Since they know

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Dash's POV- flutterShy is my girlfriend. FlutterShy. Is. My girlfriend. My. Girlfriend. So me and shy have been dating for a few weeks now extremely proud of that.

I wake up extremely early so I can be there by the time shy gets there. I was really happy, like every time I saw her this burst of energy went throughout my body.

I quickly get ready and drive to school.

When I make it there flutters parks right next to me.

I get out and she does also. We hug and we share a quick kiss.

"Hi..." She said.

"Hey..." I said as I looked at her.

There was an awkward silence.

I didn't know what to say, normally I'd say something. Wait! WWPPD, what would pinkie pie do. I quickly think of something.

"Hey! Shy! Maybe wanna something later on?" I said.

"Like what?" She asked.

"We can...go to a party, you know, Pinkie Pie is great at those! Perhaps I'll get her to throw us one, she can do it in like as fast as I can run a race." I said.

"20 % cooler?" She asked as she tilted her head.

I chuckled.

"No baby, in 10 seconds flat." I said as I laughed at her mistake.

"Well...come on... School is ahead of us..." I said as I took her hand and walked inside.

-Time Lapse, Lunch Time-
Me, Shy, and the rest of the girls sit at our usual table.

"So, how our power couple today!" Rarity said.

"Fantastic..." FlutterShy said (FlutterShy, your Nine is showing(doctor who reference))

I smiled at her.

"You two look really amazing together!" Pinkie shouted.

"Thank you.." I said as she gleamed over at me.

"Hey...pinks, can I talk to you for a minute?.." I asked as I pulled pinkie to the side.

"Sure! Dashie! What is it?" She said.

"Well...mind getting a party together after school for shy and I?...I told her I would ask you..." I said as I bit my lip.

"Sure thing! la la la la la la laaaaa!" Pinkie said as she jumped away.

I walked back over to FlutterShy.

"Hey.." I said as I kissed her cheek.

All the girls went "awwww"

I blushed and rolled my eyes.

"Hey...what are you guys doing later on? Like...after school?" I asked.

"Well, I know for sure that Twilight is probably gonna be reading a book or something, and Rarity and I have nothing planned, and pinkie...well pinkie will be ... Doing whatever it is pinkie does." Aj said.

"How bout you all come over for a super duper fun party at sugar cube corner! It'll be totally fun and the majority of the schools invited!" Pinkie said happily.

"Soun--" I started. But flutters cut me off.

"Wait...h-how bout instead of majority of the school, perhaps maybe... Only about 14 people pinkie? It's just... I don't want what happened last happen again..." She said as she looked down.

"What happened last time!" Pinkie asked.

"It doesn't matter, just...yeah only 14 or so people, pinks." I said.

She nodded happily and we all ate lunch and went back to a regular conversation.

Gaining Hope: a flutterdash fanficWhere stories live. Discover now