chapter 2 fanfic 1

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Bold=issa reading and story.
Issa: ok this one is from one shots ouch! Chapter 11 By beyondtheclouds777.
Everyone just stayed quiet.
Title: Don't Test My Patience

Summary: When Snotlout is an idiot (what else is new?), Hiccup becomes extremely frustrated, and disappears. The riders think Hiccup just wants some alone time . . . until Hiccup doesn't come back for two days straight. The riders will have to find him, before it's too late.

Everyone snickered when the summary said snotlout was an idiot but berk was a little worried when it said that hiccup will be missing for 2 days.
Snotlout was being an idiot.


And that basically summed up Hiccup's life on Dragon's Edge. Snotlout was an idiot, new dragon species, Dagur was attacking, Berserkers were everywhere, they were in mortal danger, Snotlout was an idiot, new map from the dragon eye! Yay! Snotlout was an idiot. New dragon species turned out to to be not so friendly! Oh brother! Snotlout was an idiot.

Everyone was laughing really hard.

Snotlout was an idiot.

Snotlout was an idiot.

Hey, guess what, world? There had been a development: Snotlout was an idiot.

Hiccup: this book really describes you cuz!

Snotlout growled.

Hiccup always knew Snotlout was an idiot. Of course he did. But he never thought Snotlout would think he was dying, for yet the second time, despite what the riders told him over and over again, about how he was really NOT dying and had nothing to worry about.

Yet, Snotlout still insisted that he was bitten by a Lunar Gunar - a dragon of his own invention that, frankly, did not exist. Hiccup knew Snotlout was doing it for attention. He wanted attention, that was all he wanted, and if he got that once, he would keep trying to get it again, and again, until he drove Hiccup and the other dragon riders right up the wall.

Snotlout laid sprawled out on the floor, crying out, "I can see the Valkyries! They are coming to welcome me to-"

SNOTLOUT!" Hiccup shouted for the utmost time that day. "YOU. ARE. NOT. DYING!"

Everyone was shocked because hiccup yelled,they have never heard hiccup yell ever.

Astrid agreed. "Yeah," she said. "Don't get our hopes up, Snotface."

Snotlout only groaned again. "I shall go in peace," he said. "Fear not."

"Oh, brother," Fishlegs groaned.

"Yeah, you know what?" Hiccup said, his built up frustration finally exploding. "If you don't want to listen to reason, that's fine by me." He turned on his heel and stomped out of the Clubhouse angrily.

Hiccup: yup this is made up as s###.

Toothless: agree.

Everyone looked shocked.

Toothless: dont ask.

"Where are you going?" Astrid called after him.

"I'm going to clear my head!" Hiccup called back, and was gone a moment later. No one followed him - not even Toothless. He continued walking, stomping, marching angrily towards the far points of Dragon's Edge, where he could hopefully get some peace and quiet for a bit before he had to face his lunatic cousin again.

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