27: i dont deserve you (M)

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The two had returned home Jungkook was very silent not saying a lot. Taehyung didnt ask him, he let the older be for now.

As soon they walked in the hoiluse Jungkook dissapeared and a blink. Taehyung heard a door shut upstairs and sighed.

He thought if he should go up or not. He decided not to do it and went into the living room.

"Taehyung, what happend?" Jimin asked looking between the stairs and Taehyung from the doorway.

"we went to Hoseok just now, and something went wrong. But he didnt tell me exactly what"

"oh no" Jimin whispered and walked back in the room. Taehyung followed.

Taehyung felt a bit uncomfortable without Jungkook next to him. He kept looking at the doorway hoping he would walk in.

"here" Jimin gave him a bowl of soup he bought. He accepted it placing it on his lap to cool down. He felt off, something was bothering Jungkook.

He sighed and started eating the soup in silence. Jimin looked up as someone entered the room.

"oh, hi Hyung" he said. Jin and Namjoon had entered the house. They just waved sensing a strange tension in the room.

"what is wrong?" Jin asked sitting next to Taehyung. Namjoon sat beside Jimin.

Taehyung shrugged he nust couldnt feel happy right now, but before he had no problem being happy what is the sudden change.

"Jimin?" Jin asked him for help. Maybe he knows

"they visited Hoseok for the orb. And something went wrong. Namjoon hyung knows what i mean" jimin said and namjoon nodded.

"i think you should talk to him, he trusts you most" Yoongi siddenky stood in the doorway looking at Taehyung with his orange eyes.

"he looks like he wanted To be alone" Taehyung said back. Jungkook was so silent and with himself after they left Hoseoks house to go back home.

"you dont have to talk with someone, sometimes being there with them is enough"

"you sound wise Yoons"Jimin said with a grin. Yoongi just rolled his eyes and walked away.

"okay i will go to him" Taehyung decided and got up from the couch. Placing the empty bowl on the kitchen counter.

He walked all the way upstairs feeling himself getting more tense every step he came closer to the door. Was it bacause of the bond? That he can feel Jungkooks emotions? He didnt know a lot about Vampires. And defenetly not of Jungkooks kind.

Stopping on front of the door he gripped onto the handle. Opening the door. He flinched as as he saw the chair getting thrown against the wall.

Jungkooks head snapped towards Taehyung. His eyes black. He wanted to jump at him but when he took one step his hands began trembling and he froze.

A high pitched sound was heard and he shrunk in a ball on the floor grippinng his hair. Taehyung hurried to his side kneeling next to him.

"hey hey its alright" Taehyung wrapped his arms around him and released a bit of his dust making it whirl down onto the demon.

Jungkook seemed to relax in his arms a sigh leaving his nose. Slowly the black color faded from his hands and nails turned to normal. Taehyung pecked his raven hair he could feel the tense air in the room dissapearing.


"yes im here"

"i dont want to hurt you" Jungkook said. His voice sounded small and it made the younger feel bad.

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