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Dash's POV- after 4th period, I met up with FlutterShy and went into the lunch room, we got in line and soon sat down at my table with all my friends.

"Hey guys..." I said as FlutterShy sat next to me.

"Hey dash." All the girls said in unison.

"This is FlutterShy." I said she waved at them.

"Oh! Hey I met you! Me and Twilight both!" Pinkie pie shouted as she smiled brightly.

"Well I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you, I am Rarity, and this here is AppleJack." Rarity said as she messed with AppleJacks hat.

"So, how did you guys meet?" I asked as I looked at pinkie.

"Weeeeeeeelllll... Me and Twilight were coming to school and then I saw her after you talked to her, and I decided to introduce myself! And Twilight too!" Pinkie said as she ate her cupcakes.

"Hm..." I said as I bit my burger.

After letting FlutterShy get to know my friends I sat there watching her mouth move.

"Excuse me FlutterShy, but I couldn't help but notice how Rainbow's looking at you" twilight said as she smirked at me.

I started blushing.

"U-um..looking at her like what?!" I asked nervously.

"Ooooh! Rainbow!" Pinkie teased.

I hide my face. And I heard FlutterShy giggled.

"You two...not to be pushing anything...would look adorable together..." Rarity said.

FlutterShy and I both started blushing, the nerve of my friends! I only met the girl a few days ago, and already they're gonna drive her off.

"Uh FlutterShy, can I talk to you for a moment?" I said as i gotten up.

She nodded and followed behind me.

As I walked away I heard the rest of the girls giggle.

We went walking into the halls.

"Look, I'm sorry about my friends, they can be a little... Well weird...hope they didn't make you feel uncomfortable." I said as I looked at her.

"Oh no, not at all. They were funny." She said.

"Now I bet you-- wait huh?" I said.

"Yeah, they are pretty funny. And... I sort of liked the jokes about you and I." She said as she grinned softly.

I smiled back and we walked back into the lunchroom and sat down.

"Oh! Back from a make-out session I suppose?" Rarity said as she raised an eyebrow.

FlutterShy and I both looked at each other.

"Well no.." I said slowly.

As we were all talking I saw Rarity nudge AppleJack.

"oh! Um...guys we have something to tell you.." AppleJack said

"Lay it on us." Twilight said.

I bet it was about their relationship.

"Well--" AppleJack started.

"Hold it! Isthisaboutyoutwo's relationship?You'vewantedtotellus allbutyoucouldn'tbecauseyou thoughtwewouldactfunnybutwewon't!Andnowyou'vehadthisdate plannedtotelluswhichwastoday!" Pinkie Pie said as she looked at us smiling.

"H-how did you?..." Rarity said, and which I couldn't believe she understood what pinkie said while she was talking that fast.

"Either way it goes! It's true! Rarity and I are .... Dating and stuff..." Aj said as she looked at rarity.

"Congratulations.." twilight said
We all smiled and soon lunch was over. And me and FlutterShy started walking to fifth period.

"Wow, I really like your friends." She said as she walked close by my side.

"What do you mean my friends? They like you, so they're our friends." I said as I smiled at her. She smiled back.

Our fifth periods were next door to each other so we made our way to class.

Gaining Hope: a flutterdash fanficWhere stories live. Discover now