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Dash's POV- After school I drove over to Twilight's house and on the way I saw that Flutter girl from earlier, I parked my car across from Twilight's house and walked over to her.

"Hey... You.." I said as I looked at her playing with small animals. Which was adorable I should add.

"Oh h-hi...rainbow d-dash.." She said as hair fell in her face, which was cute also.

"Can't believe you remembered my name." I said as I tried an attempt at flirting.

She blushed dark red and stood up.

"W-what are you doing here?" She asked as she looked at her feet.

"well, my friend twilight stays in this neighborhood and I needed to talk to her and then I saw you, and i couldn't resist saying Hi to you." I said as I smiled.

She blushed darker. How cute. Dash you've still got it.

"Well...h-hi..." She said as she looked up at me with her teal eyes.

I smirked and sat down on her nicely mowed green grass.

"So when did you move here?" I asked as she sat next to me.

"Well...I was about 7 or 8 when my mother got offered her job and we had to move here because it was closer." She explained

"Ah well I mean, you've lived here for a while why come I haven't seen you?" I asked.

"I don't get out much." She said

I nodded

"Hey can I have something to drink... I'm a bit... Thirsty..." I said as licked my bottom lip.

She nodded and got up, I followed behind her and went inside her huge house.

"Woah..." I said as I looked around.

"What?" She said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Huge house." I said as I watched her open her fridge, only to catch a glimpse of her ass. Which looked amazing.

She poured two glasses of lemonade. When she looked at me I was blushing harder than ever.

"Is everything okay?" She asked as she handed me my glass.

I nodded. I couldn't stop thinking about her butt.

I sat down on her couch and she sat next to me.

"So...where's your mom?" I asked.

"I don't know... She was gone when I got here...." She said as she looked at me.

There was an awkward silence for about five minutes.

I looked her... Which she was beautiful.

"You know, you're gorgeous, right?" I said as I stared at her.

She looked at me and looked down.

"Th-thank you...." She said as she pushed her hair behind her ears.

-few hours pass (5 hours)-

"'s true, I've baked liked 3 times." I said as flutterShy laughed at about every weird thing about me.

"Really? 3?" She said as she giggled. And that was extremely adorable.

I nodded.

"Yeah, it's true, but at least I can ride a bike!" I joked

"Oh quiet you!" She said as she shoved me playfully.

I checked my phone and time had flown quickly.

"Whoa, it's late.." I said as I looked at her.

"So..." She said, like she didn't want me to go.

"Yeah, it being a lil late shouldn't matter." I said as I smiled at her.

She smiled back.

-30 minutes pass-

"H-hey Flutters... I'm gonna get going alright.." I said as I gotten up from her couch.

She looked at me.

"Well let me walk you to your car.." She said as she gotten up and followed behind me.

We walked outside.

"Wow...I like your car..." She said as she stared at my car.

I smirked. "Thank you." I said.

"Well..night Dash.." She said as gave me a hug.

I quickly hugged her back and held her for a while. Without it seeming weird I felt her smell my jacket.

"We're you smelling me?" I asked as I laughed a bit.

She blushed and laughed

"Maybe.." She said as looked at me.

" know what.." I started as I took off my jacket and put it on her.

"What?..." She said.

"Since you like my smell, you can smell that whenever you want. You can keep it." I said as I smiled at her and hugged her one more time.

"Oh thank you..." She said as she hugged me back.

She slowly pulled back and looked at me while I was still holding her waist.

"D-dash..." She said as she stared at me blushing.

"Yeah?" I said as I looked at her deeply.

"Thank you for the jacket.." She said as she pulled away, still blushing, and took my hands.

"Oh anytime lady!" I said as I smiled and felt my cheeks warm up.

"Well...night Dashie..." She said as she quickly kissed my cheek and walked in her humongous house.

I stood there, amazed.

I think I got a crush... My quickly gotten in my car, I checked my phone and when I did I had two new messages.
One was from Soarin...

SOARIN! OH CRAP I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT HIM! aaaaah now I'm a really bad person...really bad...and twilight too! What the heck! I said as I slowly drove off.

FlutterShy's POV- after hanging out with Dashie...I feel completely different...she seems so amazing and sweet, and caring. I plopped down on my bed and held her jacket close to me.... I think I'm crushing on someone...b-but I can't! As if she would ever like me...and that whole "I'm gorgeous" thing, I bet she was just saying that to be nice....

Gaining Hope: a flutterdash fanficWhere stories live. Discover now