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"it's been a week but we couldn't found out whether it's Dahyun or Tzuyu!" Eunha frowned

"I think it's not both of them" said Umji

"No, i'm sure it's them. I'm so sure" Sowon convinced both the juniors

"Just wait, the time will come... Today i want you two to look up at Tzuyu, ignore Dahyun. I'm so curious about her" add Sowon.

Eunha and Umji nodded, not giving up


Tzuyu walked to school as happily while listening to her Stray Kids' playlist

She arrived at school sharp at 11.00 AM, one hour early, putting her bags into her locker and went to canteen since the first period got cancelled.

She saw Dahyun waving her hands at her from her sit, while doing unfinished homework

"Yo buddy wassup? I see that you are alone today... Where's others?" ask Tzuyu as soon she sit behind Dahyun

"They went to internet cafe. I don't want to stand outside of the class so i did Mr.Lee unfinished homework or else i'll die"

Dahyun added "Did you finish it already? Can i copy it? Hehe"

"Of course. But don't make it too obvious okay?" said Tzuyu and went to take her homework in her locker

On the way to canteen back, Tzuyu walk fast but she suddenly stumbled.

She fell down and her books is scattered everywhere.

"Auch" she groan. She look at her knees and thought it bled, but it's not thankfully.

Dahyun who saw it from afar already laughing at the top of her lungs. Tzuyu relieved that there's not much people at that time who saw her fell

Suddenly she saw someone familiar from afar that'll cross this path

oh crap it's Taehyung and his friend!

She quickly pick up her books and quickly stand up and walk as if nothing happened.

But too bad, because of nervousness overload crossing path with her crush, she fell right in front of Taehyung.

Tzuyu this is your bad day  she murmured in her heart. Not wanting to show her face and keep looking down as she still on the ground.

Taehyung's friend, Yoongi asked if Tzuyu need help

"Are you okay?" said Yoongi while stopping himself from bursting laugh

She nodded and shooshed them to continue walking.

The two boys continue walking, and they both burst out laugh after they thought it was far, but Tzuyu can still hear it.

She picked up her books again and quickly sitting behind Dahyun hiding her face

"At this moment you knew you fucked up" said Dahyun still laughing

"Ah shut up do your work or else i take my book back" Tzuyu rolled her eyes and adjusted her messy hair

"Do you see how Taehyung's face just now? I don't see his face because im too fucking embarrassed" add Tzuyu.

"I see. He just keep his straight face like usual. I think he have personalities problem" said Dahyun, while copying Tzuyu's homework.

Dahyun added "But he laughed" Tzuyu never felt this ashamed before

"Take a lesson. Don't you ever cross path with him again!" Dahyun giggled

Tzuyu rolled her eyes once again


hello guys it's -yadom! I'm sorry for this slow update istg so many things happened these days. I just can't believe that Momo and Heechul are dating? What do you guys think about this? Also i may be updating two chapters today because of the late update!! Thank you for reading everyone ♡

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