School Daize.

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FlutterShy's POV- I wake up holding Dash's jacket in my arms. I smelled it one last time before I went into my restroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth, I put my hair into a bun and went into the living room. I see my mom reading the news paper.

"Oh, I thought I would've had to wake you up." She said as she sips her coffee.

"No..." I say as I walk to the fridge and grab the container of orange juice and pour me a glass and sit next to my mom.

"Where were you yesterday?" I asked as I drunk my juice.

She looked at me and held a pair of keys in my face.

I stared at them.


"I got you a car!" She said as she smiled at me.

"No way!" I said as I yanked the keys from her.

She nodded.

"Oh mom! Thank you thank you thank you so much!" I said as i hugged her.

"Go get ready for school, and I'll drop you off.." She said as she smiled at me.

I quickly gotten dressed and went to go look at the car. It was small, light yellow.

I thought we were going in my car but... My mother insisted we go in hers.

When she dropped me off at school I saw RainbowDash waiting out front for me...or at least I thought she was waiting on me. She looked over and saw me and smiled brightly.

"Oh, so...who's that?" My mom asked.

I started blushing hard.

"U-um.. Gotta go mom, bye!" I said as I got out of the car and walked over to Rainbow.

"Was that your momma?" She asked.

I nodded.

"I saw her point at me, what was that about." She said as she laughed.

"She saw you smile at me and wanted to know...w-who you were..." I said as I looked away.

"I like your hair that way..." She said as we started walked towards the school.

"Th-thank you..." I said as I looked over at her.

She was smiling at me.

"Wanna see something?" She asked

"O-okay..." I said slowly as she took my hand and walked over behind the school.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Shh.." She demanded

I nodded and held her arm close.

She started blushing and started breathing softer.

We made it behind the school and watched all the cars.

"Why are we here?" I asked

"Because..." She said

"Because why..." I asked

"Because I..." She started saying as I drifted into a day dream.

-FlutterShy's day dream-

RainbowDash: Because I've always wanted to do this... Since the first day we met..
FlutterShy: d-do what?.. *blushes hard*
RainbowDash: Kiss you. With your soft lips, smooth skin... *rainbow gets all up on flutterShy*
FlutterShy: I-I don't know what to say.. *blushes and leans in to rainbow*
RainbowDash: shh shh shh... Don't speak baby.. *rainbow and flutters lean in and FlutterShy is snapped out of her day dream*
-end of day dream-

"Shy, you alright?" Rainbow had asked me.

I looked over at her, my cheeks were heating up.

"Y-yeah...why?" I asked as I looked down.

"Because you were just standing there getting your face all red..." She said as she laughed a bit.

"Really?" I asked nervously.

She nodded.

"That's okay, I tend to make people think about me." She said as she smirked and started walking back in front of the school. I followed behind her.

"But seriously though, what were you thinking about?" She asked as we walked to the doors.

"Um...n-nothing..." I said as I didn't look at her.

She shrugged and looked at me.

"Ah well." She said as we walked into the school.

"Hey, first periods gonna start in like 5 minutes, I gotta go.." She said as she started walked to her class.

"But hey, eat lunch with me and my friends, they'd love to meet you." She said as she smiled brightly.

"I'd like that..." I said as I waved bye.

"Bye FlutterShy..." She said as she bumped into the walls behind her.

Gaining Hope: a flutterdash fanficWhere stories live. Discover now