chapter 13 fanfic 7

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Bold= meatlug reading.
Issa: so whos reading next?
Meatlug: i will.
Issa: ok here you go.
Then issa handed meatlug the book and soon she began to read.

Through the Hurts by thepurplewriter333271.

Chapter 12: The Sick Card

The Sick Card: When Hiccup gets a nasty case of Eel Pox at the Edge, the Riders have to take care of him. But unfortunately, a sick Hiccup is a clingy Hiccup... Requested by SailorMew4

Stoick: the summary is right.

Hiccup did the mature thing and sticked his tongue at his dad.

"I told you," Hiccup huffed, struggling to sit up in bed. "I'm fine."

Astrid placed a fake smile on her lips, rolling her eyes. "Sure you are! That's why you're burning up all over, and have thrown up three times already today. Come on, face it, Hiccup- you're sick!"

"I'm not sick," Hiccup muttered. "Just... just..."

"Ooh ooh!" Tuff cried from the other side of the room. "Just what? Ugh, don't tell me... how many guesses do we get?"

Everyone facepalmed.

Astrid put a hand on her hip. "Tuff, this is serious. We don't know what Hiccup is sick with, and if there's some type of cure we need to get... Tuffnut, are you even listening to a word I'm saying? Tuffnut!"

Tuffnut was not listening to Astrid at all. In fact, he was mimicking how Astrid was acting to Ruffnut, and the twins laughed to themselves. "I'm Astrid," Tuffnut mocked, swaggering around. "I want everyone to do exactly what I say, and when I say it. Na na na..."

Astrid was ready to draw her axe, but Heather interceded. "Come on, guys. Hiccup's sick. At least show a little compassion."

Hiccup groaned, sinking into his bed covers. "Not sick..."

"Based on your symptoms so far, you are," Fishlegs said, adding a little whimper at the end like he was afraid to break the news. "But with what, though?"

Snotlout crossed his arms. "Probably just a little cold. Leave it to Hiccup to get this sick!"

Hiccup sat up. "For the last time, guys, I'm not-" His face suddenly turned an ugly shade of green. "I need a bucket," he gasped, clutching his stomach. "Now."

Astrid, knowing what he meant, was on him in an instant. She grabbed the bucket she had washed out earlier from the doorway, and ran over to Hiccup, placing it under his chin. The boy convulsed, throwing up once... twice... and then three times.

"Oh, man, he really is sick!" Snotlout laughed. "Wow!"

Then hiccup growled at snotlout which scared him.

Astrid shot him a glare, angry with him for laughing at a thing like this. "Was that not clear already?" When Snotlout silenced, she returned her attention to Hiccup. She winced at the sight of him now. He looked dangerously pale at the moment, and was shaking all over. "Hiccup? You okay?" she asked.

Hiccup looked up at her with a dazed expression. "Hot," he managed out, right before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he passed out.

Everryone eyes widen.

The group gasped, and Astrid yelled, "Hiccup!", catching his head.

"Oh Thor," Fishlegs murmured, a hand flying to his mouth. "Oh Thor, oh Thor..."

Tuffnut looked amazed. "Woah! He like totally passed out!"

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