4: take him

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Its been three days of seeing the kind vampire at his cage. He would smile at him and walk around suspiciously in the room. Taehyung hoped he would visit again tomorrow.

Taehyung sat in his cage, inside the room of the white robed man. He wanted to keep a eye on Taehyung to study him more.

He felt really watched. He was being watched. The man kept glancing at him then turning back to writing something. Taehyung turend around. He didnt like being alone but this is not what he wanted.

He just want to see the world. And maybe there are more than one kind person like that vampire. He wondered what the world looked like outside these walls he was kept. He cant remember much from when he was little.

He sighed trying his best to remember something if his past. Besides when he saw his village going up in flames. But he couldnt, he couldnt even remember his parents or his friend. Nothing.

What if they are still out there? Would they be looking for him? Would they be worried?

Taehyung had no idea and he kept wondering if someone would wake him up from this dream. But it never happend. He just had to realise everyday again that this was reality and he would nevrmer go back into the soft breeze and sunlight again.

'i will get you out, i promise'


He remembered the words of the vampire and he lifted his head. He promised him. And that gave him hope. Everyday he would smile when he saw those kind red eyes at the cage. He didnt reet to reach for him.  He just smiled and said he will be back and he had to stay strong.

Jeon Jungkook taehyung thought. He tried to speak out his name but still no sound. He wanted to talk to him and say thank you. Thank you for being so kind. For giving his smile back. For making him forget the pain for that little moment that day.

But he couldnt, he had no voice anymore. His wings, that hurted the most.

He lost them. Not letterly but it did felt like that to him. They were grey. He remembered when he first got them. They had color and sparkled when he flapped them.  Now he cant even move them. they hung like wet towels at his back.

He touched his wings carefully as he could see the cracks and a ripped part of the delicate thin wing.
He didnt even felt them anymore. Like they were not there at all.

He felt at the tag they clipped on his ankles. 'subject 133605-final' was writted on it. He tried to break it off but it was no use. He tried it before, a lot but never got to break it. He wasnt strong at all. He lost all his strength. He always felt like a jelly.

"go sleep fly" the white robed man said. Taehyung never got to know his name. He knew no ones name. Only 'grand Leader' but he didnt know his real name. He remembered them by the color robes they wore.

The white man walked to the wall and turned off the lights. Taehyung layed down on the hard furface of the cage and turned around. He felt cold. The only thing he was alowed to wear was a white shirt and white shorts.

Taehyung closed his eyes but as usu he couldnt sleep. He would wake up at the tiniest sound in the room, or from nightmares. One of the reasons he was always exhausted. Besides the experiments they kept putting him into.


A next day came once again. But this time Taehyung was taken to a different room. Not the room of the white robed man. But there was a purple robed man. He never sat that one before. He had a staff in one hand and something shiny in the table. Nothing else was inside the room.

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