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After 2 months

Annika's event turned out to be extremely successful and she was elated with everything currently happening in her life. This was the life she always wished for since she was a child. She had gone through so many hardships and finally today she felt happy. Really happy.

She had an adoring boyfriend who loved her so much and was always so supportive of whatever she chose to do. Her event firm was also going great. She was recieving a lot of offers for big events all because of her hard work and dedication. She was also a famous name amongst the people in the event field. Although she thought it was because of being shivaay Singh oberoi's girlfriend.

Currently in her office Annika was engrossed looking at some designs when her phone rang.

It was shivaay. Smiling , she picked up the call.

"Hey babe"

"Hello shivaay" Annika sounded really excited.

"What's with you being so excited today ?"

"Nahi , vo bas aise hi since you called"

"Ohhh so someone is trying to flirt haan? Not bad " shivaay spoke in a teasing manner to which Annika couldn't help but blush.

"Stop blushing now Annika"
Annika looked around to see if he was there.

"Don't look around. I'm at my office" shivaay spoke surprising her again

"Wait. How do you know that I was doing all this ?" Annika asked narrowing her eyes

"That's a secret love. Also stop narrowing your eyes at me and listen to me now. I'll pick you up from office and we'll go to oberoi mansion together"

"Oberoi mansion? Is everything alright shivaay?" Annika asked with concern all over her face.

"Yes everything is alright. See you

Shrugging her shoulders Annika proceeded to finish her work.

Shivaay sat in his office chair thinking about all the events that happened today in the meeting. He had an important contract with a Japanese company and to finalize the deal he was supposed to go to Delhi for some time. Although he was happy for the deal but he was more worried about Annika . He didn't know how would she react to such a piece of news and how would he tell her that this trip could be long anywhere between 6 weeks to 6 months. Massaging his temples lightly he resumed his work, diving into the pile of files kept on his table.

It was 6pm and as promised Annika was ready and waiting for shivaay.
A black color Mercedes stopped in front of her and the windows rolled down revealing shivaay inside it. Even after such a tiring day the man looked super handsome Annika thought to herself.

"Hop in babe. What are you thinking?" Shivaay spoke breaking the reverie of her thoughts.
Annika shook her head and sat on the passenger seat beside him.

Throughout the journey shivaay didn't talk much as he would usually do. Annika could clearly make out that he was tensed for some reason. She decided to ask about it to him once they reach the mansion.

After dinner Annika was sitting by the pool side when shivaay came and sat beside her. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and Annika rested her head on his chest.

"Annika I wanted to tell you something"

"I know shivaay. Now tell me"

"Annika the thing is that I ... I.. I have to go to Delhi for an important deal"

"Ohh" Annika looked at him with a frown
"Shivaay why are you so tensed ?"

"Annika actually the duration of the trip is not decided yet. It could be anywhere between 6 weeks to 6 months nothing is confirmed"

Annika lifted her head from his chest and cupped his face.
"Shivaay if at all you're worried about me then please don't think so much. I'll be fine and your work is more important. I don't want your work to suffer because of me"

Shivaay felt a little calm listening to her words. She was so understanding he couldn't help but admire her for being so mature.

"But Annika what if you need me while I'm in Delhi? " He asked in a concerned tone.

"Shivaay I'm used to living all alone and don't worry I'll ask soumya to shift with me. She'll be more than happy to stay away from Rudy"
He chuckled listening to her.

Engulfing her in a warm hug shivaay closed his eyes and whispered a love you in her ears.

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