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As planned everyone was present in the main hall right now. Rudra was looking more like the dj though. Om was busy chatting with shivaay meanwhile Annika had joined Rudy and both of them were dancing on ladki beautiful Kar gayi chull.
"Hey guys" mallika entered with Siddharth .
After a session of hi and hellos all of them started practicing in their assigned parts of the hall. Om was having a hard time matching the steps and rudra was laughing at his expense.
"O aap rehne do aap Shayari suna Dena" rudra spoke making fun of om.
"I guess you're right rudra. I cannot dance at all".
"O O udhar dekho." Rudra spoke pointing towards shivaay and Annika who were dancing on samjhawaan. They were giving those dating vibes and were standing really close to each other. Shivaay had his arm wrapped around her waist while annika's was on his shoulders. A perfect couple.
"Siddharth" Mallika screamed a bit loudly catching everyone's attention.
"Mallika are you guys fine ?" Om enquired .
"Actually om I suddenly remembered that our wedding outfits haven't arrived and the designer isn't picking up her phone" Mallika spoke tensed.
"Mallika Didi don't worry she is my friend. Come with me , I'll talk to her " soon om, rudra ,Mallika and Siddharth left the room leaving behind only shivaay and Annika. They were still practicing or were too lost in each other that they didn't notice the commotion.
Shivaay twirled Annika but she twisted her leg and fell on the floor.
"Aaahhhh" Annika screamed holding her foot.
Shivaay sat on the floor and examined her leg. "Is it paining terribly? I'm so sorry Annika. I should have been extra careful. I'm so sorry. Wait I'll call the doctor"
"Shivaay there is no need of a doctor. I just want to go to my room" Annika spoke with difficulty due to the pain.
"Okayy wait" shivaay carefully lifted her in his arms and walked towards her room.
He made her sit comfortably on the bed and then rushed towards his room.
"Shivaay " Annika called but he was already gone.
Few minutes later he entered her room with a small bag.
He sat beside her on the bed and carefully placed her foot on his leg.
Then taking out a balm he applied it carefully. Annika hissed in pain but the balm had started relieving her .
"Shivaay you don't have to do this. I'll apply it "
"Relax Annika. Let me"
"And it's done." Shivaay took out the ice pack from the bag and tended to her injured leg.
"Shivaay" Annika spoke softly Making him look at her. She kept staring at him with an unusual Expression on her face.
"Annika is it paining? Should I call the doctor?" Shivaay asked her breaking the reverie of her thoughts.
"Um... No... No shivaay. I'm fine"
"Well I have applied the balm and the ice pack so now you should rest a bit."
Shivaay spoke as he settled on the couch of her room.
"Shivaay you can go and rest. I'll be fine "
"No way Annika I'm not leaving you in this condition alone. You're not able to walk properly . What if you need anything?" Shivaay spoke in a single breath leaving Annika surprised. Why was he caring so much for her ? They were not even close friends.
She sighed when she saw him zeroing back to his phone. Looks like the baghadbilla won't leave soon.
She closed her eyes and dozed off.
It was evening when she woke up and the next thing which she saw made her go all awwww. Shivaay was asleep on the couch. His mouth was a bit open while his hair were all messed up. He looked like a cute baby. Why is he affecting you so much Annika ? You and him can never be together. Annika's mind chided her.
Her leg was quite better now and she felt really thankful to him for Taking such good care of her.
Annika was starting to get off the bed when shivaay woke up and yelled "Annika what are you doing? Do you need anything?"
"Shivaay I'm fine . Totally fine. Stop freaking out now"
Annika got off the bed and was amused to see shivaay's arms around her not touching her but at a distance.
"What are you doing shivaay ?" She asked controlling her laughter.
"Vo... I was preparing myself to catch you if you were about to fall"
Annika's eyes grew a bit moist. All this care and attention was new to her. She had been deprived of all this since childhood.
Composing herself and mouthing a thank you she went inside the washroom.
It was evening now and Annika was feeling bored sitting in that room.she was sitting beside the window and gazing at the sea. The weather was pleasant so she decided to go for a stroll.
Locking her room she knocked shivaay's door to inform him lest he would again be angry at her. The door opened. "Shivaay I'm going for a walk so I thought to inform you."
Shivaay nodded his head and Annika was about to leave when he suddenly spoke" Annika if you don't mind can I join you ? I mean there's really nothing interesting here and I'm kinda bored but only if you're comfortable" shivaay appeared hesitant.
"Hurry up billuji" Annika spoke with a grin and shivaay like an excited Teenager rushed inside his room to take his phone and locked the door.
The evening was quite pleasant. The waves were hitting the shore , the wind was calm. Annika and shivaay were strolling silently. None spoke a word. Everything appeared so perfect right now maybe they wanted to enjoy the moment.
After a while they sat on a nearby rock. Annika was gazing the sea constantly.
"You seem to be quite fascinated by the sea. So much that you aren't even fighting with me" shivaay spoke diverting her attention.
"I like this silence. It makes me feel calm and peaceful. When I was a child I used to visit the beach with my family. Although I don't remember much but I think that was beautiful."
"Annika who all were there in your family?"
"My mom, dad and my sister. We were a happy family until the day all of it changed. I was left alone. I don't know where are they now or if they are even there " Annika spoke with moist eyes.
Shivaay felt a sharp pain seeing her this weak. The Annika he knew was a strong, independent, khidkitodh girl who was ready to beat the shit out of everyone. But today he was seeing a totally different version of the same girl. Seeing her so weak made him break inside. He wanted to hug her tightly at the moment.
He kept his hand on her shoulder as if a sign of support. She turned to look at him and smiled weakly.
To lighten up her mood shivaay distracted her by talking about random things. Her Champa, rudra, pinki , om and every possible person he could think of.
Seeing her laugh filled his heart with happiness and at that moment all he wished was for her happiness.
"So billuji who's your girlfriend now?"
"I don't have any girlfriend Annika"
"Come on billuji. Don't lie"
"I am not lying Annika. I seriously don't have time for these things. Infact I don't believe in all this. "
"So you mean that you won't get married ever ?"
"Mom and Dadi will never let that happen unfortunately" shivaay answered making her chuckle.
"Even I don't believe in love. It's plain stupidity and a waste of time" Annika spoke making him quite surprised.
"Wow we finally agreed to something. That calls for a party" Annika rolled her eyes at his statement.
"Billuji we should head to our hotel now. It's getting dark"

While sleeping both shivaay and Annika had a smile etched on their face. It was the first time they had talked to each other without any arguments. They were beginning to like each other's company. Maybe love wasn't that bad after all.
SHUT UP!!!!!!
their minds chided and they dozed off.

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