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The oberois were ready for maldives. Shivaay had already picked Annika for the airport and right now everyone was waiting in the lounge.
The youngsters were cracking jokes, laughing. The seniors were chatting amongst them while two people were busy in admiring each other silently. They were engaged in their own battle of silence where none was speaking yet the eyes did the entire talking. Quite filmy. Right ?
Rudra and om noticed this and gave knowing smirks to Each other.
"Bhaiya, Didi this is an airport. You have plenty of time for romance once we reach Maldives" rudra spoke teasingly while the others laughed and shivaay Annika averted their gaze with a blush on their faces.
Soon the oberois were seated in their private jet. But were upto something mischievous. All the seats had been occupied by them leaving just 2 vacant at the back.
Having no other option shivaay and Annika sat together at the last.
The plane started to take off and it was then shivaay noticed the scared expressions on Annika's face.
"Annika are you fine ?"
"Umm yeah actually I'm a bit scared"
Shivaay held her hand and caressed her hair. "Relax Annika it's gonna be fine"
Annika nodded her head and closed her eyes. After a few moments she started feeling better. Shivaay was still holding her hand while the other was behind her head.
"You're fine now ?" Shivaay asked her in a soft voice laced with concern. One could tell he was really worried.
"Yes thank you shivaay" Annika replied as if in a trance.
Hearing his name from her sounded like a melody. He never found his name this beautiful but today he had this unexplainable sort of feeling.
Both Annika and shivaay smiled at each other and then looked in the opposite directions.
Shivaay soon got busy reading his business magazine while Annika was staring at the clouds with a childlike expression. After an hour or so shivaay felt something heavy on his shoulder. He turned to find the most adorable sight. Annika was sleeping with her mouth open. Her hair were scattered all over her face while she was clutching his arm with both the hands. A smile appeared on shivaay's face and he lowered himself so that she could be more comfortable. He tucked her hair carefully behind her ear.Soon he dozed off.
Some time later Annika opened her eyes and she was hit with the smell of his cologne. Shivaay was dangerously close to her , his head was resting on hers while his one hand was around her shoulder. Annika was still clutching his arm. He looked like an adorable baby while sleeping making her smile. Suddenly she heard his husky voice " done staring?" He asked with a playful smile.
"Umm I ...I wasn't staring" Annika answered straightening herself.
Shivaay chuckled seeing her reactions.
"Well we're about to land so be ready"
The entire oberoi clan entered the hotel. The seniors were given the first floor while the Juniors were given the ground floor. Shivaay and annika's rooms were adjacent with a common connecting door.
Annika freshened up and decided to go for a walk.
It was almost evening now and everyone was in the common lobby when daadi and pinki enquired about Annika.
"Arey billu puttar Annika Kahan hai ?"
"Daadi I didn't see her since afternoon" shivaay's answer made everyone worried.
"Rudra ,om come on help me find her"
Shivaay searched for her everywhere but she wasn't there.
His worry was increasing with each passing moment when he noticed a silhouette near the sea.
He went closer and was relieved at what he saw.
Annika was sitting near the seashore humming a song.
Thanking the gods above shivaay walked towards her.
"Annika " shivaay spoke in a Stern tone startling her
"What are you doing here at this hour? Do you have any idea how worried we all were about you ? You could have informed Priyanka atleast. Why are you so careless?"  Shivaay asked angrily.
"I.. I'm sorry " Annika spoke with tears in her eyes.
Shivaay sighed and cupped her face
"Annika you could have informed me right ? You know it's not safe to sit near the sea when there is high tide.
Now stop crying. You know I cannot see your tears" shivaay spoke in a very soft and gentle tone while wiping her tears.
"Come on let's head back to the resort. Everyone is waiting"
On reaching the resort Annika was bombarded with questions from everyone along with their worried faces.
"Relax everyone she is totally fine there is nothing to be worried about." Shivaay spoke diverting everyone's attention.
"Thanks gods Annika is safe. We were so worrieds" pinki spoke caressing Annika's hair.
Soon after dinner Mallika and Siddharth along with Annika , shivaay and omru were discussing about the functions that would take place tomorrow.
"Annika and shivaay since you both are my best friends I want you guys to perform on our sangeet"
"But Mallika.."
"No ifs and buts both of you. Mere liye itna bhi nahi karoge ?" Mallika asked making a puppy face.
"Ugghh fine we'll do it. You're fine Annika ?"  To which Annika nodded
"Great then see you tomorrow guys" and saying so Mallika walked away with Siddharth while omru too retired to their rooms leaving behind an awkward shivaay and Annika.
Breaking the silence after a few minutes shivaay finally spoke.
"Annika are you sure about the dance. I mean I can talk to Mallika if you feel uncomfortable about this whole idea of me and you dancing together"
"No billuji it's fine with me. Mallika is my friend too and she hasn't asked for something very difficult. I'm totally okay with this idea of us dancing together"
Shivaay couldn't help but admire her.
"Well if you say so then okay "
Reaching their rooms and wishing each other good night they dozed off to sleep totally unaware of what was going to happen in the upcoming days.

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