chapter 21

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Guys I'm back.. the slowest writer.. sorry for keeping you waiting, im still setting the stage for the plot.
Enjoy reading...



After a couple of weeks, garou seems to be getting good at working his ass off in a grocery store though he's still rude but he tends to be nice to elderly people.. thats what he said.

Akira and i began going on shopping sprees together since garou has not been around. Sometimes akira is acting strange like, she would constantly ask about garou's personal profile.

Akira and i have been walking around this clothing store for like an hour since she insists on buying her clothes here and she has trouble looking for a cloth that best fits her.

"Come on akira, choose already." I whined as i stared at her focused figure, she's taking this whole clothes and dress things pretty seriously.

"Look, you need to choose the best outfit, the one that best suits your body propotions."she explained and i just sighed in defeat. There's no way i can stop her from what she's doing.

"Are you trying to impress someone?" I asked with such aggravation  in my tone, she remained silent before clearing her throat.

"Why? Can't i just choose my own clothes for my own satisfaction?" She said and i just remained silent, letting her continue her stuff.

For about thirty minutes, she finally picked her damn clothes. I stared at the clothes she picked, all were larger than her size.  She's buying loose clothing for some reason.

"What happened to the whole choose an outfit that suits your body proportion?" I asked and she just turned to me with a weary look on her face.

"Guess i'm not up to it today."she smiled innocently as she pays for her clothes, i just slapped my own forehead in disbelief.  She seriously wasted so much time.

We got out of the clothing shop and continued roaming around the mall. We continued going around shops  and booths, she seems to be having fun which opposes no problem to me ofcourse.

"Uh.. so. Is garou like nice to you all the time?"she suddenly asked which made me turn to her immidietly.

"Not really.. we still bicker sometimes." I answered giving her limited information, i don't know why i'm acting like this. Its like i'm being cautious around her these past few days.

"Why are you so interested in garou?" I asked with a dubious look painted on my face but she just smiled and looked at me.

"I was just wondering what kind of man made my bestfriend fall this deeply inlove." She answered which made me feel guilty. she was just looking out for me, i'm so rude for doubting her intentions... so never again.

We continued our shopping spree when finally it was time to bid each other goodbye.

I walked in the sidewalk still thinking of how immature and childish i acted earlier.

I walked while dazed off, before i knew it i bumped unto something which made me snap back to reality. I looked at the person whom i just bumped into and found a stranger, i apologized as i continued to walk but the man grabbed my wrist while aggressively turning me unto him.

My brows furrowed as to how the guy acted, i harshly pulled my hands back and gave him a menacing glare which made him gulp.

"Please excuse me."i said as i turned around grumpily stomping my feet like an angry mammal of some sort.

"Man walk like that, and you'll look like a gorilla." A familiar voice irked me, i turned around with an ogre look on my face.

"When were you here?" I asked with slight anger obvious in my tone of speaking.

"Gee, i just heard some loud footsteps and i just followed the sound and it turns out be my gorilla of a girlfriend." He smirked feeling proud as he continues to tease me. I scoffed.

"What was that guy earlier?" He asked  and i just sighed.

"A jerk." I answered and he rests his arms around my shoulder making me carry his weight.

"You're heavy." I said as i yanked his arms off my fragile shoulders, i heard a faint 'tch' from him, which i have been accustomed to everytime we meet.

"I better get going."he said as he kisses my forehead, and leaving me. I felt disappointed.

Oh really garou? Can you not walk your girlfriend home? I just continued my walk with a slouched back.


i left yukino alone since i know she can handle herself..    well the truth is, our first monthsary is coming up, i've been picking up different jobs from here and there. I need to be the one to pay for our next date or else it'll be pretty humiliating as a man.

As i walked my way in the dark alley, i heard a small thud behind me. I slowly turned around and saw this akira girl again.

I don't know why i keep on bumping unto her as i f she's following me or something.

"Garou san?" She said innocently.

"Cut the chase.. what do you want?" I rudely told her off.

"Ah i mean, its your first monthsary with yukino right? I can help." She offered her help, normally i would refuse but since this woman is yukino's bestfriend.. there are things that only she knows.

"Fine... i'll let you help me."i said even though i loathed asking for help.. especially from this girl.

"Then lets meet up in a cafe tomorrow." After saying that she left.. 

Seriously why is she walking around when she's in that state?

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