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                Dedicated to Shivikabest

Annika was sitting in front of the TV but her mind was occupied by the thoughts of a certain kanji eyed baghadbilla who was now her everything. Currently thinking about the conversation she and shivaay had a few days ago.

He was very tensed on the prospect of leaving her alone in Mumbai for his business trip but Annika had assured him that she would be okay. She knew it was ridiculous of her to stop him and she never wanted to be a hurdle in his professional life.

But right now she was really sad since shivaay was about to leave for Delhi , the next morning. How would she live without him ? She suddenly realised she was now dependant on him totally. He was her reason to live. A stray tear slid down her cheek
realising the gravity of the situation.

She had never allowed anyone to break her walls only because she was scared of the attachment that came along with it but shivaay was one such person whom she had willingly surrendered to. He was as important as oxygen for her . Trying to get rid of those thoughts she focussed back on the screen in front of her when the bell of her house rang.

She opened the door to find the man who ruled her heart standing in front of her . He stood there in his formal shirt and pants , hair disheveled but he still managed to look charming.
"Cat got your tongue babe?"
Gesturing him to come inside Annika locked the door.

"I thought you would be in the mansion right now"
"I was but I couldn't resist anymore so I came here"
"What will you do once you reach Delhi ?"
That question of hers was enough to pull down his facade.

Sighing, he sat down on the sofa and patted the space beside him gesturing her to sit.

Both of them remained quiet for 5 minutes. They didn't know what to say , their hearts getting heavier by each passing second. As much as it seemed easy it clearly wasn't. Shivaay had been on year long business trips before but had never felt so. On the other hand Annika was used to living all alone till she met shivaay but now it seemed impossible.

Reaching out to hold his hand Annika began softly " shivaay I know you are bothered and to be honest even I am I won't lie this time."
Shivaay tightened his grip on her hand .

" It's difficult for both of us shivaay to remain away from each other for so long. We practically are seeing each other daily since the last 2-3 months. But your work is important shivaay we cannot ignore it. I'm sure we'll be fine "
Annika assured him with a slight smile on her face.

Slowly wrapping an arm around her waist he buried his face in the crook of her neck and closed his eyes. She was his drug which he was now addicted to. Annika too wrapped her arms around his neck with her face buried and eyes closed.

After a few minutes still in the hug shivaay opened his eyes "Annika , how are you still so strong ? I am chickening out thinking how will I live without you but the way you've been holding yourself up so that I don't fall weak is making me so guilty...I.....I..."

Annika interrupted him
"Shhhhhhh shivaaay you don't have to feel guilty at all . You are my strength and I can't see you crumbling down because of me. I want to be your strength instead. Yes, even I'm chickening out now but shivaay we have our whole lives ahead of us and I'm sure once you return back we'll be together forever and that's a promise"

Shivaay broke the hug and cupped her face.

"I love you so much Annika I really love you." Shivaay spoke caressing her face

"I love you too" Annika spoke sniffing in between.

Wiping her tears shivaay took her for a soft kiss which turned out to be searing seconds later.

Foreheads joined , hands intertwined the two continued basking in each other's warmth.

It was morning and Annika was already at the mansion.

After a little emotional affair between the elders and shivaay omru , Annika and shivaay sat in the car to drop him to the airport. The ride was silent throughout none wanting to speak lest they end up crying.

On reaching the airport omru hugged him while Annika smiled seeing the brothers. Rudra looked as if he could start bawling any moment.

Slowly walking to Annika shivaay Held her hands and kissed her knuckles. Taking her in a bone crushing hug they stood there for a few minutes. Omru's eyes glistened with tears on seeing their favorite couple being so quiet and sad today unlike other days when they wouldn't stop bantering.

Parting from the hug shivaay moved towards the entrance of the airport and as soon as he was out of their sight omkara , rudra and Annika couldn't take it anymore and started sobbing hugging each other.

Shivaay was their lifeline after all. Om composed himself and along with  rudra led Annika to the car who was a crying mess by now. All the feelings that were bottled up inside her , now came rushing. She had tried her best to put up a brave face in front of shivaay so that he didn't fall weak but now she didn't have it in her to hold herself back.

The engine roared to life and omru took her to the mansion where pinki was sitting with a dull and gloomy face. One look at Annika and she knew what the girl was going through
She took Annika in a warm hug.

After a few hours annika's phone pinged and a smile spread all over her face. It was a text from shivaay that read
" reached my hotel , had dinner. Will call you in a few minutes ❤️"

Annika informed the family about shivaay and all of them heaved a sigh of relief thanking the gods above for his safe arrival in Delhi. Annika moved to her room as she was strictly asked by pinki to stay in the mansion atleast for tonight.

Washing her face she prepared herself for the call and sat on the bed.

Her phone rang. It was a video call.
"Hello love"
"Hi shivaay" she spoke with happiness radiating all over her face.
" How are you and is everything okay there ?" Annika asked in one breath.

"Yes babe everything is fine except I Can't hug you right now" he spoke making a puppy face that made Annika laugh.

"Awwwwww my baby wants a hug. You'll get it don't worry infact I'll make it up to you when you come back here"
She spoke with a wink.

"Someone's flirting skills are really becoming better I must say. Very impressed"

"Annika are you fine ? And did you have dinner ?"

"I'm fine shivaay and yes pinki aunti made me eat dinner you can even ask her "

"Nahh I pretty much trust my mom when it comes to make kids finish their food when they throw tantrums."

Annika glared at him
"Hawwww you mean I'm a kid and I throw tantrums ?"

Shivaay laughed seeing her .
"Oh my God Annika look at you"
Seeing him laugh heartily Annika too started laughing. Ohhh how much she had missed this laughter.



"I love you"

"Jaanta hu"

"I love you too Annika"

"Jaanti hu"

Staring at each other for the best few minutes Annika broke the silence lesr they start getting emotional again.

After talking and laughing for another 2-3 hours they finally ended the call and dozed off to sleep with content smiles on their faces.

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