chapter 17 fanfic 9 ch 3

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Bold=tuffnut reading.
Tuffnut: issa can i read again?
Issa: sure.
Then issa threw the book at tuffnut and soon began to read even if the book broke his nose(the book is very heavy if you all wanted to know).

Chapter 3: tuffnut's idiocy

"And then he launched himself over the table!" Ruffnut squealed in delight.

The Twins were laughing as they recounted, what they were calling, 'The Attack of Hiccup,' for what was probably the tenth time just that day. It was nearing nighttime, and were all headed to the Hall for Dinner.

"Yeah, he totally kicked your butt." Tuffnut laughed, pointing at Snotlout as they entered the Hall.

"He just caught me by surprise." Snotlout huffed out nasally, his nose still sore and bandaged, and sitting down at a table, folding his arms over his chest. "If it had been a fair fight, I'd have kicked his butt."

"I-I don't know Snotlout, Hiccup seemed to have lost it there." Fishlegs interjected sitting next to him. "I've never seen him like that before, and I've spent the most time with him."

Hiccup smiled.

"He's normally so, small and weak." Tuffnut said confused, plopping down across from Fishlegs.

"I wonder if it was a one time thing?" Fishlegs thought out loud as he ate his food.

"Oh, I would LOVE to see him go crazy like that again!" Ruff practically swooned from her spot next to her brother.

"It seemed to stem from Snotlout calling Toothless a pet." Fishlegs said, causing the Twins to grin at each other. "Uh, but I wouldn't recommend doing it!"

"Oh, I'm so doing it now." Ruff smirked, grabbing a chicken leg and devouring it.

"No, I'm going to do it!" Tuff argued, banging his head against hers.

"I doubt Hiccup would attack a girl, even if she did call Toothless a pet." Astrid spoke up for the first time since they left the healers.

Everyone even hiccup nodded in agreement.

She shook her head as she ate, sure she knew that Hiccup hated the 'P-word,' but she also knew she couldn't stop the others from their stupid plans, she could only sit back and enjoy the blood bath. She couldn't believe she hung out with these morons.

"Yeah, so I should get beat up by Hiccup!" Tuff said proudly, hitting his chest with his mug, before realizing what he'd just said. "Wait a minute..."

"No backing out Tuff!" Snotlout smiled, pointing his fork at him.


"I DARE you to call Toothless a pet in front of Hiccup." Ruff said gleefully, knowing her brother couldn't turn down a dare.

"Fine! Usual stakes?" Tuff glared at his sister.


They spat in their hands, shook, then clashed their heads together before grinning at each other. No one dared mention that their 'Usual stakes', which consisted of them swapping clothes, meant that no matter who won or lost, both still had to wear the other's clothes.

The twins realized it and yelled.

"Come on then, lets go find Hiccup and Toothless!" Snotlout said excitedly standing up from the table. Someone else was going to get hurt and for once excited the attention was going to be off him.

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