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The function was still going on when shivaay noticed Annika talking to a guy. Annika was smiling and laughing at his talks. He was flirting with her shivaay could make it out. He frowned upon seeing them conversing.
A part of him wanted to hold back but the other was screaming all sorts of cuss words at the guy.
Shivaay was confused by his own feelings but then decided to go and handle the matter.
Annika turned towards shivaay as she saw him coming towards her and with a smile introduced the guy to him.
"Shivaay meet tarun. He is an old friend of mine and guess what he is Siddharth's cousin" Annika spoke excitedly.
"Tarun this is shivaay"
They shook hands with each other.
"Annika I need to catch up with my other cousins. I'll see you later. Bye"
Tarun walked away not before giving a slight hug to Annika which was reciprocated by her as well.
All of this was being noticed by a certain kanji eyed bhagadbilla who was certainly very annoyed.
"Shivaaaay" Annika yelled to gain his attention.
"Huh.. ye.. yes"
"Where are you lost ?"
"Annika since when do you know that guy?"
"Tarun? I met him during an event. He is a nice guy "
Shivaay could only hmmm in response .
Annika noticed his sullen expressions
"Shivaay is everything fine ? You look a bit off?"
"Yeah I'm fine" shivaay spoke his eyes not meeting hers.
Annika tugged his hand when he was about to go and stood in front of him.
She came closer and cupped his cheek with her palm.
Shivaay was surprised by her actions but strangely he felt good.  As if on a cue shivaay stepped even closer. They could feel each other's breaths.
"Shivaay I know something is bothering you. Why don't you ever share your problems? You regard me as a friend right ? Then please tell me"
Annika's pleading tone melted him but how could he confess the fact that tarun's presence around Annika was bothering him. They were not a couple. He had no rights to even think about this let alone tell her everything.

Straightening himself shivaay spoke
"Annika it's nothing. I'm just a little tired due to all these functions. I need some rest. I'll be okay"
"Sure ?"
"Yes Annika" shivaay spoke assuring her.
They still stood close to each other none making a move to walk ahead.
Annika's cheeks had a tinge of blush which made her look even more adorable. Their hands were intertwined which even they were unaware of.
Suddenly shivaay's phone rang breaking the reverie of their thoughts.
Embarrassed they quickly moved away from each other. Annika was about to leave when shivaay held her hand gesturing her to wait while he finished the call.
Annika felt butterflies in her stomach.
It was all so new yet felt right. After a few minutes shivaay disconnected the call and they walked towards their respective rooms with a grin on their faces.

The day had been very hectic. Annika woke up in the Evening after a good nap. She felt relaxed now.
The weather outside was pleasant and she decided to go for a walk.
She knocked shivaay's door to ask him if he wanted to join her but after getting no response she decided to go alone.
Annika was strolling when she heard someone call her. She turned around to find tarun waving at her.
"Annika can I join you?"
"Yes ofcourse"
After some 20-25 minutes Annika decided to go back unaware of the baghadbilla's wrath.
As soon as she entered her room. She heard a knock.
She opened the door to find shivaay.
"Annika I need to talk to you"
Annika closed the door behind him.
"Why were you roaming with tarun ?"
Annika's eyes widened at his sudden question.
"What do you mean shivaay ?"
"Annika why did you go with him? You know this is a totally unknown place. What if he harmed you ?"
"Shivaay he is my friend" Annika spoke with a tinge of anger.
"Damn it Annika why don't you understand it ? I've seen him flirting with you and staring at you"
"What?" Surprise , anger , shock were evident in her voice.
"Shivaay what is wrong with you? He is an old friend of mine. I don't know why are you behaving like a small kid" Annika spoke with tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
Closing his eyes in frustration shivaay took a long breath to calm himself.
"Annika the thing is I don't like it when random guys flirt with you. I know I sound like a jerk but it is what it is. I.. I ...I like you Annika"
Shivaay spoke in a single breath with his eyes still closed
Annika was hell surprised on this sudden confession. She didn't expect this at all.
"Annika I know there must be a lot of things in your mind right now but I just wanted you to know that you'll be the first and last girl I've ever developed feelings for. I'll wait for you.
And even if you don't feel the same way I'm happy with our friendship.
Shivaay went to his room. The sound of the door shutting broke her reverie.
Tears slid down her cheeks before she broke into sobs. Shivaay Singh oberoi had managed to break the walls surrounding her heart. Perhaps the only man who was able to make her feel all sorts of things. He made her happy and cared for her. She loved to spend time with him.somewhere a part of her heart craved to be loved But was she ready to commit to this relationship when all her life she had watched her loved ones drifting away from her ? What if shivaay later realised it was just a mere attraction ? Would she be able to go through the pain then ?
It was time to decide her fate.

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