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Annika stood in front of shivaay. Both had a similar look on their faces. They had a lot to talk about. Holding her hand shivaay made her sit on the bed and then sat in front of her.

"Annika whatever happened that day I'm sorry for it. I don't know what got into me that I acted like an absolute jerk." Shivaay spoke looking everywhere but in her eyes.

Sighing Annika cupped his face and made him look into her eyes.
"Shivaay I never thought we would fight over such a petty issue. It hurt me when you spoke so rudely and that too because I was talking to daksh. I mean I thought you were suspecting me" Annika spoke in her hurt filled voice.

"I'm sorry too for cutting the call and not letting you speak further" she spoke with tears in her eyes.

"Annika honestly these few months away from you rendered me crazy. I started thinking what if we grew out of love for each other or you found someone better than me. I was scared Annika . I don't want to lose you" shivaay spoke with his face hung low.

A tear rolled down her cheeks and she stood up.

"Shivaay stand up " Annika spoke sternly.

He looked upwards to find her staring at him with anger in her eyes.

"Annika whatt...."

As soon as those words left his mouth he was engulfed in a bone crushing hug by her. Annika buried her face in his chest and wound her arms tightly around his neck. Her sobs made him worried and as he tried to part from the hug to check on her she pulled him back.

Shivaay wrapped his arms around her waist and caressed her hair planting small kisses.

After a good amount of time Annika parted from the hug and planted a kiss on his forehead.

"Shivaay how could you even think that we'll grow out of love for each other ? How dare you? And you think I'll find someone better than you ?" Annika spoke angrily

"Annika I .. I was scared of losing you"

Sighing Annika cupped his face and spoke
"Shivaay Singh oberoi there is no way that we will grow out of love for each other. You are the best thing ever happened to me. Trust me when I say this. My life has never been better until the day you came in my life. You've always supported me and loved me selflessly. You are the only man who has my heart and will always have. I cannot imagine my life without you shivaay. The day I lose you , I would di.."

Not letting her complete her sentence shivaay slammed his lips on hers. They kissed each other passionately pouring out all the yearning, anger and love. Their tongues mated, teeth clashed as if in a battle. Tears rolled downed their cheeks. Feeling the need to breathe they broke apart. Their eyes still closed.

Taking deep breathes they leaned for a kiss again. This time it was slow. Shivaay tugged at her lower lip while Annika worked on his upper lip. Parting from the kiss shivaay looked at her. She was staring at him while her face resembled a tomato.

Shivaay felt his heart would burst with love.

"Shivaay that day I should not have spoken to you so rudely. I was mainly pissed because of the event and you became the target of my anger"

Annika spoke in a small voice.

"Shhhh Annika it's totally fine babe. I was being unreasonable too so it's totally fine. Now please stop crying" shivaay spoke wiping her tears.

Annika smiled and hugged him tightly. Finally everything was back to normal.

"By the way Annika, where is your luggage ?"

"Oh it's still in the living room"

"Wait I'll get it"

Shivaay came inside with her bags while Annika looked at him puzzled.
Her confusing grew when she saw him setting her bags in the corner of his room.

"Shivaay what are you doing?"

"Setting your luggage"

"Arey I mean why in this room. I mean it's not like we'll share a bed"

Shivaay Turned around to look at her and walked towards her in slow strides. Annika moved backwards as he stepped forward until her back hit the wall. Shivaay caged her between her arms and looked at her intently.

"Do you trust me Annika ?"

"Ofcourse shivaay I do"

"Then why can't we share the bed ? It's not like I'm going to pounce upon you" he spoke teasingly and Annika blushed .

"Ahhh okay fine I'm staying in this room only" she smiled

"Good girl" shivaay flicked her nose with his finger.

Suddenly shivaay's phone rang , excusing himself he walked out of the room.

Annika examined his room. It looked really cozy and warm. There was a couch , a big king size bed , a table on which his coffee machine was and a side table near his bed.

She could see a photo frame. She walked towards it to have a closer glimpse. It was a picture of them with the entire family that was taken at mallika's wedding. Caressing the picture Annika smiled when she noticed a small bottle behind it.

Taking the bottle in her hand she examined it but she didn't know what it was for. Taking her phone she googled the name and on seeing the results her palm flew to cover her mouth. They were sleeping pills for anxiety.

Her heart clenched thinking at what would have caused him to take those medicines and why didn't he tell her anything about them ? Her eyes glistened with tears. Suddenly she heard him call her name.

"Annika I was thinking...." His sentence was left incomplete when he saw her with the bottle in her hand and a serious expression on her face.

"Shivaay what is this ?" She asked in a faint voice almost like a whisper.

Shivaay avoided her gaze while she stood at her place . Maybe some things were still left to be resolved.


So what do you guys think is going to happen next ?

What will be annika's reaction when she'll get to know about this ?

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