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Om waited for shivaay to pick his call. Something was amiss , he could feel it since the morning since today shivaay hadn't even replied to his text let alone calling him as it was their daily routine. And now annika's state confirmed his doubts.

After a few rings shivaay picked up Om's call.

"Shivaay how are you ?"

"I'm good om"

"Shivaay I don't want to interfere in your personal matters but did you and Annika fight ?"

Sighing shivaay rubbed his palm on his stubble. He and Om had shared all their secrets till date and he didn't want to change that. He felt it was better to tell him.

"Yes om "

"Shivaay I don't know what's the issue and I don't even want to know it but please do not let your ego come in between your relationship. Fights are a part of every relation but please don't let them overpower your love"

"Yes om I know" shivaay's voice choked on the other end. He was mad at everything including himself. He couldn't lose Annika. No, not at all.

Keeping his phone in his pocket om went towards Annika and rudra.

"Annika don't let anything or anyone come in between your relationship. What you and shivaay have is precious and you guys should not give up. Not now , not ever" he patted her head.

Annika's eyes glistened with tears on hearing him. He was right after all.

Sensing the growing seriousness rudra spoke "Annika Didi I heard the bride has a younger sister as well. Mil wa do na yaar" he made a childlike pout which made Annika and omkara laugh.

Rudra walked ahead followed by Annika and om. Annika whispered a thank you to om to which he smiled.

The event was a great success. Everyone was praising Annika for her work. The oberois were beyond elated too. It was finally around 12 that everyone started dispersing. Omru dropped Annika at her house and then drove off to the oberoi mansion.

Annika quickly changed her clothes and closed her eyes. She was happy that the event was successful but she was missing shivaay terribly now. They hadn't talked since yesterday night. She picked up her phone and was about to dial his number when an idea struck her. Her smile was back.
"SSO wait and watch" she messaged him and then dozed off to sleep.

The next morning shivaay was quite baffled. Courtesy - the cryptic text sent by his girlfriend. The message made him both smile and frown since he was happy that she messaged but the meaning wasn't clear at all. He dialled her number to ask her what she meant by it but Annika didn't pick up the call.

"Inhe Kya lagta hai tadi sirf yehi maar sakte hai" Annika smirked.

Shivaay was a bit worried since she wasn't picking up the call. Sighing he made his way to the washroom.

After he was done he went to the kitchen to fetch a cup of black coffee , sat down on the sofa and switched on the tv. It was a weekend finally and he could enjoy. He checked his phone to see if Annika had reverted but she hadn't. He was growing worried now .

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. He opened the door and the sight in front of him rendered him speechless. He rubbed his eyes again and again to check if he was hallucinating.

"Billuji I'm here for real" Annika spoke emphasizing on the word 'real'. She was having a hard time controlling her laugh seeing him so puzzled.

"Won't you ask your girlfriend to come inside ?"

Shivaay was brought out of his Dreamland and he quickly took the luggage from her and gestured her to come inside.

Annika turned around to see him and found him staring at her. Shivaay walked towards her , his eyes constantly fixed on her and stopped when there was practically no gap between them. It was after 3 months that they were finally seeing each other.

Not wasting another moment, shivaay wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face in the crook of her neck. He was finally home. Annika repeated the action and wrapped her arms around his neck. They stood in that position for about ten minutes. They were yet to resolve their fight but right now this was more important.

Parting from the hug shivaay kissed her forehead and Annika planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

"I missed you Annika and I.. I'm sorry' he spoke softly, his eyes not meeting hers.

Cupping his face Annika made him face her and planted a kiss on his forehead.

"I missed you too shivaay and I'm sorry too. We'll discuss about this later . I'm hungry right now" Annika spoke pouting like a child.

Shivaay chuckled seeing her and led her to the kitchen.

"What would you like to eat madam?"
Although shivaay knew her answer he wanted to listen it from her.

"Aloo poori " Annika grinned like a child making him chuckle

Annika sat on the kitchen counter and watched him making aloo poori for her. She was happy that she came to Delhi to meet him. It was a very instant plan since she felt they needed to spend some time together. She was free for the next fifteen days hence she planned this trip.

"Annika i need details about the journey"

"Well I woke up at 7am and rushed to the airport. There was a flight luckily at that time so I bought the tickets and here I'm now"

"But you could have called me what was the need of coming all alone from the airport? Don't you know how unsafe it is?" Shivaay asked in a serious tone.

"Shivaay I wanted to surprise you and I'm not a 5yr old kid. I know how to take care of myself" Annika spoke with a pout.

"Fine but next time onwards you won't pull up such a stunt"

"Aye aye sir" Annika mock saluted him making him chuckle.

Reducing the flame , shivaay looked at her and that was enough to make her blush. He caged her , his hands were now resting on the kitchen counter on either sides of her waist and they were very close to each. There was practically no gap between them.

"Shivaay" Annika whispered in a daze.

Slowly inching towards her shivaay was about to capture her lips when the sound of the cooker startled them.

Annika started laughing seeing his reaction as he was busy cursing the poor utensil.

"Awwwww" Annika got down and pulled his cheeks.

"I'll finish what I intended to start" shivaay spoke in a husky tone and annika's insides melted. This man was a lethal tease. Tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear Annika helped him with the remaining food.

After they were done cooking, shivaay led her to the living room and they sat down on the sofa with their plates. He switched on the tv and stopped at a sports channel showing a football match. Annika's nose scrunched and she snatched the remote from him making him surprised. She surfed the channels and found her favorite movie playing.

They completed their meal in silence without much talking. They still had to resolve their fight and it was bothering them.

Annika switched off the tv and looked at him. She found him staring at her already.

"We need to talk" they spoke at the same time and walked towards the bedroom silently.

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