After School.

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FlutterShy's POV- after school, Dashie comes over to my house, when we gotten out of her car we headed straight inside and up to my room.

"Hey so this is your room?" She said as she messed with stuff on my Lavender wall.

I nodded.

"Hm, sorta what I imagined it would look like." She said.

"Not that I... Think about or imagine what your room would look like.." She said nervously and started blushing.

I started blushing and giggled.

"It's okay.." I said and sat on my bed. She sat down on my bed too and saw her jacket next to my pillow.

I quickly snatched it up and threw it in my closet.

"I um..." I didn't have words so I quickly smiled nervously.

"That's adorable." She said as she looked at me.

I blushed dark.

"Flutters..." She started.

"Yeah..." I said.

"I like your room!" She said.

What was there to like about my room? It was yellow and lavender, I had white carpet and posters all on one wall. How boring.

"Thanks..." I said slowly.

All of a sudden RainbowDash started bleeding from her side.

"D-dash! What's the matter!" I shouted.

She turned and looked.

"Oh crap!" She said as she lifted up her shirt and revealed this wound. It looked new, it was pink around.

W-what happened?" I asked.

She grabbed her backpack and got this gauze pad, she took off her shirt and wrapped the gauze pad around her.

"Well?..." I asked blushing, her body was so toned. She had an amazing six pack.

"Oh! Right...I was skateboarding and turned the curb sorta sharp, so I fell over and cut the side of me."

"S-sounds like it hurt..." I said still looking at her stomach.

"It did, but I'm alright now." She said as she messed with her hair.

"Oh ! Hey flutterShy can you help me with something?" She asked.

"S-sure..." I said as I looked at her.

She stood up and I still sat on my bed.

"Can you get my backpack for me?" She asked and i gotten her backpack.

She pulled out some more bandages.

"Mind wrapping these around me?" She asked.

I nodded.

At first I wrapped the first later without it seeming weird.

"L-like this?" I asked slowly.

"Yeah..." She said.

After about 2 layers later I reached the 3rd and which was the last one. They're really thin.

Once I finished we looked at each other face to face. Our noses were practically touching.

"H-hi..." I said.

"H-hey..." She said as she looked at me deeply.

My hands were touching her waist.

She glared at my lips.

"I-I'm sorry..." I said as I pulled away blushing, slowly.

"What for?" She said as she pulled me back, nearly kissing me.

"You don't have to be sorry..." She said as she stroked my hair.

She leaned in, and so did I.
I didn't refuse her kiss, so kissed her back, over and over again. She laid me on my bed and laid me on my back.

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