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Annika woke up after a short nap. She didn't even realize when she had fallen asleep. Her back was aching due to the posture in which she slept. Suddenly she recalled her conversation with shivaay where he had almost confessed his feelings. Her head felt a bit light but she was still stressed. She hadn't expected him to say it so soon scratch that rather not at all expected him to say it. Sighing she got up and moved towards the washroom to get ready.

It was a small cocktail party organized by Siddharth and Mallika for their Friends which included the obros as well as sumo, prinku and ofcourse Annika.
The garden was decorated with fairy lights and lanterns. It looked simply breathtaking. There was a bar set up in a corner and snacks were being served. A dance floor was also set up and the dj was busy playing some peppy party songs.
Omru were busy chatting with prinku and somu while the couple of the evening were posing for some really cool photographs.

It was after few minutes that shivaay came along with Annika.
"Arey look who's here" rudra spoke with a teasing glint seeing shivaay and Annika together.
Both shivaay and Annika didn't acknowledge the fact and diverted the talk. Om understood something was off between the both of them.
Annika got busy talking to sumo and prinku while shivaay was with omru.
Both of them however were intently staring at the other which they were quite aware of.
It was a mere coincidence that both of them had stepped out of their rooms at the same time and thus ended up coming together making it look as if it was pre planned.

Annika's mind was still wandering to what Happened in the afternoon she was just not able to let it go. Feeling a bit uncomfortable she excused herself saying she had to check the arrangements. Shivaay very well knew her state of mind but chose to stay quiet. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable.
Soon everyone moved to the dance floor but shivaay was becoming restless with each passing moment. He was now worried for Annika. It was almost 20 minutes since he last saw her.

Deciding, he went to look for her.
He came to the poolside where he saw her standing with her back towards him. She looked simply gorgeous. Annika was wearing a black off shoulder dress. Her tresses were left open reaching till her waist. She wore simple stone studs in her ears. Walking towards her shivaay stood beside her. She sighed knowing it was him. Couldn't he leave her alone. Why was he making this so difficult for her ?
"Annika what are you doing here ?"
"Just came to feel some fresh air. I was feeling suffocated there" she spoke eyeing him.
Shivaay would be lying if he said he didn't feel bad. She was feeling suffocated due to his presence.
But this could not continue. He had to do something now.
Softly he held her arm and turned her towards him. He could feel her sharp intake of breath.
Softly holding both her hands he further spoke " Annika I know you feel uncomfortable since our last conversation. But I needed to tell you not because I want you to reciprocate but to know that I really like you. You don't need to be so uncomfortable Annika. Atleast don't break our friendship please" shivaay spoke the last line with a pleading tone.
Annika's eyes welled up again.
"Shivaay I don't know what is wrong with me. It's just I don't know how to react. All my life I've always craved for love and happiness and when it's finally there I feel scared. What if you too go away from me ? I won't be able to handle it shivaay. My parents left me , I had no one untill I met you and your family. The thought of finding happiness scares me shivaay because life has only snatched it from me" Annika broke into sobs
Shivaay was stunned listening to her. He couldn't see her breaking and giving up so easily. Slowly he wound one arm around her waist and kept the other on the back of her head. He engulfed her in a warm hug. Annika buried her face in the crook of his neck and wound her arms around his torso reciprocating the hug even more tightly. She needed this the most right now. Shivaay's embrace was protective. She fit into his arms perfectly like the piece of a puzzle. Shivaay continued to caress her back lighly along with giving her soft kisses on her hairline and temple. He felt this sudden urge to protect her even more. She was vulnerable and only he could heal her.

Few minutes later when he heard her sobs subside. He parted from the hug and cupping her face planted a long kiss on her forehead. Annika closed her eyes feeling a sudden sense of peace and serenity surge up her heart.
"Annika take as much time as you want but always know that I'll be waiting for you even if it takes forever".

Annika could only nod with a faint smile. Holding her hand in his shivaay walked with her back to the party where the others were.
Annika felt a lot better now. A heavy burden was off her heart. She could sense his gaze on her which made her blush a tinge of red. Her heart felt at peace. Suddenly she was dragged on the dance floor by sumo and prinku while shivaay by rudra.

Annika almost tripped while dancing when she felt a known touch. Shivaay had held her hand and refused to let go off her under the excuse that she was a bit clumsy. Annika too didn't protest against it. She was now liking it. Passing shy smiles at each other shivaay and Annika danced the night away. It was actually Dawn when they decided to retire to their rooms for some sleep. Before entering her room
Annika did something unexpected. She stood on her toes slowly and pecked his cheek ,mouthing a thank you. Before shivaay could even react Annika had already ran inside leaving a lovestruck shivaay at the doorstep who was now grinning like a lovesick teenager.

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