chapter 16

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After that "fun date" and a romantic moment in a dark alley,  garou decided to walk me home, which is actually sweet of him.

I have'nt asked him about his hero hunting thing.. i'm kinda nervous talking about the topic.

"Uh garou?" I said and he just just answered with a hum.

"About your hero hunting? I mean.. are you still doing it?" I finally asked him but as soon as he heard what i said, he stopped on his tracks and slowly turned to me making me gulp.

"Oh.. that" he said in a monotone voice, i just stared at him as i wait for him to continue, cold sweats are running down my face.

"I stopped that.." he said in a very sad way. I mean garou had only  dreamed of becoming a monster his entire life and to be derived from it is just like when my brother told me not to become a hero again.

"Ah.. is that okay?" I asked while still minding about his feelings.

"Yeah.. i can't build a family with you if i continue to hunt heroes" he said as i noticed him blushing which made me blush too.

Garou is looking forward to the future, more than anyone else.

"Thats so kind of you" i said as i leaned my head on his shoulder, we continued to walk until i'm already infront of my brother's apartment building.

He kissed me again in the forehead before leaving.

I walked to my brother's apartment and entered, i was welcomed by the sweet aroma of genos' cooking.

"Oh hey, waddya cookin?" I asked as i peeked over genos's shoulder as he was cooking.

"Oh nothing, just some meat" he replied, but i just laughed at his answer.

"You're finally on a good mood.. got a boyfriend or something?" He suddenly said half joking but i took it seriously. Brother does'nt know about me and garou.. how am i supposed to tell him??

"Wait! you have a boyfr--"

"Im just gonna go shower." I cut my brother off and immidietly went to his room and locked the door.

Oh shoot, how can i tell him? I know he'll freak out when i tell him about garou. I've never had a boyfriend before...

"YUKINO!! GET YOUR ASS OUT OF MY ROOM NOW!! TAKE YOUR GODDAMN SHOWER LATER! WE NEED SOME SERIOUS TALK!" I heard my brother shout from all the way in the living room, i slowly creaked open the door and saw him glaring at me as soon as i popped my face out.

I slowly walked my way towards him, as if i'm walking in a place full of land mines.

"So.." he starts with his very serious tone.

"..." i remained silent as i wait for him to continue. Cold sweats rolling down my cheeks, i kept glancing at genos in the kitchen and he just stares at me as if saying 'he can't help me.'

"Who is the guy?" He asked, which made gulp, as i thought of a way to atleast introduce garou to him without making garou look bad.


"Quick answer please." He demanded which made me panic more, how the hell can i introduce garou??!! Without my brother freaking out, especially if he knows he's the hero hunter.

"Its the guy who saved me in the playground, you remember him right? He's also the one who we treated before." I explained, i heard some thud from genos' direction. I know he knows who garou really is.


"You mean that hero hunter guy?" My brother cut off genos, and the fact that he knows who garou really is made me pale.

"Well whatever, as long as he does'nt hurt you or whatever.. your business is none of my business." He said, its surprised me, i thought he was gonna freak out and force me to break with garou. Weird.

"But saitama sensei! To let yukino date a villain is just--" garou opposes but my brother just shooked his head.

"If he is the one causing yukino's happiness, i don't have the right to stop him and so do you" my brother said with such sincerity, even garou stayed silent after hearing my brother. Things are going too smoothly, its not like i'm not happy that my brother allows me to date garou but the fact that he just agreed to me that fast is really not like him.


saitama's POV

I saw yukino lying on the ground unconsious, i picked her up and was about to leave when i heard someone's footsteps. I turned around and saw the guy who was treated in my apartment.

"How come you're here?" I asked but he just remained silent he seems to be staring at something, i trailed the direction of his gaze and it was towards my sister.

"What do you want?" I asked again and this time he finally looked at me, he looked tired and is somewhat ready to collapse at anytime. His injuries were deep.

"Can i marry your sister?" He asked which made me flinch, that question was out of nowhere.

"Huh?" I said with an irritated tone, i glared at him but he just remained still.

"Can i marry your--"

He was caught off when suddenly genos popped out of nowhere and kicked the guy, the guy was sent flying.

"Genos what are you doing to a civillian?!" I said as i tried to look for the guy who just flew out of my sight because of genos.

"Sensei, that guy is no civillian.. he's the hero hunter." Garou remained still in a fightung stance, i just looked around but found the guy nowhere.

What is he talking about marrying my sister?!

We heard some faint footstep, and the guy suddenly emerged from the mist. He walked towards us and genos immidietly blasted him making him fly away yet again, he must not have enough strength to fight back or is he holding himself back?

The guy popped out again and walked towards us and ofcourse genos had to kick his butt again... this process repeated again and again.

"Genos stop" genos froze and gazed towards me and i handed him yukino's unconsious body.


"Send yukino to the hospital, i'll handle this guy" i said and genos walks away hesitantly with yukino in his arms.

I turned to the guy who's still limping his way towards me.

He then fell to his knees. He seems too tired and hurt to walk.

"What do you want with my sister?" I said with an intimidating voice, he just gazed at the ground avoiding an eye contact with me.

He mumbles but i could'nt hear him.


"I want a life and family with yukino!" He raised his head as he stared at me, i was taken aback as to how desperate he sounded.
Its as if his words touched something in my heart.

I sighed as i bent down to his eye level and stared at him seriously.

"Its up to yukino" i said as i patted his shoulder, i stood up and walked away.

"THANK YOU!" he said as he bowed his head on the ground.

"Whatever.." i said as i left the place leaving him still bowing at me.



Saitama's POV

He better take care of my sister.

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