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It was a Saturday and shivaay had called Annika for lunch at the mansion with the entire family. Annika and shivaay had grown extremely close with each other and the whole oberoi clan were ardent shivika shippers. They adored Annika like their own daughter and never missed a chance to pamper her. Pinki was extremely fond of her and left no stone unturned to give motherly care and warmth to her.

There were times when shivaay would actually wonder if he was her son or Annika was her daughter but he had no complaints whatsoever. He was very happy that the family had accepted their relationship without any problem.

Right now , all of them were seated in the hall area laughing and cracking jokes. Shivaay was sitting near Annika with his arm around her shoulder who was quite calm since She had become quite habitual of all this now. Although initially the family had teased them but now it was a normal thing for them since they knew how deeply these two were in love .

"Dadi I guess I should leave now. I have an important event tomorrow and I need to check the arrangements by evening"

"Arey Annika Didi I mean bhabhi why are you leaving so soon ? Abhi abhi to aaye the" rudra whined like a child.

"Rudra it is really important otherwise I would have stayed you know that"

"Rudra she is right. Let her go
The event is important for her" shivaay interrupted

"Bhaiya aap to unki hi side lo hamesha"

Rolling his eyes shivaay offered to drop Annika at the location.

"Shivaay is rudra really upset with me?" Annika asked as she sat in the car.

"Come on Annika even you know that he cannot be upset with you. After all you are his favorite human on Earth now " shivaay replied to her to which Annika chuckled.

Shivaay admired how Annika had totally regarded the oberoi family as her own. She was concerned for each and every member and loved them with all her heart especially omru. He was glad that his brothers especially rudra adored her so much since he was the one to get easily upset whenever the topic of shivaay's marriage was discussed in the past thinking that his new bhabhi would snatch his bhaiya away from him. Rudra had found a new partner in crime in Annika. They would play pranks on shivaay and om and then laugh like maniacs.

As the car came to a halt Annika quickly pecked his cheek and mouthed a goodbye.

She turned around hearing his voice

"Wait for me I'm also coming with you"

"But what will you do here shivaay ?"

"I thought I could spend some more time with my girlfriend but it's fine if she doesn't want it" he spoke pretending to be upset.

"Awwwwww you're too cute shivaay" Annika chuckled at his antics

Slipping her hand in his she gestured him to walk.

The venue was huge and it took about an hour for Annika to look after the final arrangements. Finally she returned back to where shivaay was.

"Phewwwww it's finally done" Annika spoke leaning back on the chair.

Shivaay pulled his chair closer to her and wiped her face gently with his handkerchief.

"Annika, now that you've become an expert in all this why don't you start your own event management firm ? "

"Hmmmm actually shivaay I have been pondering upon this for a while now and I have my savings too but who will search for a good location and then designing the office yada yada.."

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