8: there is no cure

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Two days passed and Jungkook watched Taehyung paint on a big canvas while Jimin was treating his wings, just like Hoseok had said they had to.
He hase gotten more healthier every day he was here.

Jungkook was on his way out but wanted to see Taehyung before he left.

"Hey Tae" he sais and Taehyung looked back with a smile.

"hi hi"

"im going to Hoseok, i will come back as soon im done. You stay here with Jimin and Yoongi okay?" Jungkook said. His eyes focussed on Jimin stoking Taehyungs delicate wings with a soft chloth. Colored with a yellow liquid soaked in it.

"okay!" Taehyung said and nodded. Jungkook left the house and ran in his speed towards Hoseoks tower. Taking the door and the endless stairs up.

"why do you need to have so many stairs" Jungkook said annoyed as he reached the top.

"for non magical beings" Hoseok answered closing his book. He stood up walking to the bookself and acing it back in place.

"lets get this done so i can go back to my Taehyungie" Jungkook said as he sat down.


"im not"

"pfff" Hoseok chuckled and walked to Jungkook. "annyway. I studied again. But there is no treatment i can make"

"why not.."

"your kind isnt supposed to be here in the first place, you were banned"

"then how am i supposed to handle it?"

"you will have to find a way, but its dangerous for Taehyung" Hoseok looked at Jungkook "you cant be around him for so long. It just a matter of time untill you will be craving for his blood as well"

"i can contain myself!"

"you keep saying something different."

"its just...He is my mate i cant be far away from him, he needs to be with me" Jungkook slumbed down in his chair and sighed.

"i understand" Hoseok stood up and grabbed something from his table.
"show me your eyes"

"the fuck is that" Jungkook slapped the hand out of his face.

"come on, let me see"

Jungkook let Hoseok do his job. There was a light in his eye. Jungkook thought it would burn his eyes out but it didnt.

Hoseok turned it off and sat back. Shaking his head."its getting worse"

"ita spreading faster than i hoped it would"

"cant you slow it down..Or something?"

"im sorry, i cant help you any further. I only could curse you or bann you from this planet. But i wont do that. It will anger your other side....And i dont want to lose a friend."

"then what to i do?!" Jungkook was slowly getting angry. There had to be something. He cant risk hurting Taehyung with this.

"you will have to wait. Practice, you have to do this yourself"
Hoseok said and stood up, he grabbed his staff.
"ill go see how Taehyung is doing"

"im going with you" Jungkook stood up as well.

Hoseok opened a portal wich they used and went back home


"look Jimin!" Taehyung said happy as he finished his painting.

Jimin walked to him and smiled. It was a good painting. It was colored with blue, green and grey. There were flowers and water. Or it looked like water.

Your Blood // vkook taekook \\Where stories live. Discover now