Chapter 20

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As days grew by garou and i have been seeing each other less and less, he said he had a found a job and is currently working his ass off.

While i on the other hand needs to go back to china to continue my nursing decree, even though i thought i have convinced my brother to let me study here but he was very stubborn on letting me study in china since he says it's safe there.

I had no choice but to follow what he says or else i'll be living in the streets, i have'nt told garou about me leaving to study back in china, i'm still looking for a perfect time to tell him.

I'm lying on my brother's bed still thinking of what to do since its so boring for some reason, i've been bored since i can't meet garou that often and my brother and genos seems to be having so much hero work.

I heard a creak from the door and saw my brother's head poking out from the little crack.

"Come with me and hep me in buying groceries." He said as he welcomes himself in the room.

"Man, you're the strongest man on earth? And yet you can't do groceries alone?" I teased him but he just turned to me with his usual bored face.

"I mean if you want to just laze your ass around here that's fine by me" my brother said as he started changing.

"Fine, I'll go with you since i don't have anything to do afterall" i jolted out of the bed and grabbed my hoodie, i'm just too lazy to change.

Me and my brother saitama walked out of the apartment to buy groceries.

Third person's POV

It was a hot day for garou, the sleeves of his shirt was rolled up to his shoulders which makes his muscles pop out, the girls were staring at him as he move the boxes.

Garou is now working in a grocery store, though his service were as bad as shit. he was still somewhat useful since he can carry boxes for eternity.

"Hey, do you know where the cereals are?" A young man around his 20s walked up to garou, the guy furrowed his eyebrows.

"Man what are you dumb? Just look around idiot." Garou retorted, the guy just got pissed and was about to respond to garou's rude response when the grocery store's manager cut the guy off.

"What can i do for you sir?" The manager said politely to the now furious costumer, the costumer took a deep breath.

"I just want know where the cereals are." Ths guy said, the manager accomodated the costumer and led him to his cereals.

Manager returned to garou with a nasty expression on his face, garou just ignored him like he's some kind of bug.

"This is the last straw garou, if you do this again, i'm firing you" the manager stated with such intimidation but garou just chuckled.

"Yeah yeah right" he brushed the manager off and continued to carry the heavy boxes unto their designated rows.

The manager was left there standing, he was glowing red because of his anger, the manager have always despised garou ever since he came to work in the grocery store  because he was rude.

"That guy needs to learn his lesson." The manager spoke to himself as he forms a fist and gritted his teeth as he glared at garou.

"What's wrong manager-san?" An old man came up from behind the manager, he had this smile on his face. He is the owner of the grocery store

"Well sir you see, the new guy is causing trouble." The manager said but the old man just giggled.

"What an energetic kid" the old man said as he gazes at garou minding his own bussiness.

"But sir we're losing constumers because of the guy" the manager desperately insists but the old man just chuckled as he pats the manager's shoulder as if saying 'calm your horses boy'.

"He's not that bad, he is trying to be good with his job, just look closely." After saying that the old man left and continued stroll around the grocery store.

"What does he mean?" The manager gazed back to garou's direction, his eyes widened as he noticed something.

"All the products are stacked perfectly.. so this is what old man means huh." The manager could'nt help but smile as he watches garou stack up the products.

Garou felt chills when he noticed the manager smiling while looking at him.

"The fuck is that guy smiling at me for? What a creep." Garou whispered to himself as he decided not to mind the guy.

Finally garou was on a break, he took a nap in the storage room.

The manager was still strolling around when he spotted a beautiful young lady, he approached the woman and mustered the most charming smile he can ever do.

The woman replied with a smile, she walked closer to the manager.

"How can i help you?" He smiled at her.. 'is she interested in me? Why is she smiling at me like that?.' The manager thought
To himself.

"Actually, i think i know somebody working here, he kinda mentioned this place afterall." The girl said with a smile plastered on her face, the manager could not help as to blush because of her cute face.

"Hey yukino, get the milk" a bald man(saitama) called the lady(which is you) the manager gazed at the bald guy with a jacket.

"Oh okay..." the woman walked off, the manager decided to help her find where the milk are, he's expecting to chat on their way there.

"Uh so... who's the friend?" The manager starts, yukino turned her head to the manager.

"Uh.. do you know a guy named garou?" Yukino asked and the manager stopped on his tracks.

"You know that troublemaker?" He said with anger hued in his voice.

"Uh.. troublemaker?" You were caught off guard after hearing the manager.

"He's rude to costumer thats all" the manager continued to go off, you just sighed.

"I'm sorry for that, Please continue to take care of him, he's still new to this working thing." You apologized in garou's place, the manager grabbed you by your shoulder and stared at you intently.

"You should not apologize for the guy young lady." The manager said with all seriousness while you just stood frozen still wondering when you can grab the milk because your brother might kick your ass when you dont bring something back.

"Uh okay." You replied.

"Manager-san hands off the girl" garou came out of nowhere and startled both you and the manager, the manager turned to him furiously.

"What do you want?!" The manager scowled at him and garou just held his  hands up as if he's surrendering with a bored look on his face.

"I just said hands off my girl." Garou walked towards you and pulled you into hug, you returned the hug.

"Wait don't tell me--"

"Yessir she's my girlfriend." Garou said as he walks off waving goodbye to you since he still have things to finish.. the manager stood frozen and shocked.

You got this chance to yank the milk off the shelf and run off to your brother.

The manager returned to his consiousness..

"Why? Why? Why?  WHAT A LUCKY JERK!!"  The manager shouted which made the costumers turn their heads on him, he felt embarassed and ran off to the staff room.

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