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Annika changed her clothes and was still having a stupid grin on her face due to the stunt she pulled few minutes back. She freaking kissed shivaay Singh oberoi. Maybe it wasn't as bad as she was thinking all this to be. Shivaay understood her like no one ,he cared for her and Sahil as if they were a family. He had always helped her and was always there for her. She could see the way he looked at her when he thought she wasn't noticing. His gaze was enough to reduce her to a puddle. She knew he wasn't fooling around, he was rather serious about her. Truth be told she liked him too but was just holding herself because she did not trust her fate.
Maybe it was time to give a chance to her fate. How wrong could it go after all. She had seen worse than this. With a smile on her face she dozed off to one of the best and content sleep of her life.

On the other hand shivaay too could not stop grinning and blushing. He was acting like a teenager. Annika was finally opening up to him. He knew she needed time and he was ready. After listening to what all she confessed to him at the party he was determined to make her realise that now life would only give her love and happiness. silently promising to himself that he will fill her life with only happiness and love he too dozed off.

The next day shivaay woke up at 10:00 am. Quickly freshening up he made a call to the restaurant to enquire if they were still serving breakfast but it was already closed now. Sighing to himself he sat on the couch thinking. Suddenly an idea came to his mind. Picking up his phone he dialled annika's number and asked her to come to his room as soon as possible with her belongings. He had decided to take her for breakfast in the city and also planned for some sightseeing since they were free today and also because he wanted to spend some time with her.

After about 40 minutes he heard a knock on his door. Calming his rapidly increased heartbeats he opened the door only to find himself awestruck.
There stood Annika in a pretty floral knee length dress. Her hair were tied in a high ponytail. She looked freaking gorgeous. How would he survive the day with her looking this good. Boy, shivaay Singh oberoi had signed himself up for an adventure.

"Wow Annika you look beautiful"
"Why thank you shivaay " she replied with a slight blush which didn't go unnoticed by him.
Locking the door of his room he walked with her towards the lift.
Once they were out shivaay escorted her to the car that was supposed to take them out today.

"Shivaay atleast tell me now where are we going?"
"Patience Annika patience. You'll soon get to know" he replied with a wink.
Annika soon started to admire the beautiful view around her while shivaay was busy adoring her antics.

The car stopped at a restaurant which looked quite fancy yet beautiful. It had a fun vibe. After having their breakfast shivaay took her to the famous places of Maldives he knew about. Annika was roaming around like an excited kid. Shivaay had held her hand securely so that she didn't get lost. Annika's heart warmed at this gesture of his and she couldn't help but pass a full blown smile to which he chuckled. Annika bought some cute souvenirs for Chanda , sumo , prinku while shivaay waited patiently for her to get done with it. It was evening and both of them were tired by now. Their car stopped in front of a beach.

"Shivaay why are we here ? Weren't we going back to the hotel ?"
"We will, but after this" saying so he held her hand and gestured her to follow him. After walking for a few minutes Annika stopped in her tracks to the most beautiful sight she had ever seen.
The beach was calm with very few people around. The sun was setting and it cast a pink orangish glow on them. The sound of the waves could be heard. It was simply beautiful. She felt shivaay tugging her hand and they sat on the rocks together.

Annika giggled when she felt the cool breeze on her face. Her hair were all scattered but she couldn't care much.
She turned to her left to see shivaay staring at her with an unusual expression on his face. She blushed and turned her face the other side.
After moments of silence Annika spoke " shivaay how many girls have you dated till now ?"
Shivaay was quite taken aback by this sudden question of hers but he chose to be honest with her
"2 to be precise. I dated Shruti when I was in college but we realised we were good as friends only. The second girl I dated was Naina but she was only with me because I was shivaay Singh oberoi "

"Did you love any of them ?"

"No Annika I didn't"

Annika turned to find him staring at the vast sea in front of them.

"Why do you like me shivaay ?"

Annika asked with a very serious face as if she was processing something in her mind.

"Well , our initial meeting wasn't good at all. You had your own ways of doing things and I had mine. I didn't like the way you affected me. You've always done things that I didn't. You gave me funny names ,threw water at me , gave me burnt pasta to eat and even argued with me. But on janmashtmi when you fainted in the kitchen I realised I was getting habitual of seeing you ,talking to you and fighting with you. You risked your life just to save my family. I guess that was the day when I realised how wrong I had been in judging you . To distract my mind I even preponed my marriage with tia but inside I was fretting Annika. You made shivaay Singh oberoi have cold feet. Gradually I realised there was something more between us than we thought. You are a strong woman Annika. You never fail to amaze me. You're the only one who has the ability to bring out my other side which I never knew existed .
With you I know I can be myself and I don't need to worry about anything.
Before you I never believed in love but now I think I do. " shivaay finished still looking into her eyes.

Annika was beyond stunned listening to him. Both of them had tears in their eyes. Scooting closer to him she snuggled closer into him keeping her head on his chest while he wound his arm around her shoulder and kissed her forehead to which Annika closed her eyes and smiled in response.

Intertwining their hands they stared at the water in front of them which held an even deeper meaning in their lives.

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