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It had been a few weeks since shivaay went to Delhi . He was regularly in touch with Annika and the two used to have long video calls at night. The sadness on their face was visible and no matter how hard they tried they weren't able to conceal it from the other one. They were like reflections of each other now.

One look at their faces and the other one would immediately come to know that something was up with them. Currently in his room shivaay was thinking about all the events that had happened in his life after Annika became his girlfriend. He recalled how they had come so far and were still going strong. They used to argue at times but one look at each other's face and they would start laughing. Their Banters were never ending.
He missed her a lot and so did she. They never showed it to each other but deep down the longing to be with each other was making them weak.

Annika never showed it to anyone how much she missed him. She used to visit the oberoi mansion but never went in shivaay's room since the day he left. She knew she would lose the remaining strength she had. Pinki , omru and Dadi also remained gloomy for most part of the day.
Annika talked to them and joined them for dinners so that she could lighten up their moods. Everyone was aware of her inner turmoil. They tried to be happy while she was present there because they knew how deeply she missed shivaay.

Right now in her office Annika was going through their pictures on her phone. A drop of tear fell on her screen but she wiped it off quickly.
Her phone rang instantly and when she read the caller ID her lips broke into an instant smile. It was shivaay.
She picked up the call.

"Hi shivaay"

"Annika were you crying ?"
Shocked , Annika looked towards her left and right to make sure he wasn't there.

"Stop looking left and right. Answer me"
"H..h.. how do you know this ?"

"I know you better than yourself Annika. Now tell me what happened ?"

"Nothing shivaay I was watching a movie on my phone and on top of that I'm on my periods too "

"Although I'm not convinced with your answer but It's okay. Take care of yourself and don't overwork please"

"Aye aye captain"

Shivaay chuckled hearing her and was relieved that her mood was better.

"How is your work going on there ?"

"Umm, pretty fine actually. The site is almost ready for inspection but there are a lot of things still left" shivaay answered.

"Ohh" this was all Annika could say.

There was silence and their breaths were audible . It felt Serene and strangely comfortable. They could stay this way the whole day. Suddenly  annika's PA came in her cabin.

"Shivaay, I'll call you in a while my PA is here. The Roshan wedding is after 3 days and they are still showing nakhre Noor Jahan KE" Annika whined like a child making him laugh .

"It's okay babe. Relax and finish your work. We'll talk at night. Bye. I love you"

"Bye. I love you too"

Soon both of them got engrossed in their work.

It was night when Annika reached her house. She was extremely tired. Keeping her bag on the table she quickly went inside the washroom to change. Once she was in her tee and shorts she went to the kitchen to make a light dinner for herself Along with a kadak adrak waali chai.

She was very hungry and she realized it when she finished her dinner in a jiffy. The upcoming event was very important for her and she wanted it to be successful. The roshan family was one of the most rich families of the country and they had invited the oberois too.
Everyone except shivaay would be present at the wedding and she was a bit upset about it. She wanted him to be there with her but alas , he too had his work and she found that being upset over something was actually childish.

Soon sleep took over Annika.

She woke up to the ring of her phone after an hour. Without checking the caller ID she picked it up and groggily said a hello. Her eyes widened when she heard shivaay on the other side.

"Annika, babe were you asleep ?. Oh I'm so sorry for waking you up. We'll talk later. "

"No shivaay I wasn't sleeping and I want to talk to you so stop with all this and tell me what were you doing ?"

And with this sleep was long forgotten and the two got engrossed in talking to each other.

The next morning Annika rushed to the venue to check the preparations for the wedding.
Everything was going perfect untill she heard someone calling her. She turned around instantly towards the source of the voice and found her old friend daksh standing there.

Annika was surprised to see him after a long time. Waving a hi she went towards him.

"Long time Annika " daksh spoke side hugging her.

"You too daksh. How come you're here ?"

"Well. It's my cousin's wedding so I had to be here"

"Ohh wait ! You mean you are vihaan Roshan's cousin brother ?"

"Yes. It's a small little world you see" daksh spoke laughing

"Oh totally"

"Annika what are you doing here by the way ? I mean it's really nice to see you but just a bit curious you know"

"Well I'm the official wedding planner for your cousin's wedding so I had to be here"

"Oh wow. That's great Annika. Umm if you don't mind can we chat over coffee ? I mean you have been working constantly since the morning and everything looks perfect "

"Yeahh well I guess we can. A break won't hurt ." Annika spoke with a grin on her face.

Talking and laughing both of them proceeded to have some coffee.

It was late at night when Annika reached her home. She was so tired but today she had a good time talking about their old friends and college life with daksh.

Quickly having her dinner she called shivaay.


"Well someone is in a very good mood today"

"Yesss guess who I met today at the venue?"

"Who ?"

"Daksh! He's vihaan Roshan's cousin. We had a great time chatting about our college days and old friends"

Shivaay smiled seeing her childlike enthusiasm.

"Annika how is the wedding preparation going on?" He asked her to divert the topic.

"Ohh it's going great shivaay. I hope it stays that way. Anyway how was your day ?"

With this Both of them got engrossed in talking to each other.

After the call , shivaay rested his head on the headrest and closed his eyes. Although he didn't show it to Annika but he didn't like how she was praising and talking about daksh. No he wasn't suspecting her but a fear was now set in his mind.

What if this long distance relationship didn't work ? What if she found someone better than him ? What if they grew out of love for each other ?

He didn't want to sound like a chauvinist or narrow minded person but he was scared of losing Annika. His insecurities and deep rooted fears were now coming up to the surface.

Taking a deep breath he tried to relax himself but he couldn't.

He trusted Annika but he didn't trust the circumstances. He was growing restless by every growing second. Quickly he opened his side drawer and gulped a sleeping pill. That was the only way he could calm himself down.

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