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The sangeet ceremony had been amazingly handled by Annika . Everyone was praising her. The oberois too were very elated and happy for her. It was her first big league wedding. Shivaay was the happiest seeing her smile after all the nervousness. He knew she would ace it. He trusted her. Right now she was dancing on the stage with Mallika. They were too lost in dancing on Punjabi songs when Annika lost her balance and was about to fall from the stage that she felt two arms snaking around her waist holding her tightly. She closed her eyes in fear and was tightly clutching his shoulders.
"Annika are you all right ?"
"Oh my mata,Annika puttar are you fines ?"
"Everybody just relax. She is fine" shivaay spoke shushing everyone.
"Infact I suggest you guys should rest now. I'll take care of her"
The families retired to their rooms Leaving Annika and shivaay alone.
"Annika" shivaay called out
"Look at me. See you're fine. Absolutely fine"
Annika raised her head that was buried in his chest and stared in his blue orbs. His eyes were full of concern and a bit of anger and she knew the reason
Helping her stand properly. He cupped her face and tucked the hair strands behind her ear.
"Annika why do you have to be so careless? If I hadn't reached on time. You would have been seriously injured . Agar tumhe kuch ho jaata toh Mera Kya hota?"
Annika looked at him in surprise upon hearing the last line. Whatever he said was it for real or was she thinking too much. Shivaay would never like her then why was he being so concerned today ? She was confused. Totally confused.
"Annika" shivaay spoke bringing her out of the daze.
"I'm... I'm sorry " she spoke meekly.
"It's fine. But just remember not to pull off such stunts the next time. Okay?" Annika nodded.
"Come on I think even you should rest now. You've been running here and there since the morning like a crazy kid."
Annika frowned.
"Oh hello mister. I wasn't running for fun. I had to make sure everything goes well. Varna Meri to chop ho jaati" shivaay chuckled.
"But the event turned out to be khidkitodh just like you" shivaay spoke with a big smile on his face.
Annika's eyes widened on hearing the word "khidkitodh".
"But you hated my dictionary na ? Then what Happened today?"
Shivaay stopped in his tracks and came closer "but I guess I might have started to like it " he spoke in a husky tone making Annika blush.
Giving a wide ,goofy grin he continued walking beside her.
They continued walking in silence. Not a word was spoken but they were liking it.
"Annika , I...I wanted to ask you something"
"What ?"
"Ummm... Annika I know we really didn't start on the right terms. I mean I was a jerk with you and you would probably never even agree to this. But what I'm saying is that we've known each other since long now so can we be friends?. I mean if you're okay with it"
Annika's lips curved into a smile.
"Well the offer isn't that bad billuji. I would like to be your friend."
Shivaay frowned upon hearing that name. God why did Dadi call him billu in front of her.
However giving a sigh of relief he forwarded his hand. "Friends ?"
"Forever" Annika replied slipping her hand in his.
"But Annika you should stop calling me billuji now"
"And why is that so? "
"Because I don't like that name" shivaay spoke grumpily
"Awwww" Annika couldn't control her laughter.
"You're so cute billuji"
Shivaay held her hand and walked closer to her. So close that their bodies were just a millimeter apart. Annika's breaths grew heavy with every passing second. This proximity was making her go weak in her knees.
Bringing his face close to her ear he whispered" I'm not cute Annika. I'm hot".
Annika scrunched her nose in annoyance" Aren't you a very self centered man?"
"Maybe yes. Maybe no"
"Whatever floats your boat billuji" Annika tried to free her hand from his but he tightened the grip in return although carefully making sure to not hurt her.
"Call me shivaay" he spoke in his husky tone.
"Why?" Annika's breaths were giving away her state and he was quite elated to elicit this kind of a reaction from her.
"Annika. Please" his voice softened a bit now.
"Yes yes come-on say it Annika"
"You know what leave it. It's of no use." Shivaay left her hand and started to walk ahead.
She missed his warmth. Shivaay continued to walk but very slowly for her did not want to leave her alone.
He himself didn't know why was he behaving in such a childish manner.
Shivaay froze and after a good 10 seconds when he realised what just happened he turned around to find her smiling adorably at him. She called him shivaay. She legit called him by his name.
He rushed to her and engulfed her in a bone crushing hug.
"Say it again" he spoke after parting from the hug.
"Say it again"
"What's wrong with you shivaay?"
"You called me shivaay and not billuji. Do you realize how big of a Victory it is for me?"
"You're so cute" Annika laughed pulling his cheeks.
"Accha baba sorry"
"Now if you are done with your nakhre Noor Jahan ke can we please go to our rooms?"
"Aye aye captain"
Shivaay was in a jolly mood after whatever happened today. He had a big smile etched on his face which made him appear a bit crazy but he was totally fine with it.
Annika on the other hand was in a similar condition. She could feel an entire zoo in her stomach right now.
The man on whom she had a tiny crush was her friend now. She was behaving like a teenager.
Both of them were not able to sleep. Suddenly annika's phone pinged. It was a message from shivaay.

"You asleep?"
                                                  "Umm no"
"Me too.
Actually I was thinking
If you would like to
Watch a movie right
                                             "That sounds
                                              Cool. Sure"

Annika couldn't believe what just happened. He was inviting her for a late night movie. Was it a movie date ?
She thought. No Annika he's just a friend. Stop being so desperate. Keeping her thoughts aside she knocked his door.
Shivaay was a full goner when he saw her. She was wearing a white Minnie mouse tee and a pink pyjama. Her hair were left open and traces of makeup were still visible on her face.
"Shivaay I know I look like a mess but that doesn't mean you'll keep on staring"
Shivaay chuckled and let her come inside.
Only if she knew how gorgeous she looks right now. He thought.
"Which movie are we watching today by the way?"
Annika spoke making herself comfortable on the couch.
" Umm I have these. Choose which ever you like"
After deciding what to watch shivaay switched off the lights and sat beside Annika on the couch at some distance.
Halfway through the movie Annika and shivaay had scooted unknowingly close to each other.
By the time the movie ended Annika had rested her head on his shoulder and his arm was wrapped around her shoulder.
They felt content in each other's warmth.
"Should I switch on the lights ?"
She scooted a bit away from him not before nodding a yes.
"Shivaay I think I should leave now. It's 2 am and I have to get up early tomorrow. Thank you for the movie night though"
"You're welcome"
They were lost in some thoughts and were clearly puzzled.
This whole thing had surely triggered their feelings for each other even more. That night both of them couldn't sleep properly because maybe it was time to deal with the matters of the heart.

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