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Hands intertwined shivaay and Annika continued to walk on the sand. The place was lit up with lights which made the atmosphere all the more romantic. Everything seemed perfect right now. Both of them stole shy glimpses of each other thinking that the other one wasn't aware.

After a few minutes they decided to head back to the hotel together. On reaching their respective rooms Annika was about to go inside when she heard shivaay call her.
Raising her eyebrows she looked at him.
"Won't you say thank you ?" He asked with a goofy smile and Annika could have sworn her heart did summersaults at that smile of his. Seeing her confused face shivaay tapped his cheek and it was then that she realised what he was talking about. Blushing profusely Annika quickly planted a kiss on his cheek and ran inside the room lest she would have been burnt by his gaze.

The wedding day was finally here. Everybody was running here and there since morning especially Annika. The girl had woken up at 6 in the morning and was continuously working.
Shivaay came downstairs only to find her barking orders at the workers. The girl was really very hard working. She looked a bit tired yet she didn't rest for a bit. Taking a glass of lemonade shivaay walked in her direction.
"Annika have this "
She turned around to find shivaay standing there looking absolutely handsome. She smiled seeing his concern for her.
"Thank you so much. I really needed this" she spoke gulping the contents of the glass in one go.
"Woahh slow down tiger" shivaay spoke chuckling only to earn a Stern glare from her.

"Annika the workers will do everything. I think you should rest for a while. You already look tired." Shivaay said while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Shivaay I promise I'll be fine but please I cannot leave this right now. I don't want anything to go wrong at the last moment"
"Okay fine ! As you say"

Soon it was time for the wedding rituals. Mallika and Siddharth looked absolutely gorgeous. Shivaay on the other hand couldn't move his gaze away from Annika. She wore a beige and gold lehenga with a sequenced dupatta and blouse. Her hair were curled and adorned with small flowers. She wore heavy jhumkas and Bangles in her hand.
Shivaay on the other hand was coincidentally color coordinated with her. He was wearing a beige jodhpuri suit and looked deliciously handsome.
Almost every girl was busy ogling at him but his eyes were on one woman throughout.

He walked towards her and encircled his arm around her waist surprising her. Annika looked up to find him staring at her with an intent gaze that was enough to burn her into ashes.
Composing herself and breaking his reverie she passed a smile at him while raising her eyebrows so that he could break the silence between them.
"You look breathtakingly gorgeous Annika"
Annika blushed profusely while replying back " You too look devilishly handsome shivaay".
"Someone's trying to flirt. Haan?" He spoke bringing her closer and she clutched the collars of his suit as his gaze was enough to make her go weak in her knees.
"Shivaay" Annika spoke as if in a daze.

Slowly cupping her face he planted a kiss on her forehead making her release a breath that she didn't even know she was holding.
Passing goofy smiles at each other they walked towards the mandap.
Shivaay and Annika sat at a distance a bit away from the rest of the family. He had intertwined her hands with his and was keenly observing the ceremony. Noticing this Annika nudged him
"shivaay why are you observing the rituals so carefully? Looks like someone is eager to get married" Annika spoke teasingly.
"I'm ready Annika. If you are too let's get married right away" he replied in a husky tone making her look in the other direction. She was too naive at such things. She needed to be less hesitant atleast with him but he knew she needed time and he was ready for it.
Soon the wedding rituals were over and it was already midnight.

Tired and exhausted everyone was moving towards their room when Annika heard two middle aged women "Arey, have you noticed shivaay these days? Is he in a relationship with Annika , the wedding planner ? How come is he dating a middle class girl like her ? She doesn't even have a surname"
"Even I noticed the same. I'm sure she must have trapped him, after all he is so rich and powerful. She must be after him for money for sure." Finished the other woman.

Tears rolled down annika's eyes after listening to the conversation. Keeping her palm on her mouth to suppress her cries she ran straight to her room without informing anybody.
Once inside the room, she broke down
And cried. No matter how much she tried to ignore , she would always be an orphan and shivaay deserved better than her. He deserved a rich , more educated girl than her who would meet the status of the rich society. And what if he too realized it after getting married ?
Still crying and thinking about all the possibilities she stood up to change her attire when she heard a knock at the door.

Opening it, she found shivaay standing there with a tensed expression.
"Annika what happened? Why didn't you inform me before coming you even know how worried I was ?"

"Shivaay I'm not a kid that you need to worry about me. I was tired and wanted to change." She spoke keeping her tears in control. She couldn't afford to tell him what was bothering her.

Slowly walking towards her shivaay held her hand and made her sit on the bed with him.
"Annika , I know something is bothering you. What is it?"
"It's.... It's.. nothing shivaay. I'm... I'm tired . I need to sleep" Annika stood up and was about to leave when shivaay held her hand.
"Annika I know you more than you know yourself. Now tell me what is wrong?"
Not being able to control her emotions annika's dam broke once again.
"Shuhsshhh Annika.... Baby stop crying please" shivaay tried to calm her as he engulfed her in a hug. Continuously caressing her back shivaay dragged her and sat on the bed with her in his lap.
Annika's face was buried in his chest and her hands clutched his collars.
Seeing her in such a state shivaay's heart pained. He felt so helpless at the moment.
After few minutes he noticed her sobs had subsided. Parting from the hug he noticed her red swollen eyes and disheveled hair.
Cupping her face he asked her
"Annika do you want to talk about it now ?"
She nodded her head in a no and again kept her head on his chest and closed her eyes. It was strange , how she was running away from him moments ago and here she was in his arms. But her heart was at peace. She felt calm with him.

Few moments later , shivaay heard slight snoring. Pushing her hair behind her ear he planted a chaste kiss on her head. Still in that position he dozed off to sleep with her in his arms.

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