F=RD squared.

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FlutterShy's POV- I sat up with my back pressed against the wall, and Dashie between my legs. There was a cover over us and we were holding hands.

"Hey...." Dash said as she looked up at me.

"Hello..." I said as I barely put my lips to her forehead.

"You know...i am sorry for earlier..." She said as she closed her eyes.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because...it was like, I was pressuring you to go out with me..." She said as still had her eyes closed.

"Well....i-it's okay Dashie." I said as I kissed her forehead.

"You're not uncomfortable around me?...." She asked.

"Not at all..." I said slowly.

"Shy?" She started.

Oh, whenever she called me that chills went up my spine.

"Y-yes..." I said as I looked at the dark blue sky.

"I'm really glad you decided to stare at the school the first day you came." She said.

"And why is that?..." I asked.

"Because, If you didn't, than I don't think you'd be here with me right now." She said as she opened her eyes.

I blushed and kissed her forehead.

"Mind if I tell you something?..." I said.

"Lay it on me..." She said.

"Well, y-you see, I'm really glad you decided to talk to me the first day I came."

"Oh yeah, why's that?" She asked as she smiled.

"Because, I d-don't think I would have ever worked up the courage to talk to you myself." I said as I blushed dark red.

She sat up, and faced in my direction.

"W-what?" She asked.

"Yes... I would've probably felt like... Like some type of freak talking to you.." I said as I looked away.

"Flutters, you aren't a freak, you're amazing, beautiful, sweet... Even if you aren't mine, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me." She said softly as she grinned at me, grabbing my hand.

"O-oh...d-dash...you really mean that?" I asked.

She nodded. "Of course I do." She said as she leaned in, she wanted to kiss me, dear god! I'm enjoying this moment but but but but! Oh no! Her lips are close.

I quickly scooted down and laid on my back.

"Hehe...Hi..." I said.

She looked down at me.

"Hi..." She said as she's on top of me.

I can feel the heat off her body.

"FlutterShy?" She said.

"Y-yes RainbowDash?" I said.

"Can I kiss you?" She asked as she blushed dark red.

"U-uh... Y-yeah... I-if you want..." I said as I blushed an even darker shade than her.

She leaned in and kissed me, she was so warm. But I didn't like how we weren't dating, but we were being cute which each other and stuff.

I kissed her back, so she wouldn't get the vibe that I don't like her, because I do, I like her a lot.

Gaining Hope: a flutterdash fanficWhere stories live. Discover now