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The oberois were back to mumbai and Annika too. It had been one hell of a wedding and now Annika couldn't wait to relax. She had received enough amount to pay sahil's School fee and buy him new books. She felt happier and lighter. Shivaay cared for her like a baby. He was always there to support her and she was now Totally confident regarding their relationship.

All her hesitations were now out of the window and she could only think about how beautiful would be their life together. She had initially planned to confess it to him yesterday night but then thought against it since they practically had no time. Mallika and Siddharth's reception had totally drained shivaay and he just wanted to sleep after that. But today she was going to do it finally.

After a nice , relaxing shower she sat on the bed and messaged shivaay to ask if he could come over to her place today ?
Suddenly annika's phone rang and before she could say anything, she was bombarded by questions from the other side.
"Annika are you fine ? What happened? Is everything okay ? I'm just coming. Don't worry..."
"Shivaaaay shivaay listen to me first . Take a deep breath and now listen. Everything is fine. You don't have to worry. I thought we could spend some time together before getting back to our busy lives. That's it"

"Just an ohh ?" Annika asked with a frown.
"No.. no .. I mean it's a great idea."
"Okay then see you at 7 in the evening" and before shivaay could say something Annika hung up.
"Crazy girl " he chuckled.

It was 7 and annika's heart was hammering in her ribcage. She was both excited as well as nervous. Suddenly she heard the knock on the door. Gathering all her courage she opened the door.
Damn his voice. She was already swooning over him.
"Umm hi "
Annika was clearly fumbling and shivaay was having a hard time controlling himself from pulling her cheeks. She looked absolutely cute.
"Annika won't you let me inside?" He asked, mirth playing all over his face.
"Ohh ye.. yes " Annika was already chickening. Wow what a great start, she thought.

Once they were inside shivaay removed his Blazer and crashed on the sofa. He loosened his tie and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt totally unaware of what he was doing to Annika. She was simply staring at him scratch that admiring him. He looked so deliciously handsome. Getting a grip on herself she cleared her throat to get his attention.
"Annika why are you standing there ? Come, sit" he called her patting the space beside him.
Nodding her head Annika settled close to him and kept her head on his shoulder.
She was nervous now. How would she tell him that she was ready for this relationship ? How would she tell him that she loved him?

"Is everything okay babe ?" Shivaay asked in a soft voice caressing her hair . He encircled his arm around her waist and pulled her more towards himself. As if on a cue Annika snuggled into him.
"Yes shivaay , everything is more than fine" she answered with a slight smile and looked into his eyes.
"So are we going to sit like this or are you going to give me something to eat ?" He asked making a cute babylike pout.
Annika chuckled and ruffled his hair.
She got up and went inside the kitchen.

Shivaay could smell the delicious food.
He saw her serving some pasta, chicken casserole and garlic bread in a plate.
"You made all of this ?" He asked in a surprised tone.
"Why is it so shocking for you?" She asked frowning.
"Accha accha now don't get angry. I'm really hungry. Let's eat"
Both of them ate while talking to each other about random stuffs , Mallika and Siddharth's wedding.
After they had finished eating Annika walked towards the kitchen to dump the dishes in the sink.

She saw him busy in his phone. This was the time to say it all. Come on Annika , she said to herself. Taking a deep breath she walked towards him. He was still busy in his phone. She closed her eyes
"Shivaay I need to tell you something. The thing is that I love you shivaay and I'm ready to take this relationship ahead."she spoke it in one go.
But there was no response. Her heart sank and she slowly opened her eyes.
Shivaay was still busy in his phone. Annika felt like banging her head on the wall.

"SHIVAAAAAAAY" Annika screamed loudly.
Shivaay jumped on hearing her voice and his phone fell on the floor.
"Fhat the wuck " he shouted keeping his hand on his chest. Anyone who would have witnessed the scene would have laughed like a maniac.
Shivaay looked as if he had seen a ghost while Annika was glaring at him constantly.

"Why did you shout Annika ?"
"Because you were not listening to me"
"I was talking to a client Annika. But what were you saying ?"
"Leave it I don't want to talk about it now"
Annika moved away from him and turned her back towards him.

"Annika" shivaay called her but she didn't give him any response.
"Annika " he called her again. Still no response.

"Annikaaaa" he tried again and this time she turned towards him but her Expressions were still the same.
"What ?" She asked clearly miffed.
"Tell me na what were you saying?"
"I just confessed my love to the most annoying and ignorant baghadbilla" and she turned again with her back facing him.

"You.. you ... What?"
"I just said I love you to the person who's sitting behind me right now but mister has time only for his clients and not for me"

Shivaay stood up from the sofa and walked towards her slowly. Suddenly Annika felt him lifting her and before she could comprehend what was going on , she was in his arms and he was twirling her excitedly.
"Oh my God annikaaaa"
"Shivaay what are you doing?" Annika spoke between squeals of laughter.
Shivaay stopped and fell on the sofa with her still on his lap.

Holding her by the waist he rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes.
"I love you Annika"
"I love you too shivaay "
He opened his eyes to find her looking at him intently. Her eyes shining with love and happiness.
He kissed her forehead and hugged her tight.
Annika's face was buried in his chest while her hands were resting on his shoulders.
"Annika I cannot tell you how happy I'm right now. I feel like the luckiest man on Earth right now"
"Shivaay I love you so much and I always want to be yours. I've never felt happier In my life. I don't know what's waiting for us in the future but I'll always love you and be with you no matter what" Annika spoke with tears running down her cheeks .

Shivaay's eyes glistened with tears. Slowly Annika cupped his face and planted a soft kiss on his forehead followed by his nose and engulfed him in a bone crushing hug.
They stayed in the same position for several minutes.

Parting from the hug Annika looked at him gazing intently at her. She could feel blood rush up her cheeks and her insides grew warm. Slowly inching closer shivaay gave her an Eskimo kiss . Annika's eyes reflected his emotions. The next moment no one knew who initiated it but shivaay had captured her lips for a kiss to which she equally responded. They poured their feelings for each other in the kiss. It was not rough but tender and full of love.
Finally out of breaths they looked at each other and smiled.

Annika rested her head on his chest and they snuggled into each other .
Everything was perfect now.

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