chapter 15 fanfic 9 ch 1

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Bold=barf reading.
Barf: issa can i read next?
Issa: why of course you can barf.
Then issa handed barf the book and soon began to read.

Not A Pet! by Post U Later

Chapter 1: Snotlout Starts It All

Barf: i have a bad feeling.

It was well known that Hiccup was kind of a push over. When he was asked to do something, he usually did it without any complaint, even when he knew it was someone else's job or if it was too big for only him to do. It would finish it even if it even if it took him all night. It was the one major fault in his personality that every one took advantage of, even if he was the Chief's kid.

And it only seemed to get worse since the dragons moved to Berk.

He was the go to guy on how to treat Dragons. If they wouldn't eat, he knew it was because each Dragon Species was picky about what type of fish it ate. If dragons chewed on the furniture, he knew it was because their yearly teeth were falling out and it would pass in a few days. If there was a new bread causing trouble, Hiccup was the go to guy to either tame them or get them away from Berk.

Hiccup: wow.

Hiccup was the only one who had tamed a Night Fury after all.

The dragon was by far the opposite of Hiccup. He would only do what he wanted and listened to no one, except Hiccup of course, he even ignore Astrid and Stoic, only listening to Astrid if Hiccup was in trouble. Astrid was the only one who was allowed to ride him if Hiccup wasn't around, but he would choose where they would go. No one dared to approach the dragon if Hiccup wasn't around. They were astounded that their little push over Hiccup could tame such a wild dragon and keep it as a pet. They all constantly wondered how he did it, what his trick was.

It was typical after noon in the village of Berk, or rather, the new typical for Berk; the sun was shining and the dragons were flying around, peacefully helping out the village. Many of the Viking residents were in the Lunch Hall for, well, lunch. All the teens were there enjoying the happy meal. Hiccup and Toothless, the only dragon allowed in the Lunch Hall, were sitting across from the others, they rarely got to eat lunch with their friends, usually too busy with tasks given to him by either Stoic or someone looking for help. He didn't mind, it made him feel useful and wanted, even if it usually drove him to exhaustion only for him to sneak off with Toothless at the end of the week to fly around and relax.

They were all enjoying their meals when Toothless laid his head on the table next to Hiccup and nudged him, wordlessly asking for more food, preferably the large piece of chicken on Hiccup's plate.

"No Bud, that's mine." Hiccup laughed and pushed Toothless's head away, but the dragon kept nudging him. "Stop it Toothless, I'll get you some more fish later."

Toothless ignore him and nabbed the chicken off the plate, quickly swallowing it in one bite.

"Toothless!" Hiccup scolded. "What did I just tell you? That was mine!"

Toothless just gave him a warbly laugh in return before turning away and laying back down. Hiccup glared down at his friend before sighing, he couldn't help it now, the chicken was gone. He'd been hungry too, which was why he'd taken such a big piece in the first place, but now he'd just have to settle with the bit of lamb and the vegetables he'd also taken.

He heard a few snickers and looked up to see the Teens and a few of the surrounding Vikings chuckling at him and Toothless. Hiccup glared at them, had they never seen two friends have a small fight before? Surely they had... right?

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