh come on! You're freaking heavy" i whined as i continued to get him off of me. But he just chuckled making me annoyed.

"Fine fine" he said as he finally lifts his heavy body off of me. He then sits straight up while looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing" he said as he gazes away from me, he had this serious look on his face making me wonder what my brother is really thinking right now.

"Come on just tell me." I said as i pat my brother's shoulder, he turned to me.

"Its just that.."

"What?" I asked.



"You're so ugly" he said making me angry, he even giggled a little trying to stop himself from laughing.

I quickly grabbed the closest pillow and fling it onto his face making him groan in pain.

"Jerk!" I said as i continue to wrestle the shit out of him but i know he's not even hurtin.

Why is my life consisted of rude jerks? Well except for genos that is.

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