57: baby bub

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Two weeks had passed and Jungkook was getting over protective over his Fairy. He sensed that there was something changing though their bond.

"no Tae dont run, what if you get hurt?" Jungkook said scooping Taehyung in his arms.

"Jungkook! Im not a old grandpa, im young, i want to run" Taehyung whind wiggling around in Jungkooks grip.

Jungkook squinted his eyes at Taehyung. Who squinted them back. Having a glare contest.

"uhm sorry to interrupt but the food it ready" Jin said wiping his hands. Jungkook looked away earlier and Taehyung smirked in victory. 

"go eat Tae, you need it" Jungkook said placing him down. Taehyung stuck out his togue and ran towards the table. Jumping onto the seat.

"Tae!" Jungkook said in a scolding tone. Stomping towards the table.

Yoongi was about to sit down next to Taehyung but Jungkook was fast to snatch the seat away and sit on it himself. Making yoongi trip and hit his ass in the ground

"Jungkook the fuck?!" Yoongi shouted as he looked op from the gound. 
Jungkook just looked down not saying anything.

"glad you are back but this is getting annoying"  yoongi complained and sat down in a different seat.

"where is Jimin?" Taehyung asked as he started eating with Jin and Namjoon.

"shower" yoongi answered.


"wait, Shower hm.."  yoongi said and then smirked. He jumped from his seat and ran upstairs.

"oh god" jungkook chuckled shaking his head.

Halfat in his food Taehyung started to feel nauseous. He first shrugged it off stuffing his food more. But it got worse. He dropped his fork with a clater on the plate. Getting the attention of everyone.

He pushed his chair back and ran out of the room into the toilet in the hallway. Falling on his knees and he threw up in the toilet.

He crunched his face and looked at his vomit. He began crying. He didnt like this.

Jungkook rushed after him when he heared his cry with his very good hearing. Peeking inside the toilet he saw his fairy bend over the toilet crying.

"hey hey, what happend?" he asked emedielty kneeling next to him. He caressed his back seeing Taehyung buckle over to throw up again.

"i feel sick" Taehyung said grabbing toilet paper to wipe his mouth. He felt more comming up but he closed his mouth trying to push it back.

"im here, you can let it out." Jungkook said. His voice was soft and gentle.

And Taehyung did just that. Throwing out almost all his food. Emptying his stomach while crying. Once Taehyung seemed to be done. He was just staring into the toilet. Jungkook wiped his tears away and gave him a toilet paper.

"thanks" Taehyung said with a shaky voice. His throat hurted from vommiting. He fushed the toilet and stood up with Jungkooks help.

"was that..." jungkook asked. A small exitement building up inside of him the image of a baby in his mind.

"yes kook, it was. I feel it" taehyung said with a small smile. They went to the sink as Jungkook quickly flashed upstairs to grab his toothbrush.

"im so happy" Jungkook said hearing the comfirmation of his thoughts. Smiling a big bunny smile.

"everything okay?" Jin asked worried looking into the toiletwhere the two stood

"Taehyung is pregnant" Jungkook said. Jins eyes widen.

"wait what? What?!"

"yes, he just threw up"


"we are going to get a baby bub. Out own baby bean" Jungkook sparkled while saying it. Hugging Taehying who almost chucked onto his toothbrush by the sudden contact against him.

He couched and spit out the toothpaste. "jesus Kookie" he chuckled. He rinsed his mouth with the Vampire clinging at his back. But he couldn't bend over to get to the water.

"Jungkook i think Taehyung needs some space" Namjoon said also appearing there. Behind Jin.

"they are having a child" Jin said. Namjoons eyes widen.

"wait for real?!"

"Yes!" Jungkook cheered and let go of the Fairy. Letting him finally get his mouth to the water.

"wait how long are you then?" Namjoon furrowed his brows.

"i think two weeks. Its been two weeks since we...You know"

"i fucked him very good" Jungkook filled in with a smirk. Eyeing Taehyung who turned red and looked away.


"..Well" Jin said and walked away letting the two out of the toilet. They went to the living room.

"so what haopends now, you re pregant. Do we have to-"
Namjoon stopped when they heard a door slam open and someone almost fall down the sairs.

They looked at the doorway and Jimin ran inside.

"are we getting baby in the house?!" he asked his eyes wide and a smile on his face. Looking at Taehyung.


"oh my god!" Jimin hugged Taehyung tightly.

"Jimin what the fuck was that for?" Yoo gi asked as he entered the room. His hair was messy and shirt half unbuttoned. Jungkook held back a laugh.

"did you boyfriend leave you for his friend" jungkook teased. Yoongi glared at him.

"shut up" Yoongi fixed himself and looked at everyone who were smiling. "why is everyone so...Strange..."

"they are getting a baby"

"oh right, so it worked?" Yoongi said not looking surprised

"it did" Taehyung said getting squeezed by Jimin. "it feels strange now tho, like i have a small stone inside my belly" Taehying said as Jimin released him. He poked his belly.

"Tae dont poke it. What if you hurt it"

"Jungkook it isnt gonna get hurt." Taehyung answered with a straight face.

Jungkook didnt say anything but he got on one knee and pressed his face against his belly. Hoping he can hear or feel anything.

"Jungkook its two weeks, you have to wait a bit longer than that" Taehyung chuckled pattong Jungkooks head. Jungkook pouted and stood up.

"i want out baby bub already" he said.

He then looked back at the others who stared at him lifting their brows.
"what are you looking at?"

"nothing" everyone walked away to do just anything. Jungkook then turned back to Taehyung and lifted his chin.

"i just threw up" Taehyung warned.

"did you brush your teeth"


"see" Jungkook winked and bend down pressing their lips together. Taehyung melted and placed his hands on Jungkooks shoulders. Jungkooks hands went behind Taehyungs neck and around his waist.

Forgetting the room around them for a moment.

everyone looked at the couple. While Jimin was hitting Yoongis shoulder while squeeling over his best friend and Jungkook.



Baby bub sounds so cute.

I want my future partner to call me bub....Its cute...


A few more to go, hihi

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