thirty six

444 44 3

Tzuyu's POV

Today was a very tired day and unexpected day. I want to rest now.

"Tzuyu! Come here!" My mom's calling me.

Sighs. Plz I don't want birthday dinner tonight.

I walk lazily to the living room. "Yes mom?"

"Me and Dad is gonna be super busy tomorrow. Are you free tonight? Let's go out for your birthday dinner?" my mom asks me.

I wish I could reject but she's my mom. "Alright mom"

"Make sure to wear the dress that I bought last week. It suits you" said Mom.

"Okay mom. Will Yukhei tag along too?"

Mom nodded. Grh I hate him so much. How dare he told mom that I have a crush. Thank God mom didn't really listen to what he said.

I finished dressing up quickly as I'm not in the mood for going out.

The atmosphere in the car is quiet.

Dad ask me "What do you want for your birthday?"

"I don't want anything. I wish that we can celebrate at home tho"

"You know we're busy right? Next year we'll celebrate at home, okay?" said Mom.

Mom said that every year. Nevermind atleast today my friends celebrated my birthday today.

We arrived at the restaurant my dad booked. Honestly it's quite awkward to spend time with my parents because they're rarely home.

Time passed and as soon we finished eating my mom received a call that they have an emergency and needs to fly to Jeju before tomorrow.

"Happy Birthday Tzuyu. I will ask Driver Lee to pick you both later. Here's your gift and pocket money to go shopping with Yukhei. Bye bye!" Mom and Dad left us alone.

"That's sad lmao" Yukhei laughs. "Do you wanna go to the mall?" he asks me.

"I'm tired" I reply

"Listen I'm trying to cheer you up okay! Let's go to the arcade in the mall?? Plz who knows you'll meet your crush there" said Yukhei.

"Fine let's go. Let's eat ice cream too. Your treat since tomorrow is my birthday?"

We entered the mall. Even though it's not weekends the mall is always packed with people.

We both go to the arcade and eat ice cream together.

"It's 11PM already? Let's go home. You call Driver Lee" said Yukhei.

As I was about to call, I saw two familiar figure walking pass by me.

"T-Taehyung and Yoongi?" I accidentally said that out loud.

They both turn their back to find the voice. I quickly hide behind my tall brother.

"What's wrong with you?" Yukhei asks me.

"Shit you're right. I just saw my crush just now with his friend" Yukhei was right.

"My instinct is always right. What he's doing here? How does he looks like? Is he handsome?" ask Yukhei.

Tzuyu nodded "I don't know. Probably hanging out. Let's go home. I'm tired"

I don't want to mind much about Taehyung. I mean after all we all live in same region, of course we could have bumped into each other at some point.

Once i reach home, I forgot everything and sleep. It was just so tiring today.


3rd Person's POV

Tzuyu is late for school. She woke up quite late and she forgot where she put her sock.

She ran as fast as possible to her class forgetting to take her textbook in her locker.

Thank god she made it there on time, but she had to share textbook with Dahyun.

"Phew, I'm so tired! Yesterday is not even my birthday but everyone was busy celebrating my birthday. I hope I can rest well today on my birthday" sigh Tzuyu as soon as her third class finished.

"Well, unfortunately Ms. Im will do extra class today. We'll go back home at 8PM today" said Dahyun.

"What? 8PM?" Tzuyu felt like dying.

"Anyway here's your gift. Open it at home, okay? Oh, did Mingyu gave you your gift already?" ask Dahyun.

"Yeah, he and Mina gave to me yesterday. I didn't open it yet. Thank you Dahyun for the gift" Tzuyu thanked Dahyun.

"Let's go to your locker first. Take your textbooks for the next lesson after recess" Dahyun helps Tzuyu get up.

Tzuyu honestly didn't expect anything to pop out from her locker. The only people who knows that today is her birthday is probably her classmates and her friends.

The moment she opened her locker, she saw a bouquet of chocolates with a small box that's wrapped neatly.

She's startled, and stopping herself to scream.

"Woah Dahyun look here" said Tzuyu.

"Damn lucky. Who gave this?" ask Dahyun.

Tzuyu shakes her head. She take the small note placed in between the chocolates.

happy birthday Tzuyu =}

meet me at rooftop after
school alone ok

pls wear my gift :)


"is this perhaps.. Taehyung?" Dahyun take a guess.

Tzuyu is speechless. She don't know what to feel. Excited or Shocked? Or Both?

"Expect a love confession today" Dahyun is teasing Tzuyu.

"Dahyun...what if it's Taehyung?" Tzuyu finally spoke after some time.

"I also think it's him" said Dahyun.

"But he's not the only one who name starts with T" said Tzuyu.

"I mean you can hope tho. Wohoooooo Tzuyu is going to have boyfriend now omg" Dahyun continue to tease her friend.

"What did he give you?" ask Dahyun

"A necklace???" Tzuyu took out the necklace out from the box.

Tzuyu hope for school to end quickly to see who's the T. Is it really Taehyung?


omg omg omg

is it really Taehyung? or it's another boy? take a guess ◠‿・. next chapter will be released on Saturday please keep waiting hehe!

love you guys always! i hope you guys had a great morning/day today!
stay safe and always wash ur hands okay!!

see you this Saturday!!

-yadom 🍓

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